Yenic - Hei Straino - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yenic - Hei Straino

Hei Straino
Hei Straino
Buna straino, e noapte si e tarziu
Hello stranger, it's night and it's late
Ma uit la pozele cu noi doar ca acum nu iti mai scriu
I'm looking at the photos of us, but now I don't write to you anymore
Stiu probabil e tarziu si-am venit sa-ti dau de veste
I know it's probably late and I came to give you the news
Sunt fericit pentru tine c-ai reusit sa treci peste
I'm happy for you that you managed to get over it
Dar hei straino, mai ai fluturi in stomac
But hey stranger, do you still have butterflies in your stomach
Acum probabil ca nu ca nu-s eu cel care ti-e drag
Now probably not, because I'm not the one you love
Nu-ti mai urmaresc profilul c-a trecut deja un timp
I don't follow your profile anymore, because a lot of time has passed
De cand ne-am promis atatea si-acum privesc cum se sting
Since we promised so much and now I watch them die out
Toate promisiunile facute sub juramant
All the promises made under oath
Azi nu beau de suparare, azi beau doar sa te mai cant
Today I'm not drinking out of sadness, today I'm drinking just to sing about you again
Din cand in cand ma mai gandesc cum imi ziceai c-o sa ma vezi
From time to time I remember how you used to tell me that you would see me
La fel de bland si suav, chiar dac-o fi sa ma pierzi
Just as gentle and suave, even if I were to lose you
Te-am rugat sa nu te schimbi ca orice trandafir ce creste
I begged you not to change, because every rose that grows
Isi va uita gradinarul care-l uda si-l iubeste
Will forget the gardener who waters it and loves it
Vezi dragostea ne-amageste cu gust dulce de speranta
See love bewitches us with the sweet taste of hope
Si-acum parca se ofileste tot ce candva prindea viata
And now everything that once came to life seems to be withering
Dar hei straino, tu sa nu te instristezi
But hey stranger, don't be sad
Daca viata te-a luat dur, tu invata sa ripostezi
If life has taken you hard, learn to fight back
Azi nu mai avem nimic din tot ce-aveam in comun
Today we have nothing left of all that we had in common
Poate-o parere de rau ca s-a sfarsit ce era bun
Maybe a regret that what was good is over
Acum vorbesc din trecut fiindca prezentu-i diferit
Now I speak from the past, because the present is different
Poate candva te simteam, dar acum nu te mai simt
Maybe I felt you once, but now I don't feel you anymore
Totodata n-am sa mint dar poate ca asta e chestia
At the same time, I won't lie, but maybe that's the thing
Tu mereu ai fost frumoasa, iar din pacate eu bestia
You were always beautiful, and unfortunately I was the beast
Hei strainoo, hei strainoo-ooo-oo
Hey stranger, hey stranger-ooo-oo
Hei strainoo, hei strainoo-ooo-oo
Hey stranger, hey stranger-ooo-oo
Hei strainoo, du-te vinooo
Hey stranger, go drink
Buna straino, azi nu te mai recunosc
Hello stranger, today I don't recognize you
Vad c-au trecut vremurile cand ma povesteai frumos
I see that the times have passed when you told me about me beautifully
Dar poate n-are rost sa vorbesti despre mine
But maybe it's no use talking about me
Din iubirea vietii tale, acum sunt o amintire
From the love of your life, now I am a memory
Din dragoste zi-mi ce ramane la final
From love, tell me what remains in the end
Cand rostesti numele meu iti lasa gust dulce, amar
When you say my name, it leaves a sweet, bitter taste
Poate, daca am fi stiut atunci ce-i dragostea
Maybe if we had known then what love is
Azi o pretuiam mai mult si nu dadeam cu sutu-n ea
We would cherish it more today and not throw our mouths at it
Hei strainoo, hei strainoo-ooo-oo
Hey stranger, hey stranger-ooo-oo
Hei strainoo, hei strainoo-ooo-oo
Hey stranger, hey stranger-ooo-oo
Hei strainoo, du-te vinooo
Hey stranger, go drink
Buna straino, candva raspundeam rapid
Hello stranger, once I responded quickly
Astazi din lipsa de timp, ne raspundem doar cu seen
Today, due to lack of time, we only respond with "seen"
Candva eram importanti, azi abia ne zicem buna
Once we were important, today we barely say hello
Jur ne comportam de parca n-am fost vreodata-mpreuna
I swear we act like we weren't ever together
Poate, eram prea mic sa inteleg ca dragostea
Maybe I was too young to understand that love
Reprezinta mai mult decat un te iubesc si vom vedea
Represents more than just an "I love you" and "we'll see"
Mai tarziu am inteles ca vietii nu poti sa-i schimbi cursul
Later I understood that you can't change the course of life
Viata-i doar o intrebare la care n-avem raspunsul
Life is just a question to which we don't have the answer
Dar hei straino, stii ce ma durea mai mult
But hey stranger, you know what hurt me the most
E c-ai refuzat sa crezi ca sunt la fel ca la-nceput
It's that you refused to believe that I'm the same as I was at the beginning
Acel suflet bland si suav ce ziceai ca n-o sa-l vezi
That gentle and suave soul that you said you wouldn't see
Vreodata mai diferit fata de ce stii si crezi
Ever different from what you know and believe
Oricum, nu mai conteaza cum nu mai contam nici noi
Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, how we don't matter anymore
Dumnezeu ne-a dat o sansa, pe-a doua-am ucis-o noi
God gave us a chance, we killed the second one ourselves
In final raman doar ploi, ce-s gata sa isi vorbeasca
In the end, there are only rains, which are ready to speak
Semnat un necunoscut ce nu te mai asteapta acasa
Signed an unknown person who is no longer waiting for you at home
Hei strainoo, hei strainoo-ooo-oo
Hey stranger, hey stranger-ooo-oo
Hei strainoo, hei strainoo-ooo-oo
Hey stranger, hey stranger-ooo-oo
Hei strainoo, du-te vinooo
Hey stranger, go drink

Авторы: Ienciu Florin

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