Wongrey - Problémy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wongrey - Problémy

Fresh zostrihy drahé handry rozhodené po zemi
Fresh cuts and expensive clothes thrown on the floor
Fotíš si ma no nedávaš to na IG okay B
You're taking pictures of me but you don't post them on IG okay B
Zapálim si potom čo sme hrali sa na dospelých
I light up after we played at being adults
Si crazy no po sexe nebývajú problémy
You're crazy but after sex there are no more problems
Poppujeme candies, vyzerá jak candy
We popped candies, she looks like the candy
Môj chain na jej cecky, nalejeme benzín
My chain on her tits, we pour gasoline
Direct sexy fotky a večer u nej pospím
Direct sexy pics and I'll spend the night at her place
Nestíham vyzuť boty a máme športy
I don't have time to take off my shoes and we're already doing sports
V playeri hrá Bear yeah
Bear plays in the player yeah
Celé si to berie
She takes it all
Celú si ju beriem
I take her all
Zo stolu do postele
From the table to the bed
Sami ale spolu
Alone but together
Plány ďaleko
Already making plans far ahead
Milujeme bolesť
We love the pain
A zničiť sa na kómu
And getting high until we pass out
Nechce sa milovať ale milovať
She doesn't want to make love but to love
Najlepšie pod perinami pri oknách
Preferably under the covers by the windows
Sex je tvrdý tak ako ten život náš
Sex is hard like our life
Nevadí babe stačí sa s tým vyrovnať
It doesn't matter babe we just have to deal with it
Fresh zostrihy drahé handry rozhodené po zemi
Fresh cuts and expensive clothes thrown on the floor
Fotíš si ma no nedávaš to na IG okay B
You're taking pictures of me but you don't post them on IG okay B
Zapálim si potom čo sme hrali sa na dospelých
I light up after we played at being adults
Si crazy no po sexe nebývajú problémy
You're crazy but after sex there are no more problems
Fresh zostrihy drahé handry rozhodené po zemi
Fresh cuts and expensive clothes thrown on the floor
Fotíš si ma no nedávaš to na IG okay B
You're taking pictures of me but you don't post them on IG okay B
Zapálim si potom čo sme hrali sa na dospelých
I light up after we played at being adults
Si crazy no po sexe nebývajú problémy
You're crazy but after sex there are no more problems
Rána bolia ako keby zobudení do pekla
Mornings hurt like waking up in hell
Tvoje chyby moje chyby poďme si ich povedať
Your mistakes my mistakes let's tell each other
Nenávisť a láska to je vášeň zas na kolenách
Hate and love that's passion on our knees again
Hádky v našom vzťahu by sa mali volať predohra
The fights in our relationship should be called foreplay
Cítime to rovnako
We feel the same
Z postele do oblakov
From the bed to the clouds
Pochmúrny jak oblaky
Gloomy like the clouds
Depresia v kopákoch
Piles of depression
V tvojich očiach bolesť je
I see pain in your eyes
V mojich vidíš to isté
You see the same in mine
Pot z tela na polymér
Sweat from our bodies on the polymer
Z oka slza na líce
Tears from our eyes on our cheeks
V kamere, na phone, zachytené momenty
On the camera, on the phone, captured moments
Na air drop, cez môj phone, na story tak povedz ty
On airdrop, through my phone, on story so say it
Na display, cez papier, do nosu úlety
On the display, through paper, snorted trips
So mnou zdravá nebudeš, zabudni na lieky
You won't be healthy with me, forget about meds
Nechce sa milovať ale milovať
She doesn't want to make love but to love
Najlepšie pod perinami pri oknách
Preferably under the covers by the windows
Sex je tvrdý tak ako ten život náš
Sex is hard like our life
Nevadí babe stačí sa s tým vyrovnať
It doesn't matter babe we just have to deal with it
Fresh zostrihy drahé handry rozhodené po zemi
Fresh cuts and expensive clothes thrown on the floor
Fotíš si ma no nedávaš to na IG okay B
You're taking pictures of me but you don't post them on IG okay B
Zapálim si potom čo sme hrali sa na dospelých
I light up after we played at being adults
Si crazy no po sexe nebývajú problémy
You're crazy but after sex there are no more problems
Fresh zostrihy drahé handry rozhodené po zemi
Fresh cuts and expensive clothes thrown on the floor
Fotíš si ma no nedávaš to na IG okay B
You're taking pictures of me but you don't post them on IG okay B
Zapálim si potom čo sme hrali sa na dospelých
I light up after we played at being adults
Si crazy no po sexe nebývajú problémy
You're crazy but after sex there are no more problems

Авторы: Tomáš Kuchtanin

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