Wohnout - No Tak Ahoj - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wohnout - No Tak Ahoj

No Tak Ahoj
No Tak Ahoj
Seděl jsem u kafe, hrála hudba a byla to vata,
I sat down with my coffee, the music was playing and it was rubbish,
Když najednou na podlaze zamrkaly dvě koťata.
When suddenly on the floor two kittens blinked.
Mňau, mňau, pane, pane, po obědě vítr vane,
Meow, meow, sir, sir, after lunch the wind is blowing,
Měl byste si místo kafe dáti bacha.
You should be paying attention instead of drinking coffee.
No tak ahoj, mne to doma nebavilo no a proto jsem vypad,
Well hello, I couldn't stand being at home any longer and that's why I left,
Stačilo málo a stal by se ze asi psychopat.
It only took a little and I probably would have become a psychopath.
Tak si dám kafe a sednu si do chládku na zahrádku,
So I'll have a coffee and sit in the shade on the terrace,
Jenomže jak zjišťuju ani tady není zdaleka vše v pořádku.
But as I'm finding out, even here not everything is far from okay.
Tak třeba támhle se lidi snaží marně vymačkat z kapra kaviár,
For example, over there people are trying in vain to squeeze caviar from carp,
No to je materiál.
They're something else.
No tak ahoj, ty jdeš pryč?
Well hello, are you leaving already?
mne to doma nebavilo, propadal jsem depresi,
I couldn't stand being at home any longer, I was falling into depression,
To radši budu mít v noci nad hlavou nebe, nežli postel s nebesy.
I'd rather have the sky above my head at night than a four-poster bed.
Chci vidět úplně všechno, abych moh potom o tom doma vyprávět,
I want to see absolutely everything, so that I can talk about it at home later,
Jenomže jak zjišťuju, tak je venku jakoby takovej zvláštní svět.
But as I'm finding out, it's as though there's some kind of a strange world outside.
Tak třeba támhle se lidi snaží marně vymačkat z kapra kaviár,
For example, over there people are trying in vain to squeeze caviar from carp,
No to je materiál.
They're something else.
Seděl jsem u kafe, hrála hudba a byla to vata,
I sat down with my coffee, the music was playing and it was rubbish,
Když najednou na podlaze zamrkaly dvě koťata.
When suddenly on the floor two kittens blinked.
Mňau, mňau, pane, pane, po obloze vítr vane,
Meow, meow, sir, sir, after the sky the wind is blowing,
Měl byste se místo kafe sbalit radši na kanape.
Instead of having coffee, you should pack up and head for the sofa.
Tam si povíme všechno, i to co nevíme
There we'll tell each other everything, even the things we don't know
A když nás podrbete za ušima, zjistíte že vrníme.
And when you scratch us behind the ears, you'll notice that we purr.
Mňau, mňau, pane, pane, po obloze vítr vane,
Meow, meow, sir, sir, after the sky the wind is blowing,
to tedy beru, i když nemám tušení, co se stane.
I'll take that, even though I have no idea what will happen.

Авторы: matej homola

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