Yenic - Guerra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yenic - Guerra

Ma-ntreb de multe ori, cum iti amintesti de mine
I ask myself many times, how do you remember me
Sau daca-ti amintesti de mine
Or if you remember me at all
Dar in caz c-o faci, sa-ti aduci aminte ca am fost baiatul ala
But in case you do, remember that I was that boy
Care a dat totul pentru tine
Who gave his all for you
Dar, am dat totul pentru tine candva
But, I gave my all for you once
Cred ca acum e timpul sa dau totul pentru altcineva
I think now it's time to give my all to someone else
Hei, buna, ce faci? Sper ca esti bine
Hey, hi, what are you doing? I hope you're doing well
Sunt tot eu acelasi tip care-si facea griji pentru tine
It's still me, the same guy who used to care about you
E inc-o piesa-n care-ti spun ce s-a-ntamplat
It's another song where I'm telling you what happened
Ti le-as fi spus toate-n fata, ah, stai ca nu am apucat
I would have told you everything to your face, oh, wait, I didn't get the chance
Imi reprosai c-ajung seara tarziu acasa
You used to blame me for coming home late at night
Ca munceam suplimentar sa pot sa-ti pun painea pe masa
That I was working overtime to be able to put bread on the table
Munceam 12 ore pe zi, intr-o spalatorie
I worked 12 hours a day in a laundry
Si trageam ca prostu'-ntr-una sa-ti fac viata buna, tie
And I was busting my ass off to make a good life for you
La inceput, imi aduceai pachet la munca
At first, you used to bring me lunch at work
Si-ai vazut ca lupt pentru noi sa ducem o viata bun a
And you saw that I was fighting for us to have a good life
Ai facut-o intr-un timp, pana cand ceva s-a schimbat
You did it for a while, until something changed
Tu cu altu' prin oras, eu ca prostu te-am asteptat
You with another guy around town, and I, like a fool, waited for you
Uite recunosc uneori m-am comportat stupid
Look, I admit, sometimes I acted stupid
Si te tratam cu-indiferenta fiindca eram obosit
And I treated you with indifference because I was tired
Si tu nu ma-ntelegeai, tot timpu ma enervai
And you didn't understand me, you always pissed me off
La probleme dispareai, la bine mereu erai
When there were problems you disappeared, when things were good you were always there
La-nceput totu' perfect, da ai transformat totu-n drama
At first everything was perfect, but you turned everything into a drama
Si-am preferat sa dau in zid decat sa-ti dau tie o palma
And I preferred to punch a wall than to lay a hand on you
Dar in final ma bucur ca ne-am despartit
But in the end I'm glad we broke up
Ca nici acum nu imi dau seama de-a fost sincer ce-ai simtit
Because I still don't realize if what you felt was sincere
Te-ntrebi cum sunt? Sa stii ca acum sunt bine
You wonder how I am? You should know that I am doing well now
Parca viata-i mai frumoasa de cand nu esti langa mine
Life seems more beautiful since you're not with me
M-am consolat cu gandu' ca pentru tine
I consoled myself with the thought that for you
Am fost doar o povara si nu te-ai putut abtine
I was just a burden and you couldn't help yourself
Sa iti bati joc? Ca e mai mare placerea
But to make fun of me? Because it's more pleasurable
Sa fii iubita in timp ce altu simte durerea
To be loved while someone else is feeling the pain
M-am prins care-i problema, ne atasam usor
I realized what the problem is, we get attached easily
Si nu avem control asupra sentimenmtelor
And we have no control over our feelings
Haide spune-ti amintesti cand ne-am mutat impreuna?
Come on, tell me, do you remember when we moved in together?
Mi-ai spus ca vezi o viata intreaga tinandu-ne de mana
You told me that you see a whole life holding my hand
Aveam planuri la comun, dar planul a esuat
We had plans together, but the plan failed
Tu-acum cu altul de mana, eu am ramas tot devotat
You're now holding hands with someone else, and I'm still devoted
N-o sa gasesti vreun barbat, sa fie cum am fost
You won't find a man who will be like I was
Si dac-am fost bun cu tine nu inseamna c-am fost prost
And just because I was good to you doesn't mean I was stupid
Stiu, poate nu te-asteptai s-ajung sus cu muzica
I know, maybe you didn't expect me to make it big with music
Si nici eu nu m-asteptam ca tu sa faci parte din ea
And I didn't expect you to be a part of it either
Si e ciudat ca inca astept sa te-ntorci
And it's strange that I'm still waiting for you to come back
Mi-ai stors toata ura din suflet, iubirea cat vrei s-o storci?
You squeezed all the hate out of my soul, how much love do you want to squeeze out?
Mi-am dat seama prea tarziu, am vazut unde-am gresit
I realized too late, I saw where I went wrong
Prost e cel care iubeste si nu vede ca-i mintit
A fool is the one who loves and doesn't see that he is being lied to
N-am s-arunc vina pe tine, am s-o iau asupra mea
I'm not going to blame you, I'm going to take it upon myself
Continuam sa-ti spun ca-s bine si cand inima plangea
I kept telling you I was fine even when my heart was crying
Poate ca-i adevarat, am devenit un monstru
Maybe it's true, I've become a monster
C-am luptat ca un egoist sa ne facem rostul nostru
That I fought like a selfish person to make a living for us
Am plecat 3 zile-n iasi, aveam ocazia sa te-nsel
I went to Iasi for 3 days, I had the chance to cheat on you
Si-am vorbit non-stop cu tine sa-ti arat ca sunt fidel
And I talked to you non-stop to show you that I am faithful
Si ma jur pe ce-am mai sfant, c-am stat in camera plangand
And I swear on what is most sacred to me, that I sat in the room crying
In timp ce tu m-a acuzai si ma dadeai de pamant
While you were accusing me and putting me down
Nu te-am inselat c-o vorba, ce sa mai zic de fapte
I didn't cheat on you with a word, let alone actions
Eu sentimente curate tu de fapt fapte patate
I had pure feelings, you actually had tainted actions
De minciuna si ura si cand toate se-aduna
Of lies and hatred and when it all adds up
N-are cum sa iase soare, cand dupa nori e furtuna
The sun can't come out when there's a storm behind the clouds
Si-ai fi meritat sa te-nsel
And you would have deserved to be cheated on
Doar ca nu-s genu de om si nu-mi sta in caracter
But I'm not that kind of man and it's not in my character
Alta imi era aproape, la un pas sa ma sarute
Another one was close to me, one step away from kissing me
Doar ca eu te-am vrut pe tine si le-am refuzat pe multe
But I wanted you and I refused many
De asta n-ai sa-ntelegi, ca nu esti genu' de fata
That's why you won't understand, because you're not the kind of girl
Care sa aprecieze iubirea pusa pe tava
Who would appreciate love served on a silver platter
Iubirea ce mi-o purtai avea mai multe nuante
The love you had for me had more shades
Iubirea ce ti-am purtat-o-a murit spune-i condoleante
The love I had for you died, tell it condolences

Авторы: Ienciu Florin

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