Wurzel 5 - Blybe ufmerksam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wurzel 5 - Blybe ufmerksam

Blybe ufmerksam
Stay Alert
Aus wärs geschter gsi sueche freie platz ame pout u
It would have been yesterday, looking for a free space on the pout and
Setze mi rasende pous kenne kenne i
Put my racing pout to know I
Stah verlasse im schiud ha gwüsst kene passt i mis biud
Stand abandoned in the crowd, knowing no one fits my picture
Z härz schlat wi wiud u me steut sech dr mängi vor
The heart beats like wild and you imagine many in front of you
Wele sport esme spiut a wele orte me chillt
Which sport someone plays, where someone chills
Uf wele job esme ziut u wele gott es eim hiuft
Which job someone is drawn to and which god someone prays to
Bi viu z überforderet mer d rue fäut i stottere
Too much overwhelmed, I'm missing peace, I stutter
Ha dr glich rucksack wi dir us chuefäu
Got the same backpack as you from the store
Was für zuefäu d freizit di widmi fuessbäu
What a coincidence, your free time you dedicate to football
I weiss no haargenau anno dazumau im klassesau
I remember exactly, back then in the classroom
Ab hüt zahli schueugäud dr erscht tag ufem schueugländ
From today on paying school fees, the first day on the school grounds
U wis so isch me find sech äbe schnäu glichi interässä
And that's how it is, you quickly find similar interests
Sit denn haute mer zämä wi schwäfu u päch
Since then we've been together like sulfur and pitch
D nächt düregmacht fürenang dr cash füregmacht
Made it through the nights, made it through the cash
Sech g rächt fürenang enang uf d närve gane
Six going right, going through the nerves
Sit eh und je es dürenang esch no hüt nid angers
Since forever, it's going through, it's no different today
Blybe ufmerksam weiss wär hingeremer steit
Stay alert, know who's behind you
Wär mi hingergeit und wär mer dr finger zeigt
Who's backing me and who's pointing the finger at me
Auso bruch dr verstand denn muesch luege uf z mau
So use your mind, you have to look at the wall
Hesch dr durchblick und schnausch wär bis az änd zudr wird ha
You have the perspective and you know who will be there for you until the end
Glehrt dür mam und däd im läbe zeut dr überblick
Learned by mom and dad, the overview is shown in life
Egau was übrig blibt erübrigt sich doch hand uf z härz
No matter what's left, hand on your heart
Esch gang und gäb es viu bim erschte widerstand ufgäh
It's common to give up at the first resistance
Scho z handtuech wärfe ohni ersch dr kampf ufznäh
Throw in the towel without even starting the fight
Ifäutig da blibi lieber ziusträbig
I'd rather stay insistent, eager
Bhaute d ouge of verschwinde nid vor biudflächi
Keep your eyes open, don't disappear from the picture
Vergisses verlüür mi gloube nie verfouge ziu
Forget it, never lose my faith, stay true
O wes mau misslingt cha schliesslech o passiere
Even if it fails, it can happen
Weiss i mi glücklech z schetze ke grund mi zrügg z versetze
I know how to appreciate my happiness, no reason to turn back
Familie woni liebe und partner wo mi rügge decke
Family that I love and a partner who has my back
D jungs si da für mi i für si vo start bis ziuhang
The boys are there for me, I'm there for them from start to finish
Setze viu dra nang nid la im schiuf z stah
Put a lot of effort into it, don't let it stand still
Weiss wär mer zueseit mer gönnt wasmer zuesteit
Know who's by my side, grant me what they grant me
Und wär mer cha dr tag versoue für fame si arsch z verchoufe
And who can ruin my day, sell their ass for fame
Richte mi nid nachem fahrtwind benütz mi scharfsinn
Don't judge me by the tailwind, use your intuition
Liebe mini lüt egau öb si mit rap am start si
Love my people, no matter if they started with rap
Was zeut isch wän i guet ma und dr umgang
What counts is that I'm a good person and the interaction
Underenang du verzeusch weusch nur lüt i dire crew ha
Among yourselves, you forgive, only trust people in your crew
Wo hip hop läbe stürm niddenn was e ächte
Living hip hop, not storming what a true
Fründ isch erfahrt me nid in däm me sech dür räppä verbündet
Friend is, you don't experience that in those who ally through rapping
Blybe ufmerksam weiss wär hingeremer steit
Stay alert, know who's behind you
Wär mi hingergeit und wär mer dr finger zeigt
Who's backing me and who's pointing the finger at me
Auso bruch dr verstand denn muesch luege uf z mau
So use your mind, you have to look at the wall
Hesch dr durchblick und schnausch wär bis az änd zudr wird ha
You have the perspective and you know who will be there for you until the end
Schlussändlech isch stutz näbesächlech unwäsentlech
In the end, support is incidental, irrelevant
Bim schusswächsu brucht me näbe sech das unstärblech bisch
In the line of fire you need someone by your side who is immortal, that's you
ächti fründe di schutzängu s läbelang ufe erscht blick isch
True friends, your guardian angels for life, at first glance it is
äbe haut immer aus schön u guet sch lächerlech
Just always beautiful and good, it's ridiculous
Im hingerhaut fliesst böses bluet s ghört drzue
Behind the back flows bad blood, it's part of it
schäiss geit hert uf hert e ja ds weiss wos tschegget het
That shit hits hard, yeah, that's what the one who's checked knows
Denn z läbe isch kes chinderspiu doch äbe me gwinnt mit stiu u
Because life is not a children's game, but you win with style and
Ehrlechkeit ganz beschtimmt denn i schisse druf was
Honesty, for sure, because I shoot at what
D mehrheit seit kes blatt vor z mu isch mini lerneinheit
The majority says, no sheet in front of my mouth is my learning unit
Stah drzue ha d weiche gschteut d entscheidig gfäut
Stand by it, paved the soft path, the decision made
Mache fetti raps für weni gäud schisse uf di heili wäut
Make fat raps for whom money shoots at the holy walls
Schisse uf karriere mann schint mer nid relevant
Shoot at a career man, doesn't seem relevant to me
Bi uf jede fau dr letscht wone roue spiut
In every case I'm the last one playing roulette
Kes vorbiud doch vou im biud z läbe isch es schouschpiu
No prohibition, but to live in the picture is a play
U z schöne da dran mit gsundem mönscheverstand
And the beauty of it with a healthy human mind
Hesch dr durchblick gsesch was vorherscht merke was vorhesch
You have the perspective, see what you predict, notice what you have predicted
Brichsch e ehrekodex bisch villicht vorerscht erscht
Break a code of honor, you're probably only first
Ufem podescht obwou de eh verlore hesch
On the podium, anyway, where you've lost honor
Blybe ufmerksam weiss wär hingeremer steit
Stay alert, know who's behind you
Wär mi hingergeit und wär mer dr finger zeigt
Who's backing me and who's pointing the finger at me
Auso bruch dr verstand denn muesch luege uf z mau
So use your mind, you have to look at the wall
Hesch dr durchblick und schnausch wär bis az änd zudr wird ha
You have the perspective and you know who will be there for you until the end

Авторы: Cedric Marti, Etienne Marti, Michael Kalt, Pierrot Bissegger

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