YU-A - 願い feat.YU-A - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни YU-A - 願い feat.YU-A

願い feat.YU-A
Wish feat.YU-A
ふたりの想い出 かき集めたなら また泣けてきちゃう 寂しさ溢れて
If only I could gather all the memories of us, I would weep again with an overwhelming sense of emptiness.
最後の恋だと 信じて願った あの日々にウソはなかった
You believed that this was our last love, and I wished the same, for those days were true.
住み慣れた街から希望持って 飛び出した 東京へ 夢追って
You left your familiar city and came to Tokyo with hope, chasing your dreams.
落ち葉が音を奏でる季節に はじまりは突然予期せずに
In the season when fallen leaves sing, our story began suddenly and unexpectedly.
バイト先 そのひたむきさに その笑顔に いつの間に
At my part-time job, your dedication and your smile, when did it happen?
心のすきまに 何かが届いた その日から 友達でいられなくなった
Something filled the void in my heart. From that day on, we couldn't just be friends anymore.
小さいのに少し生意気で 同い年で 涙もろくて
You were petite yet a little sassy, the same age, and a crybaby.
長い髪 澄んだ目がキレイで 眠れない夜は キミのせいで
Your long hair, clear eyes, and beautiful eyes; on sleepless nights, it was all your fault.
この気持ち伝えたくて 会いたくて... 会いたくて...
I wanted to tell you how I felt, I longed to see you... I longed to see you...
書きかけのメール何度も消した 都会のノイズ 声をかき消した
I repeatedly deleted the email I was writing. The noise of the city drowned out my voice.
ふたりの想い出 かき集めたなら また泣けてきちゃう 寂しさ溢れて
If only I could gather all the memories of us, I would weep again with an overwhelming sense of emptiness.
最後の恋だと 信じて願った あの日々にウソはなかった
You believed that this was our last love, and I wished the same, for those days were true.
缶コーヒー片手 帰り寄った公園 冬の夜空の下 告白した
Holding a canned coffee, I stopped by the park on the way home. Under the winter night sky, I confessed.
カッコつけた でも肝心なとこでつまずいた でもキミはうなずいた
I acted cool, but when it mattered most, I stumbled. Yet you nodded.
そして一粒の涙流した 二人の時間が動き出した
And then you shed a tear and our time together began to move.
四六時中手のひら重ねた 小さなテーブル手料理並べた
We held hands all the time, at the small table where we put out home cooking.
少し大人になった気がした 時のないベッド差し込む日差しが
I felt like I had become a little more grown-up. The sunlight streaming into our unmade bed.
親には内緒で旅行も行った お互いのダメなとこも知った
We went on a trip without telling our parents. We got to know each other's flaws.
誤解して傷つけ合った いつもうまく言葉に出来なかった
We misunderstood each other and hurt each other. We couldn't always put our feelings into words.
本当はキミと同じだけ好きだった いくつもの季節が過ぎ去った
The truth is, I loved you just as much. Seasons passed by.
ふたりの想い出 かき集めたなら また泣けてきちゃう 寂しさ溢れて
If only I could gather all the memories of us, I would weep again with an overwhelming sense of emptiness.
最後の恋だと 信じて願った あの日々にウソはなかった
You believed that this was our last love, and I wished the same, for those days were true.
子供のままでいられたなら 何も怖がらず歩いていけたかな?
If only we could have stayed children, could we have walked on without fear?
もっと早く大人になっていたなら 二人で乗り越えられたかな?
If only we had grown up sooner, could we have overcome it together?
今もキミの夢 夜空へ 願うよ
Even now, I wish for your dreams in the night sky.
Even now, you are still the same smiling face from back then.
Even now, you are still as honest as you were back then.
Even now, you are still as kind as you were back then.
今でもキミは... キミのままでいてほしい そう願うよ
Even now, you are... I wish for you to stay just the way you are.
ふたりの想い出 かき集めたなら また泣けてきちゃう 寂しさ溢れて
If only I could gather all the memories of us, I would weep again with an overwhelming sense of emptiness.
最後の恋だと 信じて願った あの日々にウソはなかった
You believed that this was our last love, and I wished the same, for those days were true.
ふたりの想い出集めたら 泣き出しそうになる今夜も
If I gather all our memories, I feel like crying again tonight.
寂しさ 溢れて 苦しくなる
Loneliness overflows, and it hurts.
最後の恋と信じ願った あの日々にウソはなかった
You believed that this was our last love, and I wished the same, for those days were true.
離れても あなたの 幸せ願う
Even though we're apart, I wish you happiness.
ふたりの想い出集めたら 泣き出しそうになる今夜も
If I gather all our memories, I feel like crying again tonight.
寂しさ 溢れて 苦しくなる
Loneliness overflows, and it hurts.
最後の恋と信じ願った あの日々にウソはなかった
You believed that this was our last love, and I wished the same, for those days were true.
離れても あなたの 幸せ願う
Even though we're apart, I wish you happiness.

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