Yulduz Usmanova - Bolalik - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yulduz Usmanova - Bolalik

Bolalikning ko'chalari ko'zdan o'tar
Take a good look at the streets of childhood
Umr - karvon to'xtamaydi, mangu ketar
Life is a caravan that never stops moving
Yuragimga zangor sog'inch tig'day botar
My heart constantly aches with a dull longing
Bolaligim sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
My childhood, do you miss me too?
Maysa gilam, yalangoyoq chopar edim
I used to run barefoot on a carpet of grass
Ko'k dalada ko'kka qarab yotar edim
I would lie down in the open field and gaze up at the sky
Yalpizlarning bo'ylaridan o'par edim
I would kiss the tops of the lemon balm
Yalpizginam sen ham meni sog'ingmi?
My little lemon balm, do you miss me too?
Sog'indingmi? Sog'indingmi?
Do you miss me? Do you miss me?
Bolaligim sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
My childhood, do you miss me too?
Bolalikning ko'chalari tor emasdi
The streets of childhood were not narrow
G'am-tashvishga murg'ak qalbim zor emasdi
My tender heart was not burdened by worries
Yulduzjonim o'kinchlarga zor emasdi
My dear Yulduzjon, it was not difficult to bear the regrets
Ay sho'xligim sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
My playful youth, do you miss me too?
Sog'indingmi? Sog'indingmi?
Do you miss me? Do you miss me?
Bolaligim sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
My childhood, do you miss me too?
Endi o'sha osmon to'la ko'zlar qani?
Where is that vast sky full of stars now?
Qirda qolgan yalangoyoq izlar qani?
Where are the barefoot footprints that were left in the fields?
Qo'l ushlashib yugurishgan qizlar qani?
Where are the girls who ran holding hands?
Dugonajon sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
My dear friend, do you miss me too?
Zoru hayron tentirayman toshlar aro
I wander aimlessly among the stones
Ko'zlarimda qalqib turgan yoshlar aro
With tears welling up in my eyes
Senga yetib borolmayman tushlar aro
I cannot reach you in my dreams
Marg'lon, ayt sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
Marg'lon, tell me, do you miss me too?
Sog'indingmi? Sog'indingmi?
Do you miss me? Do you miss me?
Bolaligim sen ham meni sog'indingmi?
My childhood, do you miss me too?

Авторы: Yulduz Usmanova

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