Xhronos - El Hombre Del Ayer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xhronos - El Hombre Del Ayer

El Hombre Del Ayer
The Man of Yesterday
Yo siempre he sido un hombre que se encierra en si mismo
I've always been a man who keeps to himself.
Hay veces que los remordimientos no te dejan vivir
There are times when regrets don't let you live.
Yo soy una de esas personas
I am one of those people.
Me encierro en una nube
I lock myself in a cloud,
Y hasta que no explote
and until it explodes,
No puedo ver la claridad de las cosas
I can't see things clearly.
Element Studios
Element Studios
Perdon fui un fracaso lo tengo que admitir
Forgive me, I was a failure, I have to admit it.
Las 4 letras del amor no las supe definir
The four letters of love, I couldn't define them.
Hice que fueran dificil de tragar y de digerir
I made them hard to swallow and digest.
Las compre con mi sonrisa y las vendi con su sufrir
I bought them with my smile and sold them with your suffering.
Me canse de mentir hablare claro y sin rodeos
I got tired of lying, I'll speak clearly and directly.
Nunca le vi el valor a los anillos de sus deos
I never saw the value in the rings on your fingers.
Quisieron registrarme como orden de cateo
They wanted to search me like a search warrant.
Me unieron a una sangre a la cual yo no bombeo
They tied me to blood that I don't pump.
Le hubiera dicho un simple no y no me tendria q divorciar
I should have just said no and you wouldn't have had to divorce me.
A ninguna le fui fiel y con otras fui a parar
I was never faithful to any of you, and I went to others.
Me enredaron sus palabras no las pude despreciar
I was entangled by your words, I couldn't despise them.
Ahora entiendo porque es que lo llaman la red social
Now I understand why they call it social media.
Se enteraron me empujaron y el odio empezo a correr
They entered, they pushed me, and the hate began to run.
Las tire contra el sofa para la tabla no perder
I threw them against the couch so as not to lose the game.
Me levante pensando en barras con mucho que componer
I got up thinking about bars with a lot to compose.
Pero llegaron del cuartel no procedieron de un papel... ugh
But they came from the barracks, they didn't come from a piece of paper... ugh.
Perdon por ser tan cruel
I'm sorry for being so cruel.
Aun tengo sus dolores en mi piel
I still have your pain on my skin.
Ya no soy el hombre del ayer
I'm not the man I used to be.
Hoy lo considero muerto
Today I consider him dead.
Construi un anaquel
I built a shelf
En donde no hay recuerdos que poner
where there are no memories to put.
Ese era el hombre del ayer
That was the man of yesterday,
El que considero muerto
the one I consider dead.
Ahora fue que entendi que en ese tiempo era un patan
Now I understand that back then I was a jerk.
Ninguna menciona mi nombre ni siquiera mi refran
None of you mention my name, not even my refrain.
Fui aquel que se sentaba en el sofa el holgazan
I was the one who sat on the couch, the lazy one,
Incapaz de llevar a la casa una libra de pan
incapable of bringing home a loaf of bread.
Como un grillete sin tener el brazalete vivia
Like a shackle without the bracelet, I lived.
Nuestros mundos eran un caos creamos una Dystopia
Our worlds were chaos, we created a dystopia.
Ustedes trabajaban y por mi se desvivian
You all worked and went out of your way for me,
Mientras yo estaba en casa observando pornografia
while I was at home watching pornography.
No conecte con ninguna nunca arregle la averia
I didn't connect with any of you, I never fixed the damage.
Tenia el cupido con la peor punteria
I had Cupid with the worst aim.
Mi mascara teatral no reia ni entristecia
My theatrical mask didn't laugh or cry.
Seguia en el mismo acto y el drama no concluia
It continued in the same act and the drama didn't end.
Jamas les di ese perdon que se merecian
I never gave you the forgiveness you deserved.
Pague por mis pecados con todas sus regalias
I pay for my sins with all your royalties.
El dolor no me nacio miemtras la ropa recojia
The pain wasn't born in me while I picked up my clothes.
Nacio por no ver a mis hijos dia tras dia... ugh
It was born from not seeing my children day after day... ugh.
Perdon por ser tan cruel
Forgive me for being so cruel.
Aun tengo sus dolores en mi piel
I still have your pain on my skin.
Ya no soy el hombre del ayer
I'm not the man I used to be.
Hoy lo considero muerto
Today I consider him dead.
Construi un anaquel
I built a shelf
En donde no hay recuerdos que poner
where there are no memories to put.
Ese era el hombre del ayer
That was the man of yesterday,
El que considero muerto
the one I consider dead.
Hoy puedo entender
Today I understand
Que hay heridas que no sanan con tan solo tejer
that there are wounds that don't heal just by knitting.
Ya puedo llorar
Now I can cry.
Por mas duro el corazon siempre podra cambiar
However hard the heart, it can always change.
Perdon por ser tan cruel
I'm sorry for being so cruel.
Aun tengo sus dolores en mi piel
I still have your pain on my skin.
Ya no soy el hombre del ayer
I'm not the man I used to be.
Hoy lo considero muerto
Today I consider him dead.
Construi un anaquel
I built a shelf
En donde no hay recuerdos que poner
where there are no memories to put.
Ese era el hombre del ayer
That was the man of yesterday,
El que considero muerto
the one I consider dead.
Y esa es mi mejor manera de expresarme
And that's the best way I can express myself,
Con lapiz y con papel
with pen and paper,
Ya que de frente las palabras no me salen
since the words don't come out of my mouth.
Ahora las plasmo en la musica y pueden entender todo lo que les quise decir en aquel Momento
Now I capture them in music and you can understand everything I wanted to tell you at that moment.
El Punchline Assassin
The Punchline Assassin

Авторы: Jorge Vazquez

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