Xir - Durum Ortada - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Xir - Durum Ortada

Durum Ortada
Current Situation
Ne yaparsan yap sonuç değişmez,
No matter what you do, the outcome will not change,
Duyduklarım aklıma gelince
When I think about the things I have heard,
Her sonucun bir nedeni vardır hep,
Every result seems to have a reason,
Bugün son durakta inicem ben
Today, I will get off at the last stop
Xir Gökdeniz fakir ve sana kıl
Xir Gökdeniz is poor and spiteful of you,
Onun adı para ve beni yarıda bırakır.
Her name is money and she leaves me behind.
Kalbim geceleri metronom
My heart is a metronome at night,
Yere düşersin tekmeyi tadınca yeri popon.
You fall to the ground, and your butt feels the pain.
Kopuyorlar pıt çakıp,
They break apart, snap, and crack,
Evden içeri girerken korkmayın
Don't be afraid when you enter the house,
Odam dağınık, pis ve biraz loş
My room is untidy, dirty, and a bit dim,
Kapıya bir kilit damardada alkol.
A lock on the door and alcohol in my veins.
Bir o yana bir bu yana benim için evi ara
Search the house for me, back and forth,
Şu 10'dan 3 bira üstünü geri
Ten minus three beers above,
Bana getir yoksa paramız biter
Bring it to me, or we will run out of money,
Xir sonra yapar gider.
Xir will then do what needs to be done and leave.
Bazen bir durum olur yada forum
Sometimes, there is a situation or a forum,
Saydırır ezikler anca kudurur.
Losers curse and rave with anger.
Face'den mesaj yok cevap ibne
No messages on Face, no reply, you jerk,
Anneni düz piç bana söveceğine
Instead of cursing me, screw your mother, asshole,
Sanırım bu aralar bi hoşsun
I think you're feeling a little strange lately.
Ne ayak bi varsın bi yoksun
What's going on? You're here and then you disappear,
Durum ortada yapmamalı rol
The situation is clear, don't play a role,
Benden al ve sat sonra geri koy
Take it from me and sell it, then return it to me,
Sanırım bu aralar bi hoşsun
I think you're feeling a little strange lately.
Ne ayak bi varsın bi yoksun
What's going on? You're here and then you disappear,
Durum ortada yapmamalı rol
The situation is clear, don't play a role,
Benden al ve sat sonra geri koy
Take it from me and sell it, then return it to me,
Bana engel at acilen
Block me immediately,
Yoksa yerin dibine gömer kafiyem
Or my rhymes will bury you six feet under.
Bana tarife yapma durumları gördüm
Don't give me any lines, I've seen these tactics before,
Bi sigara gibi yandın vede söndün
You burned like a cigarette and then went out,
Harf harf hecele benim gibi yok
There's no one like me, spelling it out,
Kar kar vede diz artıyo bahis
More snow, and the betting increases,
Birileri yamulur biz düzelirken
Some will fail while we rise,
Çünkü bu oyunun kuralı bu eğlen
Because that's the rule of this game, enjoy it,
Kralı bu maratonu bitiremez
The king can't finish this marathon,
Beni sadece güldürür iki çömez
Two novices only make me laugh,
Parlar kafana kafan aptal adam
Pain to your head, your head is stupid,
Görevini bitirir bomba patlamadan
It finishes its duty before the bomb explodes,
Akşama hazır mal para ver
Are you ready by evening? Give me the money,
Haber et ne yapıpta edip bana gel
Let me know and come to me, no matter what you do,
Altını pisleyen hareketler
Actions that dirty gold,
Senin altını bozdurana sikler
Does the one who cashes your gold care?
Sanırım bu aralar bi hoşsun
I think you're feeling a little strange lately.
Ne ayak bi varsın bi yoksun
What's going on? You're here and then you disappear,
Durum ortada yapmamalı rol
The situation is clear, don't play a role,
Benden al ve sat sonra geri koy
Take it from me and sell it, then return it to me,
Sanırım bu aralar bi hoşsun
I think you're feeling a little strange lately.
Ne ayak bi varsın bi yoksun
What's going on? You're here and then you disappear,
Durum ortada yapmamalı rol
The situation is clear, don't play a role,
Benden al ve sat sonra geri koy
Take it from me and sell it, then return it to me,

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