YAS - Vaghte Raftan (Time to Leave) - وقت رفتن (feat. AaMin) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни YAS - Vaghte Raftan (Time to Leave) - وقت رفتن (feat. AaMin)

Vaghte Raftan (Time to Leave) - وقت رفتن (feat. AaMin)
Vaghte Raftan (Time to Leave) - وقت رفتن (feat. AaMin)
سخته حرفم ولي بايد رفت
It's hard to say, but I must go
ديگه تمومه ديگه بريدم
It's over, I'm done
ديگه خستم از اين كه هر چي
I'm tired of trying
هي اومدم و نرسيدم
And never reaching you
سخته حرفم ولي بايد بدوني خستم
It's hard to say, but you should know I'm exhausted
ولي بايد بدوني كه ميرم با يه يادگاري رو دستم
You should know I'm leaving with a scar on my hand
با يه يادگاري رو دستم
With a scar on my hand
سخته رفتن بس كه سردم
Leaving is tough, I'm so cold
من حرف دل هاي شكستم
I'm the voice of broken hearts
من با هر خاطره با غم -- ميرم با اينكه وابستم
With every memory, with sorrow -- I leave though I'm attached
سخته رفتن تلخه حرفم -- ببين من در ها رو بستم
Leaving is tough, my words are bitter -- see, I've closed the doors
من از غروب جمعم
I'm from the evening gatherings
حتي از سكوت صبحم خستم
I'm even tired of the morning silence
سخته حرفم رسيده وقت رفتن
It's hard to say, the time to leave has come
به ياد اون روزا كه اسمت هر يه سطر دفتر
Remembering those days when your name filled every line of my notebook
نقش مي بست چشم با اشك خيرست به
My eyes welled up with tears, looking forward to
فردايي كه توي زندگيم يه بخش ديگست
A tomorrow that's a different chapter in my life
من نمي دونم بهت نميومد
I didn't know you weren't the one
كه خودتو بكشي كنار از كنار من تو بري گلم
To walk away from me, my dear
نخواستي بفهمي اين رو كه من عاشقتم؟؟؟
You didn't want to understand that I love you???
فهميدم حق ميدم بهت باشه بخند، به من
I understand, you have the right to laugh at me
واقعا كه حق داري بخندي
You really have the right to laugh
كه با اون نگاهت منو به رگباري ببندي
To shoot me down with your gaze
كه بدتر از صد تا گلوله سرب داغه
Which is worse than a hundred hot lead bullets
با تو فكر مي كردم طلوع صبحه آخه
With you, I thought it was the break of dawn
تا وقتي بودي توي زندگيم من غم نداشتم -- واست تا جايي كه تونستم من كم نذاشتم
As long as you were in my life, I had no sorrow -- I gave you everything I could
البته خودم مي خواستم اينا منت نيست -.- ولي با تو بودن واسه مَن مِن بعد ريسكه
Of course, I did it willingly, it's not a burden -.- But being with you is a risk for me from now on
ديگه با خاطرات با تو خوشم پس
I'm no longer happy with memories of you
چون كه حتي فكر بي تو بودن كشندست
Because even the thought of being without you is deadly
بذار بگم آخرين سطرم رو بخوني
Let me tell you, read my last line
من ميرم تا شايد تو قدرم رو بدوني
I'm leaving so maybe you'll understand my worth
سخته رفتن بس كه سردم
Leaving is tough, I'm so cold
من حرف دل هاي شكستم
I'm the voice of broken hearts
من با هر خاطره با غم
With every memory, with sorrow
ميرم با اينكه وابستم
I leave though I'm attached
سخته رفتن تلخه حرفم
Leaving is tough, my words are bitter
ببين من در ها رو بستم
See, I've closed the doors
من از غروب جمعم
I'm from the evening gatherings
حتي از سكوت صبحم خستم
I'm even tired of the morning silence
سخته حرفم رسيده وقت رفتن
It's hard to say, the time to leave has come
گذشت اون روزا تو حرفا بودي حرف أول
Those days are gone, you were the first word in my conversations
حس مي كردم أخيرا حرفات با خراشه
Lately, I felt your words were harsh
اونجا بود كه فهميدم اين قصه آخراشه
That's when I understood this story was ending
وقت رفتنه وقت دفن قلبمه -- و خودت مي دوني تمومه الكي جو نده
It's time to leave, time to bury my heart -- and you know it's over, don't pretend
حرف هاي تلخت هم كه نمك زخممه -- و تنها دلخوشيم به قلم دستمه
Your bitter words are like salt on my wounds -- and my only solace is the pen in my hand
و باز منم و حسرت اينكه دوباره تنهام
And here I am again, with the regret of being alone
و از خدا حالا مي خوام من دو بال پرواز
And now I ask God for two wings to fly away
مي دوني چند بار گفتم كه تو مال من باش؟؟؟
Do you know how many times I told you to be mine???
بگذريم ديگه زدستم در رفته شمار دردام
Let it go, the number of my pains has slipped from my grasp
تو كه مي دونستي من تكيه گاه محكمتم
You knew I was your strong support
بگو با من ديگه چرا آخه نوكرتم؟؟؟
Tell me, why are you no longer close to me???
من كه هر دقيقم وابسته به دقيقه تو بود
My every minute was tied to yours
من كه حتي لباس تنم به سليقه تو بود
Even the clothes on my back were to your taste
مني كه دست هيچكسي رو با وجودم نمي گرفتم
I who wouldn't take anyone's hand with my existence
تو باعث شدي كه توي قلبم بميره نفرت
You made the hatred in my heart die
رسيده وقت رفتن
The time to leave has come
هرچند من از دلت خيلي وقته رفتم
Even though I left your heart a long time ago
باشه تو بردي و اينا برات افتخارن؟؟؟
Okay, you won, and are these your trophies???
تو ختم عالمي و منم اند خامم؟؟؟
You're the end of the world, and I'm just a fool???
فکر نكني أهل جبران يا انتقامم
Don't think I'm one for compensation or revenge
خودم بايد دقت مي كردم تو انتخابم
I should have been more careful in my choice
سخته رفتن بس كه سردم
Leaving is tough, I'm so cold
من حرف دل هاي شكستم
I'm the voice of broken hearts
من درد تموم دنيام
I'm the pain of the whole world
كه زخم هام رو خودم بستم
That I bandaged my own wounds
سخته رفتن تلخه حرفم
Leaving is tough, my words are bitter
ببين من در ها رو بستم
See, I've closed the doors
من از غروب جمعم
I'm from the evening gatherings
حتي از سكوت صبحم خستم.
I'm even tired of the morning silence.

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