Wurzel 5 - Zu5 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Wurzel 5 - Zu5

Rächts, links, hinge, vore, 1, 2, 3, 4, u zu 5
Right, left, backwards, forwards, 1, 2, 3, 4, and to 5
Vom z zum u zu 5
From z to u to 5
Serej tiersch diens link setze ds dach in brand vom z zum u zu 5
Serge the beast, your band sets the roof on fire from z to u to 5
Bloody zeut nachem gig dr cash i blaue ab vom z zum u zu 5
Bloody Zeus, after the gig I'll blow the cash on alcohol from z to u to 5
Jan mischt es d boxe sprängt u dr bode bäbt vom z zum u zu 5
Jan mixes it up, the speakers blow and the floor shakes from z to u to 5
Holet dr putz vo wänd lüt wo isch lärm
Get the plaster off the walls, people, what's all the noise
Boue uf teamgeischt vorem gig und biude kreis
We build on team spirit before the gig and form a circle
Gsicht abe het scho biuder vor eim
Face down, someone is already praying
So schtiu hofft uf suberi büez
So quiet, hoping for a clean set
Viu geit eim düre chopf u d värse wärde no mau güebt
A lot goes through your head and the verses are rehearsed once more
Holä aus usis use hoffentlech chochet di bude
We pull out all the stops, hopefully the crowd goes wild
Häng ufe blick id mängi use
I hang on every look in the crowd
Aui häng i dluft hängers wachet uf
All of you suspended in mid-air, now you're finally awake
Schreiets us nech use machet lärm wärdet lut
Scream it out, make noise, get loud
Aui lüt uf dr rächte site föht afa schreie
All the people on the right side start shouting
Und die uf der linke chömet gäht mr äs zeiche
And those on the left, come on, give us a sign
Rächts, links, hinge, vore, 1, 2, 3, 4, u zu 5
Right, left, backwards, forwards, 1, 2, 3, 4, and to 5
Vom z zum u zu 5
From z to u to 5
Serej tiersch diens link setze ds dach in brand vom z zum u zu 5
Serge the beast, your band sets the roof on fire from z to u to 5
Bloody zeut nachem gig dr cash i blaue ab vom z zum u zu 5
Bloody Zeus, after the gig I'll blow the cash on alcohol from z to u to 5
Jan mischt es d boxe sprängt u dr bode bäbt vom z zum u zu 5
Jan mixes it up, the speakers blow and the floor shakes from z to u to 5
Holet dr putz vo wänd lüt wo isch lärm
Get the plaster off the walls, people, what's all the noise
Lueg hüt zeut nume hiä und itz
Look, tonight is all that matters
äs isch wieder mau so wit ig liebe das
It's time once again, I love this
äs git nume gig dr räscht isch schisseglich
There's only the gig, the rest is crap
Ha itz ke sorge was o immer isch
No worries now, whatever it is
Mit minä jungs uf der bühni u mir gäbe aus
With my boys on stage and me giving it our all
Merke ig immer wieder bi für rap nid z aut
I always realize I'm not too old for rap
Luege id mängi d texte wärde mitgrapt
I look into the crowd, the lyrics are being rapped along
Das hätt ig am afang mim läbe nie dänkt
I would never have thought that at the beginning of my life
Ds publikum geit ab i liebe tage wie die
The audience goes wild, I love days like this
I däm momänt isch rap aues für mi
In this moment, rap is everything to me
Rächts, links, hinge, vore, 1, 2, 3, 4, u zu 5
Right, left, backwards, forwards, 1, 2, 3, 4, and to 5
Vom z zum u zu 5
From z to u to 5
Serej tiersch diens link setze ds dach in brand vom z zum u zu 5
Serge the beast, your band sets the roof on fire from z to u to 5
Bloody zeut nachem gig dr cash i blaue ab vom z zum u zu 5
Bloody Zeus, after the gig I'll blow the cash on alcohol from z to u to 5
Jan mischt es d boxe sprängt u dr bode bäbt vom z zum u zu 5
Jan mixes it up, the speakers blow and the floor shakes from z to u to 5
Holet dr putz vo wänd lüt wo isch lärm
Get the plaster off the walls, people, what's all the noise
Sauznüssli banane paar schüüm ufem tisch
Salty pretzels, bananas, a few foams on the table
Los geits jungs gömer gäbg 5 ufe gig
Come on guys, let's go, go to the gig
Use uf d bühni beat punpt u mis härz am schlah
On stage, the beat is pumping and my heart is racing
S meer vo lüt vodäm hani tröimt mit 16 jahr
A sea of people is what I dreamed of when I was 16 years old
Gänsehut louft mer nur chaut der rügge drab
Goosebumps are running down my back
Häng ir luft au di büez machtsech hüt bezaut
I'm floating in the air, and tonight the effort is paying off
Gschpüür dr puls ir schläfä dr schwiess tropft uf d monitore
I can feel the pulse in my temple, sweat drips onto the monitors
Lise mini take ab lippe ir reihe z vorderst vore
I'm reading my lines, lips parted, front and center
Verlüür d stimm aber s git nüt geilers
I'm losing my voice but there's nothing better
Aus mit jungs uf dr stage unge d lüt begeistere
With the guys on stage, inspiring the crowd
Rächts, links, hinge, vore, 1, 2, 3, 4, u zu 5
Right, left, backwards, forwards, 1, 2, 3, 4, and to 5
Vom z zum u zu 5
From z to u to 5
Serej tiersch diens link setze ds dach in brand vom z zum u zu 5
Serge the beast, your band sets the roof on fire from z to u to 5
Bloody zeut nachem gig dr cash i blaue ab vom z zum u zu 5
Bloody Zeus, after the gig I'll blow the cash on alcohol from z to u to 5
Jan mischt es d boxe sprängt u dr bode bäbt vom z zum u zu 5
Jan mixes it up, the speakers blow and the floor shakes from z to u to 5
Holet dr putz vo wänd lüt wo isch lärm
Get the plaster off the walls, people, what's all the noise

Авторы: Etienne Marti, Cedric Marti, Pierrot Bissegger, Alex Heidekker, Bruno Fivian

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