YU-A - あなたの笑顔 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни YU-A - あなたの笑顔

Your Smile
「Your Smile」
ドラマ デカ黒川铃木 主题歌
Theme song for the drama "デカ黒川铃木"
见惯れた景色 通りすぎて〖走过这熟悉的风景
Walking past the familiar scenery〖Walking through this familiar scenery〗
Praying for an unknown tomorrow〖Praying for an unknown tomorrow〗
春の中 寒さ感じて〖虽是春天却刺骨寒冷〗
Feeling the cold in the midst of spring〖Feeling the cold in the midst of spring〗
Seeking warmth〖Seeking warmth〗
谁もが 答え探しながら〖谁都在寻找答案中〗
Searching for answers, everyone〖Searching for answers, everyone〗
不安を抱え 彷徨う〖怀抱不安与彷徨〗
Wandering with anxiety〖Wandering with anxiety〗
梦见てた 理想はきっと〖梦境中的理想〗
The ideal I had in my dreams〖The ideal I had in my dreams〗
果てなく 続くの〖定是连绵不绝没有尽头〗
Surely continues endlessly〖Surely continues endlessly〗
いつしか 远い 未来へと〖不知不觉 走向遥远的未来〗
Before I knew it, I was walking towards a distant future〖Before I knew it, I was walking towards a distant future〗
I just want to see your smile〖I just want to see your smile〗
There are many things I carry〖There are many things I carry〗
いつだって 私が居る〖无论何时 我都在你身边〗
But I'm always here for you〖But I'm always here for you〗
分かち合おう 信じる心〖互相分享彼此信任的心〗
Let's share our hearts of trust〖Let's share our hearts of trust〗
I want to see the continuation of your dream〖I want to see the continuation of your dream〗
Let's draw it freely〖Let's draw it freely〗
Let's accept any destiny〖Let's accept any destiny〗
だから 今歩き出そう〖所以 现在请勇往直前〗
So let's start walking now〖So let's start walking now〗
退屈な时间 持て余して〖无法应对无聊的时间〗
Unable to cope with boring time〖Unable to cope with boring time〗
気がつけば もう大人で〖回过神时 已经长大成人〗
When I realized it, I was already an adult〖Realized when I became an adult〗
1人だけ 取り残された〖只有自己被远远甩下〗
I was the only one left behind〖I was left alone〗
戻らない あの日々〖曾经的日子已不会再来〗
Those days will not come back〖Those days will not come back〗
心の弱さ ばかり増えて〖内心的软弱只增不减〗
The weakness of my heart only increases〖The weakness of my heart increases〗
My self-confidence has been lost〖My self-confidence is lost〗
何も持たず 立ち向かえるの?〖一无所有 还能直面吗?〗
Can I face it with nothing?〖Can I face it with nothing?〗
I need courage〖I want courage〗
いつかの 子供 达のように〖仿佛以前的孩子们那样〗
Like the children of the past〖Like the children of the past〗
All the futures I see ahead〖All the futures I see ahead〗
Will be brighter because of you〖Are brighter because of you〗
大丈夫 前を向いて〖没关系 向着前方〗
It's okay, face forward〖It's okay, face forward〗
Let's smile through the suffering〖Let's smile through the suffering〗
I don't know where to start〖I don't know where to begin〗
わからなくて辛くても〖即使痛苦 变得不明白〗
Even if it's hard and I don't understand〖Hard and I don't understand〗
共に 手をとり进んで行こう〖一同携手勇往直前吧〗
Let's take each other's hands and move forward〖Let's take each other's hands and go forward〗
一歩 また 一歩ずつ〖一步 又一步〗
One step, one step at a time〖One step, one step at a time〗
The journey I have walked〖Journey I have walked〗
I felt like I wasn't making any progress〖Felt I wasn't making any progress〗
だけど 振り返ってみて足迹残ってる〖但是 回头却发现脚下的足迹〗
But looking back, I can see the footprints left〖Looking back, I can see the footprints left〗
I just want to see your smile〖I just want to see your smile〗
There are many things I carry〖There are many things I carry〗
いつだって 私が居る〖无论何时 我都在你身边〗
But I'm always here for you〖But I'm always here for you〗
分かち合おう 信じる心〖互相分享彼此信任的心〗
Let's share our hearts of trust〖Let's share our hearts of trust〗
I want to see the continuation of your dream〖I want to see the continuation of your dream〗
Let's draw it freely〖Let's draw it freely〗
Let's accept any destiny〖Let's accept any destiny〗
だから 今歩き出そう〖所以 现在请勇往直前〗
So let's start walking now〖So let's start walking now〗

Авторы: 虹音, YU−A, YU-A, 虹音

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