Wolty - Black Sheep - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wolty - Black Sheep

Black Sheep
Black Sheep
Wolty, chupame la cabeza de la chota
Wolty, suck my dick head
Lo único que haces es hablar de nosotros
All you do is talk about us
Pedazo de puto de mierda, cagon del orto, deja de tirar beef
Piece of fucking shit, scaredy-cat, stop throwing beef
No vas a ser Eminem en tu vida
You're never gonna be Eminem in your life
Sos el peor tecniquero de todos
You're the worst technician of all
No clavas un "calambur", no clavas un "one-two"
You don't even know how to "pun", you don't even know how to "one-two"
¡20 años rapeando al pedo!
20 years rapping for nothing!
Imbécil, y subis esos temas del orto
Dumbass, and you upload those shitty songs
La concha de tu madre, Wolty estúpido
Your mother's cunt, stupid Wolty
¿Cuánto temas va' a tirar?
How many songs is he gonna release?
¿Tres temas van ya? Tres temas van ya
Three songs already? There's three already
En tus últimos tres temas solo hablas de otras personas
In your last three songs you only talk about other people
¿Que realidad vivis salchicha?
What reality do you live in, sausage?
Aca tenes la fama que querías, wacho, te di el gusto, ¡puto!
Here you have the fame you wanted, dude, I gave you the pleasure, faggot!
¿Con que cara hablas de rap, gil?
How dare you talk about rap, fool?
Yo me la paso rapeando todo el dia, wacho
I spend all day rapping, dude
En los últimos tres años cambiamos de flow todo'
In the last three years we changed our whole flow
Mejoramos todo', hicimo' todo distinto
We improved everything, we did everything different
Vos seguis rapeando igual de mal
You keep rapping just as bad
Teniendo el mismo flow de mierda
Having the same shitty flow
Y haciendo la misma mierda
And doing the same shit
Hablando de los demás
Talking about others
Che, Duki, chupame las bolas, yo a vos no te tengo miedo
Hey, Duki, suck my balls, I'm not afraid of you
Podes venir a pegarme que vas a salir perdiendo
You can come and hit me, you'll be the one losing
La paciencia se me fue con este pendejito terco
I'm out of patience with this stubborn little prick
Que su viejo le da merca pa' que pueda dar conciertos
Whose daddy gives him coke so he can give concerts
¿Te pensas que iba a ser gratis? No, yo no me olvido nada
You thought it was gonna be free? No, I don't forget anything
Vos no le pegas a nadie, vos solo pegas giladas
You don't hit anybody, you only hit stupid things
Y se compra joyas caras para parecer un gangsta
And buys expensive jewelry to look like a gangster
Anda a comprar la leche, Mauro y deja de jugar al mafia
Go buy some milk, Mauro and stop playing mafia
Se creen unos matones, cabrones, "Los mas poronga"
They think they're some tough guys, assholes, "The most badass"
Me bardean entre siete, respondo y después me lloran
They gang up on me, seven of them, I answer back and then they cry to me
No solo no tenes huevos, tampoco tenes neuronas
Not only do you not have balls, you don't have neurons either
La "salchicha" le chupaste al Coscu pa' que te haga moda
You sucked Coscu's "sausage" to make you fashionable
¡No jodas! Warap', lora, te entra toda
Come on! Warap', parrot, it all goes in
Hay algo que no cierra y por lo que veo es tu cola
There's something that doesn't add up and from what I see it's your ass
Vos no estas pegado, estas golpeado por la droga
You're not high, you're beaten up by drugs
Tu disco es una mierda, me recuerda a tu persona
Your album is shit, it reminds me of you
"Deja de tirar beef", me dice el gil, no tiene skill
"Stop throwing beef," the fool tells me, he has no skill
Después de lo que hizo con Tink, ¿me quiere criticar a mi?
After what he did with Tink, he wants to criticize me?
Te pongo el fin en este ring, te dejo el mic prendido fuego
I'll put an end to you in this ring, I'll leave the mic on fire
Anda a vender tus dientes de oro pa' comprarte un culo nuevo
Go sell your gold teeth to buy yourself a new ass
Soy la "Black Sheep" en esta cultura de rappers Max Steel
I'm the "Black Sheep" in this culture of Max Steel rappers
El crack, sin miedo a lo que digan de mi rap, gil
