Wurzel 5 - Es git Zyte (Sad Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Wurzel 5 - Es git Zyte (Sad Remix)

Es git Zyte (Sad Remix)
It's Time (Sad Remix)
Ig weiss leider no nid was us mir de mau wird
I unfortunately do not know what will become of me
D zuekunft ligt wie es ubeschribnigs blatt ufem tisch
The future is an unwritten page on the table
Aube hani visione aube angst i mir
I always have visions and fears within me
Aube ha ig z gfüeu es chunnt guet u aube schlaf ig nid i
I always have the feeling it will come well and I always do not sleep in
Aube gseh ig anderi u dänke wo blibe ig
I see others and think where will I be
Aube gseh ni ds gägeteil u bi z fride mit mir
I see the opposite and am content with myself
Aube bi ig nide u gibä ä figg
I'm down and don't give a damn
I weiss d verantwortig ligt iz für immer bi mir
I know the responsibility is mine forever
Das isch scho guet so doch was isch i zäh jahr
That's fine, but what will be in ten years
Schiins ligt ja d zuekunft ide stärne nid wahr
Apparently the future lies in the stars
Ha ihr schueu säute ufpasst chönnt mi chläpfe für das
If you had paid attention, you could slap me for this
U ig rouche immer no viu meh aus äs päckli pro tag
And I still smoke a lot more than a pack a day
Aube bi ig unruhig z viu gedanke im chopf
I'm always restless, too many thoughts in my head
Mini eutere hoffe si sie no lang da scho
My parents hope to be there for a long time
Familie chinder hoffe der tag wird cho
Family, children, I hope the day will come
Viu steit no offe doch irgendwie schaffe ig das scho
A lot is still open, but somehow I'll make it
Es git zyte
There are times
Wo aues vergäbe isch
When everything is in vain
Doch es geit witer
But it goes on
O wed weisch es di z läbä figgt
Oh, if you only knew how to live
Und itz bini wider dunge bini am arsch
And now I'm down again, I'm broke
Minute verwandle sech i stunde wi hassi das
Minutes turn into hours, how do I hate this
Sisch mi sach i blüete für das büesse mi straf
It's my own fault, I'm paying for it
Bhüet mi vor gliche fähler bisise widr mach
May it protect me from making the same mistakes again
U schöne da dranne isch dass nume ufe cha gah
And the good thing about it is that it can only go up
I schnuuf paar mau tief düre u sammle chraft
I take a few deep breaths and gather strength
Liebe ds widr ufstah ds schiebe u widr da ds schtah
Love to get up again and push to stand there again
Briegge de widr lache niemer si u widr king
To bridge again, to laugh again, to be king again
Gah witr witr u höcher höcher
Go further and higher, higher
Griff zrügg und i nimm ä pfiu us mim chöcher
Reach back and take a whistle out of my quiver
Aues isch müglech me hett ä louf s louft so eifach
Anything is possible, it has a run, it runs so easily
Doch me gheit nie tiefer aus bi erfoug klar simer ehrlech
But you never go deeper than with success, you are honest
Mängisch verschteckt hami scho mängisch verdrückt
Sometimes I've hidden it, sometimes I've suppressed it
Glichzitig ghüpft und ällei gäge füf
At the same time hopping and alone against five
De füehlimi sicher druf abe gspüri di blicke wo
Then I feel safe, down on it, I feel the looks where
Mi verwirrä bisi finge dass mi au wei afigge
They irritate me until I find they want to hang me too
Es git zyte
There are times
Wo aues vergäbe isch
When everything is in vain
Doch es geit witer
But it goes on
O wed weisch es di z läbä figgt
Oh, if you only knew how to live
Aube gmeint chönne z verdränge di töifs im läbä
I've always thought of being able to repress those depths in life
Föng de vonalei wider vo nöiem a läbä
Then start living all over again
Sch isch nid aus so wis schiint nei d lüt meine aube
It's not over as it seems, no, people always think
Heig ds aues im griff doch i trage narbe i mir
I've got everything under control, but I carry scars within me
Säubstbewusst uf der bühni ds isch wi si mi gseh
Self-confident on stage, that's how they see me
Schieb depressione ame sunnti nachen gig i mim bett
Push depressions on Sunday after the gig in my bed
Stoss a gränze im rap weiss aube nümme z verzeue
Reach a limit in rap, always know what to forgive
O scho dänkt mi mim ruef wäge müesse z versteue
Oh, it already thinks about its reputation because it has to understand
Fründe mein i sig usgliche haut aus i balance
Friends say I'm balanced, from balance
Frisses nur i mi ine so stout säch au balast
Only eating into me, so proud, also saying that ballast
Tank widr chraft dür musig füeu mi bodeständig
Refill strength through music, feel grounded
Bis sech entladt s mer unger de füess dr bode wägrisst
Until he discharges himself, the ground disappears under his feet
Fernseh mi tröischt kumpan i dene stunde
Television comforts me, companion in those hours
Steut ke frag zeigt di schäiss wüt isch ehrlech zumer
Don't ask any questions, show me shit, it's honest with me
Doch bini no so i brüch so tief unge
But I'm still so broken, so deep down
Weiss i i mim innerste es geit geng wider ufe
I know in my innermost being it will go up again
Es git zyte
There are times
Wo aues vergäbe isch
When everything is in vain
Doch es geit witer
But it goes on
O wed weisch es di z läbä figgt
Oh, if you only knew how to live

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