Wongrey - C. Caroline - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wongrey - C. Caroline

C. Caroline
C. Caroline
Na stole čiary a na posteli je ona
On the table there's lines and on the bed she lies
Cocaine Caroline a asi sa tak vážne volá
Cocaine Caroline, that's probably her name
Z rádia hrá Bear, basy, brká, dym a vôňa
Bear's playing on the radio, bass, guitars, smoke and scent
Asi som sa, asi som sa, asi zamiloval
I think I've fallen, think I've fallen, think I've fallen in love
Na stole čiary a na posteli je ona
On the table there's lines and on the bed she lies
Cocaine Caroline a asi sa tak vážne volá
Cocaine Caroline, that's probably her name
Z rádia hrá Bear, basy, brká, dym a vôňa
Bear's playing on the radio, bass, guitars, smoke and scent
Asi som sa, asi som sa, asi zamiloval
I think I've fallen, think I've fallen, think I've fallen in love
Sedím v kresle a pomaly dopisujem text
I'm sitting in the armchair and slowly finishing writing the lyrics
Všetci vravia že som prestal, prestal robiť rap
Everybody's saying I've quit, quit rapping
Nahrávam to z chudoby, tomu ja vravím trap
I'm recording this from poverty, I call that a trap
Práve som to robil na stole a to je flex
I was doing it on the table just now, and that's flex
Život ide rýchlo ako Glebov Storytelling
Life goes fast like Glebov's Storytelling
Mám vydláždenú cestu do pekla tak ako Delik
I have a paved path to hell, like Delik
Takže na slúchatkách tvrdé bars aj keď môj shit je sweet
So on the headphones there's hard bars, even though my shit is sweet
Aj tak si to vypočuješ, lebo viem jak ísť (viem jak ísť)
You'll listen to it anyway, because I know how to get it in (how to get it in)
Na stole čiary a na posteli ona
On the table there's lines and on the bed she lies
Cocaine Caroline a asi sa tak vážne volá
Cocaine Caroline, that's probably her name
Z rádia hrá Bear, basy, brká, dym a vôňa
Bear's playing on the radio, bass, guitars, smoke and scent
Asi som sa, asi som sa, asi zamiloval
I think I've fallen, think I've fallen, think I've fallen in love
Na stole čiary a na posteli je ona
On the table there's lines and on the bed she lies
Cocaine Caroline a asi sa tak vážne volá
Cocaine Caroline, that's probably her name
Z rádia hrá Bear, basy, brká, dym a vôňa
Bear's playing on the radio, bass, guitars, smoke and scent
Asi som sa, asi som sa, asi zamiloval
I think I've fallen, think I've fallen, think I've fallen in love
Ona sedí na mne a ja mám nahratý song
She's sitting on me and I've recorded a song
Je bledá ako crystal, takže daj mi, daj mi blow
She's pale as crystal, so give me, give me blow
Podala mi joint a jej telo horí, hot
She handed me a joint and her body's burning, hot
Čo nám bráni zapnúť kameru, urobiť show?
What's stopping us from turning on the camera and putting on a show?
Život zrazu spomalil ako fialový lean
Life suddenly slowed down like purple lean
Výmena pocitov, výmena lásky a slín
Exchanging feelings, exchanging love and saliva
Budem písať iba o dievčatách, zmier sa s tým
I'm only going to write about girls, get used to it
Mal som ich toľko, koľko nemá ani rok dní
I've had so many of them, more than there are days in a year
(Mal som ich toľko, koľko nemá ani rok dní
(I've had so many of them, more than there are days in a year
Budem písať iba o dievčatách, zmier sa s tým
I'm only going to write about girls, get used to it
Mal som ich toľko, koľko nemá ani rok dní)
I've had so many of them, more than there are days in a year)
Na stole čiary a na posteli je ona
On the table there's lines and on the bed she lies
Cocaine Caroline a asi sa tak vážne volá
Cocaine Caroline, that's probably her name
Z rádia hrá Bear, basy, brká, dym a vôňa
Bear's playing on the radio, bass, guitars, smoke and scent
Asi som sa, asi som sa, asi zamiloval
I think I've fallen, think I've fallen, think I've fallen in love
Na stole čiary a na posteli je ona
On the table there's lines and on the bed she lies
Cocaine Caroline a asi sa tak vážne volá
Cocaine Caroline, that's probably her name
Z rádia hrá Bear, basy, brká, dym a vôňa
Bear's playing on the radio, bass, guitars, smoke and scent
Asi som sa, asi som sa, asi zamiloval
I think I've fallen, think I've fallen, think I've fallen in love

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