潘瑋柏 - HOW ARE YOU - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 潘瑋柏 - HOW ARE YOU

How are you 今天的你 想念著每天的你
How are you My dear, thinking of you everyday
Do you and I need a little review
多希望膩在一起 不管今天星期幾 想念你慢慢變成我的呼吸
I wish we could be together I miss you so much
How are you 今天的你 想念著每天的你
How are you My dear, thinking of you everyday
Do you and I need a little review
多希望膩在一起 不管今天星期幾 想念你慢慢變成我的呼吸
I wish we could be together I miss you so much
翻開我們愛情簿子裡的第一天 握手打個招呼形成當天的畫面
Open the first page of our love book Greet you with a handshake and greet you
Do you remember that we were very shy at that time
才剛分開就猜測 你在想什麼 要什麼
We just separated and guessed what you were thinking and what you wanted
第二天 你準備好了沒 要不要我打電話給誰(誰)
The second day Are you ready Do you want me to call whom
口中唱著無所謂 但真的希望你陪
Singing doesn't matter in my mouth But I really hope you will be with me
Go ahead 出來吧 make it a good uhh uhhh day
Go ahead Come on make it a good uhh uhhh day
Day 3 唱歌 下棋 隨便你 喝咖啡幫你多加點糖
Day 3 Singing, chess, whatever you want Drink coffee for you and add more sugar
想睡一覺 就幫你找張床 開玩笑 別介意 我想你一定懂我的心
I want to take a nap Find you a bed Just kidding Don't mind I think you must understand my heart
穿上我的 Nike khaki 不是臭屁 gotta make you my baby
Put on my Nike khaki Not being stinky gotta make you my baby
第一次的機會要追求完美 你一定也會跟著我說 yeah yeah
The first opportunity to pursue perfection You must also say yeah yeah with me
How are you 今天的你 想念著每天的你
How are you My dear, thinking of you everyday
Do you and I need a little review
多希望膩在一起 不管今天星期幾 想念你慢慢變成我的呼吸
I wish we could be together I miss you so much
How are you 今天的你 想念著每天的你
How are you My dear, thinking of you everyday
Do you and I need a little review
多希望膩在一起 不管今天星期幾 想念你慢慢變成我的呼吸
I wish we could be together I miss you so much
昨天沒三振出局 今天就想要延續
I didn't strike out yesterday, I want to continue today
沒你在有些落寞 真的有些話想跟你說說說 uhh
It's a little lonely without you I really want to tell you some words
到底要不要我再做 要不要我再說 要不要你真的來瞭解我
Do you want me to do it again Do you want me to say it again Do you really want to understand me
一起生活 一起發火 不能自我 不要我行我素嫌我囉唆
Be together Ignite together Can't be egoistic Don't be self righteous and hate my nagging
第五天口角 真的沒必要 'cause baby 我會安撫心中所有的需要
The fifth day of debate Really unnecessary 'cause baby I will comfort all the needs in my heart
喝著一點 crystal I make yo go wow
Drink some crystal I make yo go wow
但今晚絕對不會犯規 foul foul foul
But tonight I will never foul foul foul
六天五夜的旅途 焦點不模糊
Six day and five night Journey Focus is not blurred
現在心中想的都是幾個你 又有幾個我
Now all I think about is how many you and how many me
七天我們看到永遠 yo girl, you better listen to this
Seven days we see forever Yo girl, you better listen to this
現代浪漫電影不太多 生活裡尋找感動
There are not many modern romantic movies Looking for the moving in life
故事裡 只要你和我 反覆的不停播送
In the story, only you and me Playing repeatedly
How are you 今天的你 想念著每天的你
How are you My dear, thinking of you everyday
Do you and I need a little review
多希望膩在一起 不管今天星期幾 想念你慢慢變成我的呼吸
I wish we could be together I miss you so much
How are you 今天的你 想念著每天的你
How are you My dear, thinking of you everyday
Do you and I need a little review
多希望膩在一起 不管今天星期幾 想念你慢慢變成我的呼吸
I wish we could be together I miss you so much
I miss you slowly becoming my breath
I miss you slowly becoming my breath

Авторы: Lee Young Hoon, Disco Fighter 1

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