Yenic feat. Utze - Otrava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yenic feat. Utze - Otrava

Sunt strain la mine-n suflet m-am pierdut prin suferinta.
I'm a stranger to my own soul, I've lost myself in suffering.
Ne-am indragostit cand eram baietel iar tu fetita.
We fell in love when I was a boy and you were a girl.
Ai aruncat cuvinte amare care si-acum inca dor.
You threw bitter words that still hurt to this day.
Si-am sa ajuns sa ma simt bine combinand xanax cu-alcool.
And I've come to feel good combining Xanax with alcohol.
Oare cat sa ma mai prefac si sa-i mint pe toti ca-s bine.
How long do I have to pretend and lie to everyone that I'm okay?
Daca tu-mi esti binele nu mi-e bine de ani de zile.
If you are my good, then I haven't been good for years.
Si-am ajuns sa il blestem pe Dumnezeu de parca.
And I've come to curse God as if.
Mi te-a daruit c-o mana dar mi te-a luat cu cealalta.
He gave you to me with one hand but took you with the other.
Tu-ai dat mereu importanta si-ascultai doar gura lumii.
You always paid attention to and listened only to the gossip.
In timp ce eu ma chinuiam sa-ti aduc lumina lunii.
While I struggled to bring you the light of the moon.
M-ai otravit cu adevarul, m-ai indulcit cu minciuna.
You poisoned me with the truth, you sweetened me with lies.
Cum sa-mi spui cand stii ca pleci, c-o sa stai pentru totdeauna?
How can you tell me when you know you're leaving, that you'll stay forever?
In ultimu moment din viata langa mine nu vei fi.
You won't be by my side in the last moment of life.
Cand voi juca meciul vietii impreuna cu ingerii.
When I play the game of life with the angels.
Inima va ofilii, iar tu n-ai sa vii s-o uzi.
My heart will wither, and you won't come to water it.
Si-o sa faci ce faci de-obicei adica sa te scuzi.
And you'll do what you always do, which is apologize.
N-am putut sa-ti dau prea multe la momentul oportun.
I couldn't give you much at the right time.
Daca eram inca-mpreuna as fi putut sa-ti dau acum.
If we were still together, I could give you now.
Am luptat ca un nebun pentru regina de pe sah
I fought like a madman for the queen on the chessboard
Da-n schimb a venit regele si mi-a dat mie sah-mat.
But instead the king came and checkmated me.
Dar la final sa nu ma uiti ca pe oricine.
But in the end, don't forget me like everyone else.
Si nu uita ca inima mea inca traieste prin tine.
And don't forget that my heart still lives through you.
Cand voi inceta sa te iubesc si nu se va-ntampla.
When I stop loving you, and it won't happen.
Am sa renunt la pasiunea de-a scrie si de-a canta.
I will give up the passion of writing and singing.
Am avut mii de motive sa te las sa pleci
I had a thousand reasons to let you go
Dar ai avut noroc ca eram singur,in noptile reci
But you were lucky I was alone, on cold nights
Un pat gol e la fel,ca o inima fara culoare
An empty bed is the same as a heart without color
N-ai cum s-o pictezi ca ea incepe sa zboare
You can't paint it because it starts to fly
Si mintea ta judeca fara sa-si intrebe sufletul
And your mind judges without asking your soul
Ce dai la schimb,daca iti pierzi zambetul
What do you give in exchange if you lose your smile?
Otrava in vene,lasam cicatrici pe piele
Poison in your veins, we leave scars on the skin
Ca sa doara o vesnicie,si sa nu mai uiti de ele
So it hurts forever and you never forget them
Te-ai intrebat vreodata,daca iubirea mai doare
Did you ever wonder if love still hurts
Sau mai innlocuit la tine-n geam cu alta floare
Or have you replaced it in your window with another flower?
Te blestem femeie,sa nu mai poti iubi vreodata
I curse you, woman, never to love again
Si tot raul facut mie,tie sa ti se-ntoarca
And all the evil you did to me, may it come back to you
Dai cu pumni in pereti si regreti ca ai plecat
You punch the walls and regret that you left
Regreti c-ai renuntat,la tot ceea ce ti-am dat
You regret giving up, everything I gave you
Si daca-r fi sa vrei sa te intorci inapoi
And if you were to want to come back
Adu-ti aminte ca tot tu ai pornit un razboi
Remember that you started a war
Si-acum nu plange,ca lacrimile ti-au secat
And now don't cry, your tears have dried up
Doi copii care viseau atunci cand si-au jurat
Two children who dreamed when they swore
Iubire vesnica si fara de tradare
Eternal love and without betrayal
Dar din pacate tot ce-a fost,intr-un final moare
But unfortunately, everything that was, eventually dies
Sa-ti amintesti de noi,si de prima ta iubire
Remember us, and your first love
Sa iubesti mai mult,cand primesti doar amagire
Love more when you receive only deception
Sa visezi mai mult,cand totul ti se pare greu
Dream more when everything seems difficult
Sa pui suflet acolo,unde e-ntuneric mereu
Put your soul where it's always dark

Авторы: Ienciu Florin

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