YU-A - oyasumi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни YU-A - oyasumi

深夜0時過ぎ 疲れた顔して
A little past midnight, your tired face
お帰りのkiss 今日も遅かったのね
A kiss to welcome me back, you were late again today
ソファーに腰掛け ラテを片手に
You sit on the sofa, holding a latte
優しく微笑み 肩寄せ抱きしめた
You smile gently, lean in and hug me
何もしなくていいよ 何も話さないでいいよ
You don't have to do anything, you don't have to say anything
心配事はしないで 私が全部やるから
Don't worry, I'll take care of everything
貴方の体全て 私に預けていいよ
You can entrust your whole body to me
今夜はこうしていたいの 2人一緒に 瞳を閉じて
I want to do this tonight, just the two of us, with our eyes closed
さぁ両手広げて 雲の上へ行こう
Come on, spread your arms and let's go above the clouds
傷が痛むなら 翼をあげるわ
If your wounds are aching, I'll give you wings
深呼を吸して 青色に混ざろう
Take a deep breath and let's blend into the blue
怖くはない2人なら Welcom to the'DREAM'
It's not scary when we're together, welcome to the 'DREAM'
明日の朝も 早いみたいだね
Tomorrow morning, it seems you have an early day
あと数時間だけ 静かな時間を過ごそう
Let's spend the next few hours in silence
愛しい貴方の 髪を撫でてると
As I caress your precious hair
急に消えそうで 怖くなるの
I suddenly become afraid that you will disappear
何処へも行かないでね 私はここにいるわ
Don't go anywhere, I'm here
それだけが唯一の 貴方へのお願いなの
That's the only thing I ask of you
ローズマリーの香りが 空間を埋めて行く
The scent of rosemary fills the air
キャンドルを全て消して 月明かりが2人照らすの
I turn off all the candles, and the moonlight illuminates us both
さぁ力を抜いて 海の底へ行こう
Come on, relax and let's go to the bottom of the ocean
前が見えないのなら 光をあげるわ
If you can't see ahead, I'll give you light
深く息を吐いて 青色に沈もう
Take a deep breath and let's sink into the blue
見てみたい 2人なら Welcom to the'DREAM'
I want to see, just the two of us, welcome to the 'DREAM'
さぁ両手広げて 雲の上へ行こう
Come on, spread your arms and let's go above the clouds
傷が痛むなら 翼をあげるわ
If your wounds are aching, I'll give you wings
深呼を吸して 青色に混ざろう
Take a deep breath and let's blend into the blue
怖くはない2人なら Welcom to the'DREAM'
It's not scary when we're together, welcome to the 'DREAM'

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