Xenon - König 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xenon - König 2

König 2
King 2
Te garantizo que habrá épocas difíciles
I guarantee there will be difficult times,
Y te garantizo que en algún momento uno de los dos
And I guarantee that at some point one of us,
O los dos querremos dejarlo todo
Or both of us will want to leave it all.
Pero tambien te garantizo que si no te pido que seas mia
But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine,
Me arrepentiré el resto de mi vida
I will regret it for the rest of my life.
Pocas veces podre hablar con el corazon tan sincero
Rarely can I speak with such a sincere heart,
Sumar todas mis fuerzas y tener respuesta cero
Summon all my strength and get zero response.
Te queria lo sabias, te queria como nadie
I loved you, you knew it, I loved you like no other,
Demostre lo que sentia, deje alma en cada frase si
I showed what I felt, left my soul in every phrase, yes.
Solo me huebieras dado una oportunidad
If only you had given me a chance,
Podria demostrarte y contar cada lunar de tu cuerpo
I could show you and count every mole on your body.
Intenzo invierno que no duele
Intense winter that doesn't hurt,
Pero quema,, que mas da si estoy lejos o cerca
But burns, what does it matter if I'm far or near.
No te diste cuenta yo intentaba darte
You didn't realize I was trying to give you,
Cuando mas amas menos recibes tu parte
When you love the most, you receive the least.
Es arte amarte, atarte hasta amarte
It's art to love you, to tie you up until you love,
Que te cuelguen la llamada y no paren de gritarte
To have the call hung up and not stop yelling at you.
Estas lineas son hojas desperdiciadas
These lines are wasted sheets,
No hace falta que lo escuches
You don't have to listen,
Yo tan solo me desahogaba
I was just venting.
Aveces dudo de si nunca eh sido nada
Sometimes I doubt if I've ever been anything.
Tu odio no es mi odio.no te odio
Your hate is not my hate, I don't hate you,
Solo te amaba
I just loved you.
Solo amaba y se que tu lo sabes tendras que perdonarme
I just loved and I know you know you'll have to forgive me
Por enfadarme y no saber hacer las cosas bien
For getting angry and not knowing how to do things right.
Nadie me ha enseñado a ser tu amigo
Nobody taught me how to be your friend
Y amarte al mismo tiempo
And love you at the same time.
Ok.asi de simple
Ok, it's that simple.
Aveces me siento como un enano
Sometimes I feel like a dwarf,
Aveces me confundo y no se solucionarlo
Sometimes I get confused and don't know how to solve it.
Aveces pierdo lo que quiero por imbecil
Sometimes I lose what I want because I'm an imbecile,
Y otras lo busco y acabo por encontrarlo
And other times I look for it and end up finding it.
Aveces pienso como seria a tu lado
Sometimes I think about what it would be like by your side,
Aveces digo chico seria mejor no intentarlo
Sometimes I say, boy, it would be better not to try.
Aveces creo que el amor es para tontos
Sometimes I think love is for fools,
Otras me quedo tonto si me mira y no respondo
Other times I'm left speechless if she looks at me and I don't respond.
Aveces tengo mas de lo que quiero
Sometimes I have more than I want,
Pero pa' que soñar si estar contigo es como un sueño
But why dream if being with you is like a dream.
Y despierto pensando te tengo en mi mente
And I wake up thinking I have you on my mind,
Todo es sencillo cuando te tengo adelante
Everything is simple when I have you in front of me.
Aveces te tendria entre mis brazos
Sometimes I would hold you in my arms,
Y es tu sonrisa la que gana este cobarde
And it's your smile that wins this coward.
Aveces te besaba sin dudarlo
Sometimes I would kiss you without hesitation,
Aveces te sentiria quererla tanto
Sometimes I would feel like loving you so much.
Aveces por no decir siempre
Sometimes, to avoid saying always,
No se tu pero yo no busco chicas faciles
I don't know about you, but I'm not looking for easy girls,
Si no chicas que facilmente me hagan ser feliz
But girls who easily make me happy.
Es pocas las noches que me quedo pensando en ella
It's rare that I stay up late thinking about her,
Hasta las tantas
Until the wee hours.
Ultimamente me paso demaciado
Lately, it's been happening to me too much,
Yo lo necesitaba
I needed it.

Авторы: Stefan Buchner, Wolfgang Mucha

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