The crack, without fear of what they say about my rap, fool
Estás R.I.P, dos años como mucho y te vas fácil
You're R.I.P, two years tops and you're gone easy
Llama a tu hermano Frijo y pidanle perdon a papi
Call your brother Frijo and apologize to daddy
Pero para, para, que según ellos soy yo
But wait, wait, because according to them it's me
El que anda bardeando y atacandolos hoy
The one who's dissing and attacking them today
¿Vos so' el bueno de la peli, no? Pedazo de Toy
You're the good guy in the movie, right? You piece of Toy
Nunca beefeaste a nadie, solo se te escapó
You never beefed with anyone, you just let it slip
Fake, te peleaste con Kodi, con Lit Killah, con el Ecko
Fake, you fought with Kodi, with Lit Killah, with Ecko
Con el Dillom, con el Cacha, con el Kaktov, con el Keo
With Dillom, with Cacha, with Kaktov, with Keo
Con el Blunted, con Oniria, con el Lenny, y con mis huevos
With Blunted, with Oniria, with Lenny, and with my balls
Yo vengo a cerrarte el culo en nombre de cada uno de ellos
I'm here to shut your mouth on behalf of each and every one of them
Y digo: ¡God Damn!
And I say: God Damn!
Mamen, ya lo tengo lagrimeando
Dude, I already have him crying
Como nadie, no hay quien
Like no one else, there's no one
Hoy pueda enfrentarme en este rap game
Who can face me in this rap game today
Arden, dice que gotea, solo es sangre, ya ven
Burning, he says it's dripping, it's just blood, you see
No sabe rapear, no tiene nivel, lo tengo en el piso
He can't rap, he has no level, I have him on the floor
No sabe qué hacer, ¿Querias joderme? vamos a ver
He doesn't know what to do, you wanted to fuck with me? let's see
No tenes cerebro para responder, hay algo seguro
You don't have the brain to answer, one thing's for sure
Sos un wachiturro, to' el dia mas burro y mas duro que ayer
You're a wachiturro, every day more stupid and harder than yesterday
Das un ejemplo de mierda a los pibes
You set a shitty example for the kids
Les quemas la gorra y pensas que esta bien
You burn their hats and you think it's okay
Tan gil, tan tonto, tan novato, tan pronto
So dumb, so silly, so rookie, so soon
Ta' tiritando el loco, tan asustado y solo
The dude is shaking, so scared and alone
¿Tas comparandome con Eminem? Gracias por el piropo
You comparing me to Eminem? Thanks for the compliment
Sabía que me admirabas, pero pensé que era poco
I knew you admired me, but I thought it was little
¿Hijo de la noche? No, vos sos hijo del Wolty, bro
Son of the night? No, you're Wolty's son, bro
Me dice "puto" el tonto, es un inculto con micrófono
The fool calls me "faggot", he's an uncultivated with a microphone
Falopero homófobo, ¿Qué problema tenes?
Homophobic bigot, what's wrong with you?
No uses "puto" como insulto, cada cual es como es
Don't use "faggot" as an insult, everyone is as they are
Si rapeo hace diez años, pancho, te llevo años luz
If I've been rapping for ten years, dude, I'm light years ahead of you
Yo ya estaba batallando cuando vos comías Nestum
I was already battling when you were eating Nestum
Que no clavó un "calambur", y no clavó un "one-two"
That he didn't nail a "pun", and he didn't nail a "one-two".
Pero clave a Modo Diablo y hice brochetas con tu crew
But I nailed Modo Diablo and made skewers with your crew
Y uy, cierto que hoy es tu cumpleaños
And oh, that's right, it's your birthday today
Como te gustan las pelis, te envie una de regalo
Since you like movies, I sent you one as a gift
Adivina como se llama, a ver si te suena de algo
Guess what it's called, see if it rings a bell
"¡Manuelita contraataca con el espejo encantado!"
"Manuelita strikes back with the enchanted mirror!"
Dicen que vas a matarme, como que sos un gangster
They say you're gonna kill me, like you're some gangster
Por eso doy la vida, gato, veni a dispararme
That's why I give my life, cat, come and shoot me
Pedile el arma a Coqueé y llama a Yao pa' avisarle
Ask Coqueé for the gun and call Yao to let him know
Ahora que son todos amigos seguros van a coparse
Now that you're all friends, I'm sure you'll love it

Авторы: Ramiro Emiliano Bosch, Rolando Terren Toro

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