Xavi Sarrià - Temptar la sort - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xavi Sarrià - Temptar la sort

Temptar la sort
Tempt the Fate
Et recorde
I remember you
Sota el cel de la retirada
Under the sky of the retreat
Al front de l′última batalla
At the front of the last battle
Arrossegant-nos en la boira espessa
Dragging ourselves in the thick fog
Perduts als confins d'un malson
Lost in the confines of a nightmare
Et recorde
I remember you
El sol queia a les fosques muntanyes
The sun was setting on the dark mountains
A les aigües flotaven cadàvers
Corpses were floating in the waters
Eren joves com ho érem nosaltres
They were as young as we were
D′alguns ens sabíem el nom
We knew the names of some of them
Et recorde
I remember you
Amagant-nos entre unes bardisses
Hiding among some bushes
Tu tremolaves també ho feia jo
You were trembling, and so was I
Aferrats a una sola esperança
Clinging to a single hope
Apuntant entre el fred i la por
Aiming between the cold and the fear
Et recorde
I remember you
Encerclats en aquella nit crua
Surrounded on that raw night
El nostre enemic en sabia perdedors
Our enemy knew we were losers
Però ens quedaven unes quantes bales
But we had a few more bullets left
I unes paraules en la foscor
And a few words in the darkness
Temptarem la sort
We'll tempt fate
Vencerem la por
We'll conquer fear
Escoltarem el cor
We'll listen to our hearts
Mentre aclucava els ulls
As I closed my eyes
Amb el dit al gallet
With my finger on the trigger
Resistint amb tu
Resisting with you
Et recorde
I remember you
Al bosc de les nostres derrotes
In the forest of our defeats
Extenuats de combatre les ombres
Exhausted from fighting the shadows
Després d'un silenci van ploure les bombes
After a silence, the bombs rained down
Que van vomitar els avions
Vomited by the airplanes
Et recorde
I remember you
Amb les flames cremant-nos les galtes
With flames burning our cheeks
Les bales xiulaven colpejant les branques
The bullets whistled, hitting the branches
El foc devorava l'ànima dels arbres
The fire devoured the souls of the trees
I els budells d′un cavall
And the guts of a horse
Et recorde
I remember you
Aturant-nos de nou en la riba
Stopping once more on the bank
D′aquell riu de plom prenyat de dolor
Of that leaden river pregnant with pain
La guerra ja estava perduda
The war was already lost
Quan van volar l'últim pont
When they blew up the last bridge
Et recorde
I remember you
Amb la fúria a la teua pell bruna
With fury on your brown skin
I jo que implorava pietat a la lluna
And me, imploring the moon for mercy
Et vaig dir que volia rendir-me
I told you I wanted to surrender
Però tu em vas cridar fonent-te en la negror
But you shouted at me, melting into the darkness
Temptarem la sort
We'll tempt fate
Vencerem la por
We'll conquer fear
Escoltarem el cor
We'll listen to our hearts
Mentre aclucava els ulls
As I closed my eyes
Amb el dit al gallet
With my finger on the trigger
Resistint amb tu
Resisting with you

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