Wolandia - Vete (Cumbia Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wolandia - Vete (Cumbia Version)

Vete (Cumbia Version)
Go Away (Cumbia Version)
Me enamoré, yo todo dejé
I fell in love, I gave up everything
El mundo entero lo puse a tus pies,
I put the whole world at your feet,
Pero fue en vano, tu amor ne era sano
But it was in vain, your love was not healthy
Estoy destrozado contigo a tu lado,
I'm broken with you by my side,
Y ahora vete, vete,
And now go away, go away,
Vete, vete,
Go away, go away,
Vete de aquí
Get out of here
Si tu supiera todo el daño que causaste en mi
If you only knew all the damage you caused me
Y ahora vete, vete,
And now go away, go away,
Vete, vete,
Go away, go away,
Vete de aquí
Get out of here
Si tu supiera todo el daño que causaste en mi.
If you only knew all the damage you caused me.
Nunca jamás, jamas,
Never again, never,
Jama, jamas,
Never, never,
Volveré a caer a tus brazos.
I will fall into your arms again.
Nunca jamás, jamas,
Never again, never,
Jama, jamas,
Never, never,
Romperás mi corazón en pedazos.
You will break my heart into pieces.
Tu quieres que me desespere
You want me to despair
Pero ya no puedo
But I can't anymore
Así que viret Baby,
So go away Baby,
Ya fue el Party
The party is over
No te me pongas Jeby
Don't get all clingy on me
Será mejor que te desenredes.
You'd better untie yourself from me.
quieres manejar Mercedes
You want to drive a Mercedes
quieres joyas y placeres
You want jewels and pleasures
Pero todo acabó porque ya no soy tonto
But it's all over because I'm not a fool anymore
Y me desaté de tus redes
And I've freed myself from your clutches
Yo no cambio, ni firmo por la lana
I won't change, nor sign for money
Si estoy contigo yo quedo en pana
If I'm with you, I'll crash
Y no sirvo pa' na'
And I'm good for nothing
Quedo en la misma rama
I'll stay in the same rut
Si tu piensa que de esa yo voy a volver a navegar
If you think I'm going to sail again
Pues te equivocaste porque nuevamente no me vas a engañar
You're wrong because you won't fool me again
Y ahora vete, vete,
And now go away, go away,
Vete, vete,
Go away, go away,
Vete de aquí
Get out of here
Si tu supiera todo el daño que causaste en mi
If you only knew all the damage you caused me
Y ahora vete, vete,
And now go away, go away,
Vete, vete,
Go away, go away,
Vete de aquí
Get out of here
Si tu supiera todo el daño que causaste en mi.
If you only knew all the damage you caused me.
Nunca jamás, jamas,
Never again, never,
Jama, jamas,
Never, never,
Volveré a caer a tus brazos.
I will fall into your arms again.
Nunca jamás, jamas,
Never again, never,
Jama, jamas,
Never, never,
Romperás mi corazón en pedazos.
You will break my heart into pieces.
Con el amor no se juega,
Don't play with love,
No es nintendo,
It's not a game,
It's not SEGA
De poquito la planta se riega
Water the plant little by little
Dime porque no te entregas,
Tell me why you don't give yourself up,
Locura que el tullo no que en la basura,
Crazy that yours is not in the trash,
La vida esta dura hay que ponerle dulzura
Life is hard, you have to add sweetness
Esto es pa' los rudos y las rudas,
This is for the tough guys and gals,
Que levante un poco de ternura
Let's raise a little tenderness
No sufriré más por tu amor,
I won't suffer anymore because of your love,
Yo te di todo y fue en error,
I gave you everything and it was a mistake,
Contigo aumentaré el dolor,
With you, my pain will only grow,
Ahora verte se me parte el corazón.
Now seeing you only breaks my heart.
Y ahora vete, vete,
And now go away, go away,
Vete, vete,
Go away, go away,
Vete de aquí
Get out of here
Si tu supiera todo el daño que causaste en mi
If you only knew all the damage you caused me
Y ahora vete, vete,
And now go away, go away,
Vete, vete,
Go away, go away,
Vete de aquí
Get out of here
Si tu supiera todo el daño que causaste en mi.
If you only knew all the damage you caused me.
Nunca jamás, jamas,
Never again, never,
Jama, jamas,
Never, never,
Volveré a caer a tus brazos.
I will fall into your arms again.
Nunca jamás, jamas,
Never again, never,
Jama, jamas,
Never, never,
Romperás mi corazón en pedazos.
You will break my heart into pieces.
(Ya no volveremos a lo mismo,
(We won't go back to the same old thing,
Tu me entiendes
You get me
Caminar en circulos,
Walking in circles,
Esto no es lo de nosotros
This is not our thing
Tu no pensavas que estuviera pasando)
You didn't think it would be going on)
Yei... wolandia
Yei... wolandia
Hit la music
Hit la music
El laboratorio de los éxitos
The laboratory of successes
Panda!!! magiin!!
Panda!!! magiin!!
Llegó tu hora
Your time is now
Ahora vete
Now go away

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