Wikluh Sky - Šta ti je brate - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wikluh Sky - Šta ti je brate

Šta ti je brate
What's wrong with you, bro?
Šta ti je brate,
What's wrong with you, bro,
Ti znaš da ne postoje reči koje promeniće je
You know there are no words that will change her
Trebalo bi da ideš dalje
You should move on
Da pustiš to, jer je gotovo.
Let it go, because it's over.
Kolko je glupo kad se setiš svih stvari sa njom
How stupid it is when you remember all the things with her
Dobrih i loših i nije bitno po redosledu kom
Good and bad and it doesn't matter in what order
I ne znaš zašto se svega sećaš kad je to sve prošlo
And you don't know why you remember everything when it's all over
Kad ne želiš da ima drugog frajera
When you don't want her to have another guy
A ona ne želi da je s tobom (kao, beži od mene.)
And she doesn't want to be with you (like, get away from me.)
Buljiš u prazan prostor počinješ malo da ludiš
You stare into empty space, you start to go a little crazy
Jer u deliću sekunde svet se ruši pa se sigurno gubiš (aj zdravo)
Because in a split second the world collapses so you surely get lost (bye)
To je tako jer znaš da se ona, u stvari, jebeno trudi
It's like that because you know that she's actually trying hard
Da pusti sve u kurac, pa muči sve njeno po tvojoj kući
To let everything go to hell, so she torments everything of hers around your house
I jeste, našla je njega novog/onog pa je pomalo buni
And yes, she found him new/that one so it confuses her a little
što sreću zbog svega toga, bezveze ponekad mora da glumi (bezveze)
that happiness because of all that, she sometimes has to pretend for no reason (for no reason)
To mesecima traje, sve dok je ne pozoveš
It lasts for months, until you call her
I kao mislim, ono bezveze, da vidiš kako je
And like I think, like for no reason, to see how she is
Jer drugo ne možeš ni da hoćeš
Because you can't do anything else even if you want to
To sve radiš ne bi li se osetio još malo gluplje
You do all this just to feel a little more stupid
Jer čuješ, čuješ da tu je, čuješ njene suze
Because you hear, you hear that she's there, you hear her tears
I psuješ i pljuješ i dalje govori kako si u stvari super
And you curse and spit and keep saying how you're actually great
I dalje tu je, i dalje ne ispušta slušalicu iz ruke
She's still there, she still doesn't let go of the receiver
Obećo bi joj svašta al je postala "biće tuđe"
You would promise her anything but she has become "someone else's being"
Sve ostalo je mašta, jer ovaj život vam izgleda nije suđen
Everything else is imagination, because this life doesn't seem to be meant for you
Navika je zajeb čist, po pitanju duše
Habit is a pure fuck-up, in terms of the soul
A i kolko god grozno bilo, želish njenu pored sebe još malo duže
And no matter how awful it is, you want hers by your side for a little longer
Prođe vrlo malo pre nego što sve krene po starom
It doesn't take long before everything starts all over again
Kad reči postanu udarci, šamari što nabadaš glavom
When words become blows, slaps that you stab with your head
Kad svađe postanu smeh, a smeh tekst što vam rodi ljubav
When quarrels become laughter, and laughter becomes a text that gives birth to love
Kad ti sama priča o tome, kolko je taj frajer u stvari glupav (budala)
When she tells you herself, how stupid that guy really is (idiot)
Razmišljaš. šta vas je skrenulo sa puta
You're thinking, what got you off track
Gde se sjebalo sve, što je stalno, stalno zbog tebe ljuta
Where did everything get fucked up, that she's always, always mad at you because of you
Dođe ti da razbiješ sve po gajbi, pobacaš kroz prozore
You feel like smashing everything around the apartment, throwing it out the windows
Dođe ti da staneš mirno i glavom zaustavljaš vozove
You feel like standing still and stopping trains with your head
Znam, znam ovo je bruka, sad zbog nje kukam
I know, I know this is a shame, now I'm crying because of her
Al šta sad, kad mi je lobanja zbog nje skroz pukla
But what now, when my skull is completely cracked because of her
I o, da. fališ mi više nego ikada igde išta
And oh, yeah. I miss you more than anything, anywhere
Više nego bilo koji dilan dog, više nego bilo koja zika
More than any Dylan dog, more than any Zika
Jebeno ne verujem da ti sad okrećeš se i pališ
I fucking don't believe you're turning around and leaving now
Posle svih sranja što smo pričali izgleda da smo samo srali (njii)
After all the shit we talked about, it looks like we were just bullshitting (neigh)
I taj tvoj mali je šupak, da ti kažem mi smo bili drugari
And that little one of yours is an asshole, let me tell you, we were friends
I to što s tobom sad radi je teško sranje, ljubavi, znaš li
And what he's doing to you now is a tough shit, honey, you know
Osećao bih se sad glupo kad bi rekao ružne reči o tebi
I would feel stupid now if I said bad things about you
Veruj mi probo sam, to sve, al kurcu ništa ne vredi
Believe me, I've tried, all that, but it's no use
Jer opet koliko sam, glupo lud za tobom, ja bih ti oprostio
Because again, as stupidly crazy as I am about you, I would forgive you
I sve ostalo i sve ostalo, sve bi se s logikom kosilo...
And everything else and everything else, everything would defy logic...

Авторы: Djordje Miljenovic, Compositeur Auteur Inconnu

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