Wolty - Q.E.P.D - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wolty - Q.E.P.D

Okay, okay
Okay, okay.
Dame una cerveza, a mi compa un vino tinto
Give me a beer, my friend a red wine
Tu compa vino tonto, le pesa no ser distinto
Your friend came silly, it's hard for him not to be different
Que pum que pam, ¿qué tal papá?, te traje rap estricto
What a bam what a pam, how's Dad?, I brought you strict rap
Pa' que no vengas hablar y criticarme to' los ritmos
Pa'that you don't come talk and criticize me to...' the rhythms
Salgo de todo yo no me limito, me escribo me grabo
I get out of everything I don't limit myself, I write myself I record myself
Lo suelto en el micro y me cago de risa de to' el panorama
I drop it on the mic and I shit myself laughing to' the panorama
Se creen muy buenos y solo tienen fama
They think they are very good and they only have fame
Esa es la diferencia yo no me hago drama
That's the difference I don't do drama
Me hago porritos con todos mis panas y disfruto la vida
I make poritos with all my panas and I enjoy life
Familias y rimas, me cago en la envidia de toda la grada
Families and rhymes, I'm so fucking jealous of the whole bleacher
¡Mal man!, pero tranquilo
Bad man!, but quiet
Tiré una flecha al aire y casi mato a mi vecino
I shot an arrow in the air and almost killed my neighbor
A un metro y medio de volverme un fugitivo
One and a half meters away from becoming a fugitive
A veces ser idiota te acerca a ser asesino
Sometimes being an idiot brings you closer to being a murderer
Pero por suerte no fue el caso bró, así me la paso yo
But luckily it wasn't the case bró, that's how I spend it
Casi que rebalso el flow, ¿papi, quién es underground?
I almost overflowed the flow, daddy, who is underground?
Fuck tu vida, fan de rimas, contaminan el hip hop
Fuck your life, rhyming fan, they pollute hip hop
Son la ruina, no son niggas y no riman un renglón
They're the ruin, they're not niggas and they don't rhyme a line
Dones que tengo los saco pa' todas partes, zona de arte
Gifts I have I take them out everywhere, art zone
Ese raper me dice que le tengo miedo
That rapper tells me that I'm afraid of him
Y yo tengo más huevos que vos ignorante
And I have more balls than you ignorant
Quiere darme lecciones de vida
He wants to give me life lessons
Dejá la falopa y después hablame, (¿y qué?)
Put down the phallope and then talk to me, (so what?)
Esa porquería te quemó el cerebro
That shit burned your brain
Y enserio pendejo sos un salame
And seriously asshole you're a salami
A ver, pensémoslo juntos
Let's see, let's think about it together
¿A dónde empezó to' el problema?
Where did the problem start?
Vos me bardeaste porque creíste
You threw me away because you believed
Que chamuyaba a tu nena
That I was shaming your baby
Ahí no te culpo, tenés tu punto, pero alguito no me cierra
I don't blame you there, you have your point, but someone doesn't close me
Y es que vos hiciste lo mismo con un rapero
You did the same with a rapper.
Pedazo de perra
Piece of bitch
¿Cuántas canciones me hiciste? (¿eh?)
How many songs did you make for me? (huh?)
¿En serio soy tan importante? (¿eh?)
Am I really that important? (huh?)
No puede escribir una letra que piensa en mi cara
Can't write a letter that thinks of my face
Le gusto bastante
He likes me quite a lot
No puede escribir una letra que piensa en mi cara
Can't write a letter that thinks of my face
Le gusto bastante
He likes me quite a lot
Ahora mismo ya estás pensando
You're already thinking right now
Qué responderme, ¿cómo matarme?
What to answer me, how to kill me?
Te tengo una mala noticia, yo escuché tus temas
I have some bad news for you, I listened to your songs
Y me cagué de risa, solo que no dejo que nadie me joda
And I shit myself laughing, I just don't let anyone fuck with me
Por eso te jodo con esta paliza, ¿no tenés una hija?
That's why I'm fucking you with this beating, don't you have a daughter?
Ponete las pilas, ¿qué pasa te duele que rima la rial?
Put on the batteries, what happens it hurts you that the rial rhymes?
Que escupa en tu cara las verdades frías
To spit in your face the cold truths
Y exponga vida como vos la mía
And expose your life as you mine
(Che) no me caés bien, tampoco tenés nivel
(Che) I don't like you, you don't have the level either
Tenés problemas con todos fijate que es lo que hacés
You have problems with everyone, see what you're doing.
Vos presumís de arma y robo tremenda estupidez
You're bragging about a gun and robbery. Tremendous stupidity.
Vos presumís de droga y plata porque amor no tenés
You brag about drugs and money because you don't have love
Mamén, no me caés bien, tampoco tenés nivel
Mom, I don't like you, you don't have the level either
Tenés problemas con todos fijate que es lo que hacés
You have problems with everyone, see what you're doing.
Vos presumís de arma y robo tremenda estupidéz
You're bragging about a gun and a robbery, you're stupid.
Vos presumís de droga y plata porque amor no tenés
You brag about drugs and money because you don't have love
Yo vine a coserte la boca
I came to sew your mouth
Ponerte los puntos, sacar tu careta pa' fuera
Put on the stitches, take out your mask pa' outside
Me atacas a mi me defienden mis letras te pegan el doble
You attack me, they defend me, my letters, they beat you twice as much.
Mejor no te metas, no me respetaste cométela entera
Better stay out of it, you didn't respect me eat it whole
Querías ganarme y ganaste un esquema en el que te demuestro
You wanted to beat me and you won a scheme in which I show you
Que sos la mentira más grande que parió el planeta
That you are the biggest lie that gave birth to the planet
Quedate de jeta y hacé las maletas, aunque ni siquiera
Stay put and pack your bags, even if you don't even
No creo que nadie te quiera, pero eso es culpa
I don't think anyone loves you, but that's your fault
No la de los demás, si vos no cambiás te consume la pena
Not that of others, if you do not change you are consumed by grief
Y darte con la droga más dura no cura el problema
And giving you the hardest drug doesn't cure the problem
Solo lo exagera y no vengas a decirme que sos de la lleca
Just exaggerate it and don't come and tell me that you are from the lleca
Que eso lo escuchamos en todos tus temas
That we hear that in all your topics
Y yo estoy seguro que me va a responder
And I'm sure he's going to answer me
Porque le duele en el cora y no sabe que mierda hacer
Because it hurts in his core and he doesn't know what the fuck to do
Porque se siente zarpado con frases que le tiré
'Cause he's feeling washed up with phrases that I threw at him
Porque no dije su nombre y todos saben quién es
Because I didn't say his name and everyone knows who he is
Mamén y yo estoy seguro que me va a responder
Mom and I am sure she will answer me
Porque le duele en el cora y no sabe quéemierda hacer
Because it hurts in his core and he doesn't know what the fuck to do
Porque se siente zarpado con frases que le tiré
'Cause he's feeling washed up with phrases that I threw at him
Porque no dije su nombre y todos saben quién es
Because I didn't say his name and everyone knows who he is

Авторы: Rolando Terren Toro

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