Xion MC feat. Mat Soria - Te Pido Perdón - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xion MC feat. Mat Soria - Te Pido Perdón

Te Pido Perdón
I Apologize
Perdón por a ver sido aquel chico cariñoso,
I apologize for having been that affectionate boy,
Ese loco enamorado que por ti era respetuoso,
That crazy guy in love who was respectful of you,
Te quería demasiado como nadie aquí lo hizo,
I loved you too much like no one else did,
Y no me valoraste este amor ya se deshizo,
And you didn't value this love, it has now dissolved,
Perdón por los detalles que te daba cada mes,
I apologize for the gifts I gave you every month,
No te hacía tan feliz tarde pude comprender,
I didn't make you happy enough, I was late to understand,
Que tu no eras para y el destino así lo quiso,
That you were not for me and destiny wanted it this way,
Dela noche a la mañana fuiste por otro cariño,
Overnight you went for another love,
Y a no me importaba quedarme sin un centavo,
And I didn't care about being left penniless,
Con rosas y chocolates no te estaba a ti comprando,
I wasn't buying you with roses and chocolates,
Del vientre del que vengo me enseño a ser asi,
I was taught to be like this from the womb I came from,
Un chico detallista que era solo para ti,
A caring boy who was only for you,
Perdón por esas veces que corrí hasta tu casa,
I apologize for those times I ran to your house,
Te extrañaba demasiado no podía cambiar de dama,
I missed you too much, I couldn't switch ladies,
Y perdón por esa lluvia que salió desde mis ojos,
And I apologize for the rain that came out of my eyes,
Los hombres si lloramos no todos somos de "oro",
Men do cry, we are not all made of "gold",
Los valores que inculcaron adentro de mi persona,
The values that were instilled in me as a person,
Aquí todo fue en vano porque nadie los valora,
Were all in vain here because no one values them,
Prefieren al malo y al bueno para un lado,
They prefer the bad guy and the good guy aside,
Y después de un cierto tiempo se retractan del pasado,
And after a while they retract the past,
Te pido perdón.
I ask for your forgiveness.
Por no ver que estabas jugando.
For not seeing that you were playing.
Yo me entregué.
I did surrender.
Y me dejaste solo llorando.
And you left me alone crying.
Y ahora me alejo.
And now I'm walking away.
Ya no te quiero.
I don't love you anymore.
Perdón por no fallar las promesas que te hice,
I apologize for not failing the promises I made to you,
Tu no cumpliste ni una y no como sentirme,
You didn't keep a single one and I don't know how to feel,
Perdón por prometerme el juntos por siempre,
I apologize for promising to be together forever,
Si al final de cuentas siempre soy el que yo pierdo,
If in the end I'm always the one who loses,
Te perdí o me perdiste no lo puedo deducir,
I lost you or you lost me, I can't figure it out,
Te pido que me perdones por hacerte sonreír,
I ask you to forgive me for making you smile,
Por sacarte una sonrisa cuando te sentías triste,
For bringing a smile to your face when you were feeling sad,
Siempre estuve para ti y tu en mi vida no estuviste,
I was always there for you and you were never there for me,
En los problemas que tenía sólo vi como te fuiste,
In the problems I had, I only saw you leaving,
Y me sigo preguntando que demonios me hisiste,
And I keep wondering what the hell you did to me,
Para que siga aferrado a alguien que no vale nada,
For me to keep clinging to someone who is worthless,
Te pido que me perdones por creer en tus palabras,
I ask you to forgive me for believing your words,
Por hacerme ilusiones con una persona fría,
For making illusions with a cold person,
Pero juro que algún día pagarás lo que me hacias,
But I swear that one day you will pay for what you did to me,
Enamorada no estabas solo sabías fingir,
You were not in love, you only knew how to pretend,
Cambiaste mi sentimiento y me tuve que ir,
You changed my feeling and I had to leave,
Perdón si imaginaba que íbamos a tener hijos,
I'm sorry if I imagined that we were going to have children,
Era un gran sueño que cayó a un abismo,
It was a great dream that fell into an abyss,
Te pido perdón.
I ask for your forgiveness.
Por no ver que estabas jugando.
For not seeing that you were playing.
Yo me entregué.
I did surrender.
Y me dejaste solo llorando.
And you left me alone crying.
Y ahora me alejo.
And now I'm walking away.
Ya no te quiero.
I don't love you anymore.

Авторы: Orlando Patricio Peñaloza

Xion MC feat. Mat Soria - Rap Romántico
Rap Romántico
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