Xen - Honig - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xen - Honig

I don′t give a fuck hi mum kei angst
I don't give a damn, hi mom, no angst
Live gahts heiss ab willi Hype han
Live goes hot, I want hype
Für die Nider kein Platz kei Chance
No place for the low ones, no chance
Hei gahts nei lahs scheiss Parts ich has gseit kah
Here it goes, let it go, shit parts, I said, come on
Bald e volli Gold Wand und sie stunet nume
Soon a full gold wall, and they just stand
Vom Bode id Charts mir sind une dure
From the bottom to the charts, we went through
Rolle dur Stadt mite Homies ume
Roll through the city with homies around
Nur troche Brot kah hüt isch Honig ume
Only dry bread, come on, today it's honey around
Pump immerno West Coast beats
Still pumping West Coast beats
Bis mis drecks Ohr pipst
Until my damn ear beeps
Mir sind Death Row Schwiiz
We are Death Row Switzerland
Endlos skills ich Berg hoch will
Endless skills, I want to go up the mountain
Top speed bis Xhep da mit Cash voll isch
Top speed until the Xhep is full of cash
Gleert wird Gin glähmt vom Weed
Gin is learned, paralyzed by weed
Aber kämpf bis Xen mal im Lambo sitzt
But fight until Xen sits in the Lambo
Head shot Bitch
Headshot, bitch
Ich Endboss kill wenn es d Fam so will
I kill the final boss if the fam wants it that way
Nie meh wider broke alles süess so wie Honig
Never broke again, everything sweet like honey
Alles isch klärt und in Ordnig
Everything is settled and in order
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
D Fläsche wird gleert mite Homies
The bottle is emptied with homies
Nie meh wider broke alles süess so wie Honig
Never broke again, everything sweet like honey
Alles isch klärt und in Ordnig
Everything is settled and in order
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
D Fläsche wird gleert mite Homies
The bottle is emptied with homies
Ha lang kah doch han ufgholt
Had it long, but I stopped
Homie wart Dankbar für jedes stuck Brot woni ha
Homie, be grateful for every piece of bread I have
S Karma hetmi usegholt wiedermal
Karma got me out again
Abstand den weni ushol für en Schlag
Distance yourself when I strike out for a blow
Gahts Gold ohni frag broke uf Strass
Gold goes without asking, broke on the street
Vorem Coop mite Thugs vo de Cops immer gjagt
In front of the Coop with thugs, always chased by the cops
Jede Song ide Clubs ume gaht
Every song goes around in the clubs
Lii mir händ gfickt mir sind boss jede Song ide Charts
Yo, we fucked it up, we're the boss, every song in the charts
typ us de Gass wo alli ihollt
The guy from the street who catches up with everyone
Ufeinmal en Star han alles gfickt Bro
Suddenly a star, I fucked everything up, bro
Alles glernt uf de Strass damals no ziellos
Everything learned on the street back then, aimless
Verlängere d Wand den ich han zvill Gold
Extend the wall because I have too much gold
Investier det wos inebringt
Invest where it pays off
Zieh nöd mit nei ich dirigier
Don't pull in, I'm directing
Lieder bring immer Leader blib
Songs always bring leaders, stay
Vom Chinderzimmer zu Villene
From the children's room to villas
Chan allii Türe für dich öffne
Can open all doors for you
Aber dir kein Wille geh
But you have no will, go
Nie meh wider broke alles süess so wie Honig
Never broke again, everything sweet like honey
Alles isch klärt und in Ordnig
Everything is settled and in order
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
D Fläsche wird gleert mite Homies
The bottle is emptied with homies
Nie meh wider broke alles süess so wie Honig
Never broke again, everything sweet like honey
Alles isch klärt und in Ordnig
Everything is settled and in order
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
D Fläsche wird gleert mite Homies
The bottle is emptied with homies
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today
Daddy din Sohn schribt hüt sini Story
Daddy, your son is writing his story today

Авторы: Lii, Xen

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