YonnyBoii - Biar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни YonnyBoii - Biar

Let Me Be
Banyak masalah bermain di kepala
A lot of problems play in my head
Jika diriku lepas pasti aku terlupa
If I let go, I'll definitely forget
Jalan untuk pergi atau jalan kembali
The road to go or the road back
Diri tidak berani tapi ku harus pergi
I don't have the courage, but I have to go
Mataku tertutup dengan banyak rahsia
My eyes are closed with many secrets
Diriku curiga apa maksud dunia
I wonder what the world means
Jika jiwaku mati masihkah aku hidup
If my soul dies, will I still live?
Aku selalu bimbang akan pintuku ditutup
I'm always worried that my door will be closed
Layakkah ku hidup
Am I worthy of living?
Layakkah aku mati
Am I worthy of dying?
Layar aku dengan mimpi tidur di muka bumi
I'm tired of sleeping with dreams on my face
Luasnya ilmu
The vastness of knowledge
Ku dipukau dipressi
I'm fascinated by depression
Isi hati aku gelap yang cerah ku mencari
My heart is dark, I'm looking for the bright
Jiwa ku celaru ku selalu berlari
My soul is in chaos, I always run
Dari apa masalah yang sering mengejari
From the frequent problems that chase me
Khabar itu
The news
Khabar ini
This news
Apa khabar aku Yonny
How are you, Yonny?
Let me be
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Kalau aku gila korang tu siapa
If I'm crazy, who are you?
Kalau aku salah betul tu apa
If I'm wrong, what's right?
Let me be
Semua tak boleh
I can't do everything
Aku nak keluar biar bergolek
I want to get out, even if I have to roll
Janji ke depan hidupku terbalik
I promise that my life will change for the better
Let me be
Let me be
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Jiwaku suck
My soul sucks
Banyak reaksi
So many reactions
Tak masuk akal kepala di tutup tutupi
It doesn't make sense, my head is closed
Hidup berilmu
Live and learn
Pelajaran tinggi
Higher education
Tapi tak pernah dia cara berteorialegy
But never how to be smart
Sakit tapi tak pernah berkata
It hurts but I never say anything
Ada apa dimata aku perahkan jiwa
What's wrong with my eyes, I'm crying my soul out
Siapa yang tau
Who knows?
Ku rika lak jenaka masih ku berketawa
I still laugh when I hear a joke
Yang tau yang tau
Who knows?
Hanyut di sungai sepi
Drifting in a lonely river
Layarkan ku sendiri
I'll sail on my own
Biarkan ku disini
Leave me here
Biar apa yang ku cari
Let me find what I'm looking for
Let me be
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Kalau aku gila korang tu siapa
If I'm crazy, who are you?
Kalau aku salah betul tu apa
If I'm wrong, what's right?
Let me be
Semua tak boleh
I can't do everything
Aku nak keluar biar bergolek
I want to get out, even if I have to roll
Janji ke depan hidup ku terbalik
I promise that my life will change for the better
Let me be
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do
Tak boleh tak boleh
Don't tell me what to do

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