Yzomandias - Sama - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Yzomandias - Sama

Panáky a pivo, plzeň legendario
Shots and beer, legendary Plzeň
Nekonečný jointy, éčko,
Never-ending joints, MDMA,
Koks v kapse ne piko,
Coke in my pocket, not speed,
Kouřim brko, ona kouří moje péro
I smoke a spliff, she smokes my dick
A že sem včera prcal jinou,
And she knows that I fucked another yesterday,
Ale nevadí to
But she doesn't mind
Chápe to, je 4:20 ráno,
She understands, it's 4:20 AM,
Je hot, ale ne horko,
She's hot, but not too hot,
říká že sem trochu loco,
she says I'm a bit loco,
šílenej, ale že líbí se to,
crazy, but she likes it,
Prej ostatní MC′s který měla nestáli za moc,
She says other MCs she had were worthless,
sem moc, balim jedno na dobrou noc,
I'm the shit, I roll one for a good night,
Ona ho odpálí a řiká že nechce spát celou noc,
She lights it up and says she doesn't want to sleep all night,
Chce si při tom puštět tracky, sem pro,
She wants to play my tracks while we're at it, I'm down,
Chce ty schody do nebe i když jak dopadne to.
She wants those stairs to heaven even though she knows how it ends.
Sama nekouří prej jenom když s kym,
Sama doesn't smoke she says only when she has someone,
Stejně odpaluje jedno za druhym,
Yet she fires up one after another,
Udělá filtr to nadrtim, ubalim a odpálim.
She makes a filter, I grind it up, roll it up, and light it up.
Sama nekouří prej jenom když s kym,
Sama doesn't smoke she says only when she has someone,
Stejně odpaluje jedno za druhym,
Yet she fires up one after another,
Udělá filtr to nadrtim, ubalim, odpálim
She makes a filter, I grind it up, roll it up, light it up,
A vemu vejš nad oblaky.
And I'll take her high above the clouds.
Prej miluje můj swag,
She says she loves my swag,
I když neví co to je,
Even though she doesn't know what it is,
Chce vědět co znamenaj kérky,
She wants to know what my tattoos mean,
Ale řikám ne,
But I tell her no,
Chci vidět ty její,
I want to see hers,
Všechny do jedný,
All of them,
Chce si pokérovat prsty,
She wants to tattoo her fingers,
Ale prej kvůli práci, nesmí.
But she says she can't because of work.
Miluje tracky ale, nezná žádný,
She loves my tracks but, doesn't know any of them,
Nekoupila si CD ale prej ho doma vystavený,
She didn't buy the CD but she says she has it on display at home,
říká že miluje,
she says she loves me,
Ale to nevěřim,
But I don't believe her,
Vim jaký sou, to je to co život naučil,
I know how they are, that's what life has taught me,
Všechny do jedný stejný,
All the same,
Ale dneska to nevadí bejby,
But tonight it doesn't matter baby,
První nocí to začne i skončí,
It starts and ends with the first night,
Tuší to, hraje že neví, ale ví,
She senses it, she plays like she doesn't know, but she does,
Nepřipustí si že nebudu její,
She will not admit that I will not be hers,
Nezmění i když si to myslí,
She won't change me even though she thinks she will,
Tuší to ráno se vzbudí, odejde
She senses it, she will wake up in the morning, leave,
A nikdy neuvidí.
And she will never see me again.
Sama nekouří prej jenom když s kym,
Sama doesn't smoke she says only when she has someone,
Stejně odpaluje jedno za druhym,
Yet she fires up one after another,
Udělá filtr to nadrtim, ubalim a odpálim.
She makes a filter, I grind it up, roll it up, and light it up.
Sama nekouří prej jenom když s kym,
Sama doesn't smoke she says only when she has someone,
Stejně odpaluje jedno za druhym,
Yet she fires up one after another,
Udělá filtr to nadrtim, ubalim, odpálim
She makes a filter, I grind it up, roll it up, light it up,
A vemu vejš nad oblaky.
And I'll take her high above the clouds.

Авторы: Cassius Cake, Yzomandias

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