Yves Montand - Battling jœ - Remastered - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yves Montand - Battling jœ - Remastered

Battling jœ - Remastered
Battling Joe - Remastered
Dans un village noir de charbon, dans les cheminées et les corons
In a village black with coal, amidst the chimneys and the miners' houses,
Tout petit il battait ses copains, il était fier de ses deux poings
As a small boy, he'd beat his friends, proud of his two fists,
Presque autant que son père le mineur qui disait "Ça fera un boxeur"
Almost as proud as his miner father, who'd say, "He'll make a boxer."
Le jour de son premier combat fallait un nom, l'en avait pas
The day of his first fight, he needed a name, he didn't have one.
Comme la mode était à l'anglais, il s'appela "Battling Joe"
As English names were all the rage, he called himself "Battling Joe."
Battling Joe, c'était un peu démesuré
Battling Joe, it was a bit much,
Pour un gosse aux épaules étroites
For a kid with narrow shoulders,
Mais qui avait une méchante droite
But who had a wicked right hook.
Battling Joe, il gagna son premier combat
Battling Joe, he won his first fight,
Et le soir même avec papa, il prenait le train pour Paris
And that very night, with his dad, he took the train to Paris,
un boxeur ça vaut son prix, Battling Joe
Where a boxer is worth his weight in gold, Battling Joe.
Battling devint un grand champion jusqu'au triste soir un gnon
Battling became a great champion, until the sad night when a punch,
Lui embrouilla soudain les yeux, le manager dit "C'est pas sérieux!
Suddenly blurred his vision, the manager said, "This isn't serious!"
Tu de viens feignant, fait ton métier, boxe ça rime pas avec pitié
"You're getting lazy, do your job, boxing doesn't rhyme with pity."
La foule eut peut être tort ce soir-là de siffler la fin du combat
The crowd was perhaps wrong that night to boo the end of the fight.
Malgré les lampes et leurs éclairs
Despite the lamps and their flashes,
Battling Joe Joe ne voyait plus clair
Battling Joe, hey Joe, couldn't see clearly anymore.
Battling Joe, c'est un nom maintenant oublié
Battling Joe, it's a name now forgotten,
Une triste silhouette qui penche, appuyée sur une canne blanche
A sad silhouette leaning, supported by a white cane.
Battling Joe a tout perdu en un seul soir
Battling Joe lost everything in a single night,
Ses yeux son titre et son espoir, mais il sait comme consolation
His eyes, his title and his hope, but he knows as consolation,
Que son manager a d'autres champions, Battling Joe
That his manager has other champions, Battling Joe.

Авторы: Desire Dondeyne, Loulou Gaste, Jean Guigo

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