Wurzel 5 feat. Samurai - Zimmer 17 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wurzel 5 feat. Samurai - Zimmer 17

Zimmer 17
Room 17
Ich gseh ne alti cho si schtosst en wage vor sich
I see an old lady pushing a cart in front of her
Ich rännä passage drab und schreie luut vorsicht
I run through the passage and yell loudly "Watch out!"
Si luegt nume ume und tscheggt nöd was äigentlich los isch
She only looks around and doesn't check what's actually going on
Min äinzige gedanke ich muess si rettä si chan froh si
My only thought is I have to save her, she can be happy
Ha wagä wegkickt mit karatetechnik
I kicked the cart away with karate technique
Di alt uf d schultere gno und gsäit lueg das di hebsch bitsch
Took the old lady on my shoulders and said "Look what you've got, you bitch"
Gseh de fäind a jedem eggä
I see the enemy at every corner
Invasionstyle ich muess schnäll handle und rettä
Invasion style, I have to act quickly and rescue
Ha scho en ort gfunde zum si alli verstecke
I already found a place to hide them all
Di alt inegrüert und gsäit chopf abe hebä
I dragged the old lady inside and said "Keep your head down"
Im nächschtä momänt merkich vier händ wo mich hebed
In the next moment I noticed four hands lifting me
Uf de bode rüered und hanschällä aleged
They threw me on the floor and put handcuffs on me
Dr äint säit ich söll mich nie meh i dem lade bewege
One of them said I should never move in this store again
Eifach lüt aschreie und is chüelfach lege
Just yell at people and put them in the cold storage
Ich nöd drus cho vo was de überhaupt redet
I didn't understand what he was talking about
Und gsäit wichtig isch nur das all di grettete no läbed
And said, "The important thing is that all those who were saved are still alive"
Gloube schtets a mi u lobe dr heiland
Always believe in me and praise the savior
I weiss dases besser wird ga gottverdammi näi man
I know it will get better, goddamn no man
Doch doch mi sohn iss das dr retter isch nah
But but my son, this is it, the savior is near
Ah ja schtimmt ich gschpüüren ich gsehnen sogar
Oh yeah, right, I feel it, I even yearn for it
Mi name diens bi 22 und bi oft im fium
My name is Diens, I'm 22 and I'm often in a frenzy
Sig sänger vore satanischte band und gott mi find
I'm the singer of a satanic band and God finds me
Wi letschthin ga gmeint heig gigg un fordere d lüt uf
Like recently when I thought I was giving a gig and challenged people
Schreiet ech d seu zum liib us us liebi zum tüüfu
They shout "I am the sow for the body out of love for the deep"
I griffe id seite si vouer iifer am schreie
I grab my side, she's full of zeal screaming
Entrisse sech d chleider vo mine lieder verleitet
Clothes tear off from my limbs seduced
Bi mit gott uf chriegsfuess schlitze es viich uf
I'm at war with God, carving up a beast
Schpanne d sehne ufe bass und näie mer finke us tierhut
I stretch the tendons over the bass and we make new ones from animal hide
Glungeni sach si schwinge dr bierbuuch u furze im takt
Successful thing, they swing the beer book and fart in time
I risse boxe um und kaputte dr bass
I smash boxes around and break the bass
Schwinge tote hund ir luft u när verschutte ni z drum
Swinging dead dog in the air and we never hide it
Eine meint di gruppe isch krass wi figgs bir nutte im park
One says the group is as hardcore as Figgs by the hooker in the park
Erwache us mim fium äh da wird dr heiland g ehrt
I wake up from my frenzy, uh, there the savior is honored
Stah mit em tennisracket mitz ir heilsarmee
I stand with the tennis racket with the Salvation Army
Da merki ändlech hane afau gha erkenne mis problem
Then I finally realized I started to recognize my problem
Mi gottseu i läb i zwöine wäute bi schizophren
My God sow in my life I choose to be schizophrenic
I bi dr tiersch mängisch dräi i düre man mir spinntsfahre mit
I'm the animal, sometimes I drive through you, they go crazy with me
Blauliecht dür d innestadt giele nech scho immer gseit man
Blue light through the city center, yellow has always told me
Bi uf dr suechi nach korruption u verbräche
I'm looking for corruption and crime
Lide under gschwindikeitswahn ohni rücksicht uf
Suffering from delusions of grandeur without regard for
Vercher u passante has sehr pressante sch eher riskant kenne
Traffic and pedestrians have very urgent rather risky knowledge
Kes rotliecht bir ample kes stopschiud chami haute
No red light near the traffic lights, no stop sign can I hit
I ha vortritt verdammt am stüür isch gotteshand
I have the right of way, damn it, at the wheel is God's hand
S vorbiud für z vatterland dr ersch verdächtig am
The most wanted for the fatherland
Schtrasserand nime d gun id handoch doch är gseht mi
Roadside, take the gun in hand, but but he sees me
Schlau siech ersch itz merkis wägem blauliecht
The sneaky one only now realizes because of the blue light
S wird hektisch s louft aus schief auso verfougine ufem
It's getting hectic, it's going wrong, so get rid of it on the
Trottoir siech darf nid verschont blybe sch mer scho
Sidewalk look should not be spared, I already
Klar d frontschibe rot agloffe sch e
Clearly the windshield flushed red
Schiksausentscheidig woni ufwache merki dasi im
Chic decision when I wake up I realize that I
Gokart hocke ir schpiuwareabteilig
Sitting in a go-kart in the play area
Z personau ganz verschteinert d regau au im eimer
The staff is completely petrified, the shelves are also in the bucket
Schäissegau man was weiter suechet ech ä nöie mitarbeiter
Shit man what else am I looking for a new employee
Serej mi name guete tag mini dame u herre
Serej my name good day my ladies and gentlemen
Me wirft mer vor i fäng mi viu z schnäu afa ufrege
They accuse me of starting to freak out too quickly
Absolut nid luget wi chill i uf däm stueu sitz
Absolutely not, look how chill I sit on this chair
Cool blib mer niemer d rue nimmt denn i bi guet gsinnt
Stay cool, no one takes the peace then I'm well-meaning
Scho z redä isch muetig haut z mu bitch auti haut di
Just talking is brave today, to scold you, bitch, today you
Us mim bizz schüsch schla di bluetig wi bim ne bruce-kick
Get out of my business, otherwise I'll beat you bloody like a Bruce Lee kick
Ruhig ruhig mi sohn iss das dr retter isch nah
Quiet quiet my son, this is it, the savior is near
Friss schäiss säuber oder schteck drs i arsch
Eat that shit clean or stick it up your ass
Ei ei serej reg di ab chum beherrsch di mau
Hey hey Serej calm down come on control yourself
Was beherrsch di man du wixer i schtreck di abe
What control yourself man you wimp I'll stretch you down
Heiterefahne das aggressionspotenziau
Marry flags that aggression potential
Was weiter wär besser deheime verschont vo öich aune
What else would be better at home spared from you even
Problem nid verdränge sech ne schteue um sech z schtärche
Problems don't push yourself a push to strengthen yourself
Ok ok muess nech rächt so gät mer e piue z frässä
Ok ok, have to admit you're right, so let's go get some food

Авторы: Cedric Marti, Etienne Marti, Marcua La Fuente, Pierrot Bissegger, Samora Bazarrabusa

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