Xamdam Sobirov - Yigit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xamdam Sobirov - Yigit

Agar yigit yig'lasa
If a man cries
Tog'lar qaddin egarkan
Mountains will bow
Har yigitning boshida
Every man's head
Har xil sinov bo'larkan
Will have a different test
Shafqat bilmas dunyo bu
This world does not know mercy
Kimgadir gul kimga tikan
A flower to some, a thorn to another
Umidingni hech so'ndirma
Never let your hope die
Dard da'vosi sabir ekan
The treatment for pain is patience
Ey yigit qo'y yig'lama
Oh, man, stop crying
Qaddingni baland ko'tar
Hold your head up high
Siqilmagin bu kunlar ham
Don't worry, these days
Bir kuni o'tar ketar
Will pass someday
Ey yigit qo'y yig'lama
Oh, man, stop crying
Boshingni baland ko'tar
Hold your head up high
Egilmagin bu kunlar ham
Don't bow, these days
Bir kuni o'tar ketar
Will pass someday
Ko'ngilda hech halovat yo'q
There is no joy in your heart
Omad eshik ochmasa
When luck does not open the door
Davralarda so'z yo'q
There is no word in circles
Yigitda pul bo'lmasa
If a man has no money
Umr shunday savdo ekan
Life is a trade
Bir dardkashing bo'lmasa
If you don't have a friend
Bilgin yigit hech kimsan
You're nothing, man
Agar Xudo bermasa
If God does not give
Ey yigit qo'y yig'lama
Oh, man, stop crying
Qaddingni baland ko'tar
Hold your head up high
Siqilmagin bu kunlar ham
Don't worry, these days
Bir kuni o'tar ketar
Will pass someday
Ey yigit qo'y yig'lama
Oh, man, stop crying
Boshingni baland ko'tar
Hold your head up high
Egilmagin bu kunlar ham
Don't bow, these days
Bir kuni o'tar ketar
Will pass someday

Авторы: Shohjahon Ergashev

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