Zapresic Boys - Za ekipu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zapresic Boys - Za ekipu

Za ekipu
For the team
Kad nije lako i kad meni teško je
When it's not easy and when it's hard for me
Jer nemam love za te pute daleke
Because I don't have money for those distant roads
Ja se sjetim svoje drage birtije
I remember my dear pub
Da je tamo bolje lažem,tješim se
That it's better there, I lie, I comfort myself
Jer ekipa mene čeka pjesmu čujem izdaleka
Because the team awaits me, I hear the song from afar
I sa njima ipak sada sretan bit ću ja
And with them, I'll be happy now
Slavit čemo svaki gol
We'll celebrate every goal
Ak treba popet se na stol
If necessary, climb on the table
Nek u potocima teče alkohol
Let alcohol flow in streams
Evo šansa je tu Luka daje Andreju
Here's the chance, Luka passes to Andrej
Skačemo na noge svi
We all jump to our feet
Čaša zrakom poleti
The glass flies through the air
Pada drugu razbija
Falls, breaks another
Krama glavom zabija
Krama hits his head
Krene ona naša pjesma poznata
Our famous song begins
Nek jače kuca to srce vatreno
Let that fiery heart beat louder
Kad nije lako i kad meni teško je
When it's not easy and when it's hard for me
Jer nemam love za te pute daleke
Because I don't have money for those distant roads
Ja se sjetim svoje drage birtije
I remember my dear pub
Da je tamo bolje lažem,tješim se
That it's better there, I lie, I comfort myself
Jer ekipa mene čeka pjesmu čujem izdaleka
Because the team awaits me, I hear the song from afar
I sa njima ipak sada sretan bit ću ja
And with them, I'll be happy now
Slavit čemo svaki gol
We'll celebrate every goal
Ak treba popet se na stol
If necessary, climb on the table
Nek u potocima teče alkohol
Let alcohol flow in streams
Bježite ljudi, bježite iz grada stiže ekipa pijana
Run, people, run away from the city, the drunk team is coming
Bježite ljudi dok postoji nada jer ovdje igra
Run, people, while there is hope because here plays
Tekma skoro gotova gledam ispod stolova
The match is almost over, I look under the tables
Legli da se odmore
They lay down to rest
Ti su pili sokove
They drank juices
Gotovo je sviraj kraj
It's finished, blow the whistle
Još nam jednu rundu daj
Give us another round
Šta je ovo ovdje pakao il raj
What is this here, hell or heaven?
Ljuljam se lagano sretan sam beskrajno
I swing gently, I am infinitely happy
Idem doma već su sitni sati tu
I'm going home, it's late
Jednim okom ciljam malu bravicu
I aim for the little keyhole with one eye
A na vratima se ona pojavi
And she appears in the doorway
Ne baš tiho slušam kako urla mi
Not very quietly, I hear her scream at me
Dolaziti nisi trebo
You should not have come
Znao sam da sam najebo
I knew I had messed up
Al s ekipom opet sutra sretan bit ću ja
But with the team tomorrow I'll be happy again
Slavit ćemo svaki gol
We'll celebrate every goal
Ak treba popet se na stol
If necessary, climb on the table
Nek u potocima teče alkohol
Let alcohol flow in streams

Авторы: Bojan Salamon, Marko Novosel, Zdeslav Klaric

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