Youssou N'Dour - Chimes of Freedom - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Youssou N'Dour - Chimes of Freedom

Chimes of Freedom
Chimes of Freedom
Si diguenté marakh massé
If I had to marry, I would have a big wedding
Bi diololi suuf sédé
With a good meal that you could eat from
Si lagn gawantou fatu mingui done gara
If he sells it to a neighbor he won't make anything
Ni bi diololi you tedd si melakh yi kawélakh
With a good meal you can't make the guests come
Yenene you melni you done rire nguir liberté
You know that you will laugh when you are free
Di riir ngur diambar yi donne khekh bal takoul
To play with the children who are good
Di riir nguir gni done gadaay ci yon you meti yi
To play with the children who aren't dead yet
Aki tamit kep kho khamni soldar nga bou toumouranké si goudi gui
Oh yes, I was a soldier and I fought in the war
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
Si bene mbar si deuk bi gni ngui lakhatou wone di khol binga khamanténi mbir yangui done wagnékou
If I had plenty of money I might have been able to buy my freedom
Bi diololi yi nek khew di riir ci taw bi ngelaw youdoul diolol you lerr nek ci kaw di tabi
With the money you do have you could do a lot of good
Aanhh di riir nguir di bagne, di yeungou nguir ki loff
Aah to live in a palace, to be rich and to beg
Di yengou nguir ki niak chance gni gnou faté gni gnou wor
To beg for a change from you and me
Di yengou nguir gni gnou bedi yagg ko lakh mouy doundé
To beg for something to eat when you have so much
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
Si bi dalouk doy warr bi dondiou glace you gnang rott
If I had a room of my own and windows to keep out the cold
Di khoti diaou dji di setou wer ak sell
I would spend the rest of my life watching the world go by
Wayam you clochou eglise yi di sani fo soré soré ak nguelaw li
Perhaps the church bells would ring a joyful sound
Desatoul loudoul diolol you nekoul ca rak bi
Instead of ringing so sadly all the time
Anh di riir ki labiir di riir nguir ki bakh
Aah to live without fear, to live without hate
Di riir nguir gni gniy gadi ak kiy samm sunu tour
To live in a world where everyone is free
Ak natal kate bi kene guissoul fou soré soré si diamonom
And the children can walk in safety in the street
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
Si goudi you bari kemtane yi
In the fields of the barren land
Taw bi melni li louy ler ay takander you amoul forme toumouranké
The mountains rise like waves upon the sea
Di wakh guir lamigne yi mounoula wakh sene khalatt
The rivers flow into the sea and the sea runs dry
ay khalat yo khamné fogone nagne ni khamou gnou lene
And the rain falls from the sky
Di wakh nguir silmakha yek gni teukh
To wash away the sins of man
Di wakh nguir gni lou gniy nato jieggen youniouy nakh
To give us hope for a better day
Ak gni gnouye toudé thiaga
And to make us strong
Di wakh nguir say say niou guené mou daw ba rer
To make us free
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
Yi dem ba bene nir ci assamane si naw di tour ndokh ndank ndak le
And then the night comes and the stars shine bright
Lérayou lamp yi di gnou dal mel ni fitt wou dioubel si
And the moon is full and the wind is still
Gni natt gni gnouy werr khamou niou founiou thi dounya
And we can see the whole world from our window
Aanh di riir ngui gni wadiou sén si yone you meti yi
Aah to live in peace, to live in love
Di riir nguir gni beugeunté mounou nio wakh sene metite
To live in a world where everyone is one
Di riir ngui yaram you niou teuj si casso defou niou dara
To live in a world where there is no war
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
And we gazed upon the Chimes Of Freedom flashing
Nagnou khol lérayou liy rir nguir liberté
Let the bells ring out for freedom

Авторы: Bob Dylan

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