Yenic - Deja Vu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yenic - Deja Vu

Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Cred ca am innebunit de am scris piesa asta...
I think I've gone crazy for writing this song...
Dar in caz ca o asculti
But in case you listen to it
Sa stii ca-i pentru tine
Know it's for you
Buna dimineata, iarta-ma ca te-am trezit
Good morning, forgive me for waking you up
Vreau sa-ti spun ca esti frumoasa chiar dac-ai mai fi dormit
I want to tell you that you are beautiful even if you had slept longer
Las' c-ai timp destul sa dormi in viata urmatoare
Let's go, you have enough time to sleep in the next life
Da noi cred c-am fost impreuna si in viata anterioare
But I think we were together in past lives too
Azi vreau sa fim doar noi, si cu o sticla de vin
Today I want it to be just us, and a bottle of wine
Sa-ti redau iar fericirea dupa o viata de chin
To bring back your happiness after a lifetime of torment
Nu ma intereseaza de corpul tau de model
I don't care about your model body
Nu ma mai compara cu fostul tau stii bine ca nu-s el
Don't compare me to your ex, you know I'm not him
Tu deschideti inima si lasa-ma sa ma strecor
Open your heart and let me slip in
Cu iubirea ce ti-o port promit sa umplu orice gol
With the love I have for you, I promise to fill any void
Daca mai iei de mana eu sunt gata sa mut munti
If you take my hand, I'm ready to move mountains
Da tu te simti pregatita sa pasim prin foc desculti?
But do you feel ready to step through the fire barefoot?
De mine sa nu te-ascunzi, semeni tu cu marea albastra
Don't hide from me, you resemble the blue sea
Sentimente, culori reci, dar eu te simt cat esti de calda
Feelings, cold colors, but I feel how warm you are
Vrei sa pretinzi de parca, esti imuna la iubire
You want to pretend, as if you're immune to love
Ca sa poti iubi pe altu' intai iubeste-te pe tine
To be able to love someone else, first love yourself
Clatite-n bucatarie, hai sa ne batem cu frisca
Pancakes in the kitchen, let's fight with whipped cream
Cand asculti aceasta piesa stiu ca in suflet te misca
When you listen to this song, I know it touches your soul
La cat esti de perfecta, jur ca te-as lua acasa
You are so perfect, I swear I would take you home
Esti desteapta, zapacita si nebuna si frumoasa
You are smart, crazy and insane and beautiful
Stiu ca nu dai importanta, poate ti le spun prea des
I know you don't care, maybe I tell you too often
SI-auzi rar din gurea mea cand iti spun ca te iubesc
And you rarely hear it from my mouth when I tell you I love you
Dar stii ca iti dovedesc,prin fapte nu prin cuvinte
But you know I prove it to you, by deeds not by words
Vrei sa imi vezi inima fa-i ecocardiografie
You want to see my heart, do an echocardiogram
Zambet asa perfect ca al tau nu am mai vazut
A smile as perfect as yours, I've never seen
Si-am sa-ncerc sa-l tin acolo cat am sa pot eu de mult
And I'll try to keep it there as long as I can
Jur ca te-as duce pe Marte sa te am doar pentru mine
I swear I'd take you to Mars to have you just for myself
Si de-as avea Universu' l-as imparti doar cu tine
And if I had the Universe, I'd share it only with you
Hai sa facem caterinca, sa ne rupa-n doua bluntu'
Let's have fun, let's break the blunt in two
Si cat timp sunt eu la munca tu sa nu ma-nseli cu altu'
And while I'm at work, you don't cheat on me with someone else
Tot cu mine sa-mparti patu' si iubirea sa ne-ajunga
Share the bed with me and let our love be enough
Sa ramanem impreuna chiar si in viata de dupa
Let's stay together even in the afterlife
Daca cumva exista, iar in caz e ca poate-i mit
If it exists, and in case it's a myth
N-am nevoie de vreo viata ca sa pot iar sa te simt
I don't need a lifetime to feel you again
Deja se face tarziu, iar ne-a prins mijloc de toamna
It's getting late, and we're caught in the middle of autumn
De-acum vreau ca tu sa fii prima si ultima doamna
From now on I want you to be the first and last lady
Lasa acum ploaia sa cada sa ne spele de pacate
Let the rain fall now, let it wash away our sins
In viata mea esti floarea cu cele mai frumoase petale
You are the flower with the most beautiful petals in my life
Dac-ai fi melodie te-as pune-n mod repetat
If you were a song, I'd put you on repeat
Lasa-ma sa iti fiu vers, iar tu sa-mi fii instrumental
Let me be your verse, and you be my instrumental

Авторы: Justin De Vries, Stefan Schonewille, Ienciu Florin

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