ZOO, Los Chikos del Maiz & At Versaris - Imperfeccions (amb Los Chikos del Maíz i At Versaris) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ZOO, Los Chikos del Maiz & At Versaris - Imperfeccions (amb Los Chikos del Maíz i At Versaris)

Imperfeccions (amb Los Chikos del Maíz i At Versaris)
Imperfections (with Los Chikos del Maíz and At Versaris)
Ja saben per el barri "Qui són eixos tres?"
They already know in the neighborhood "Who are those three?"
Els aturats de sempre, els horteres del mes
The usual unemployed, the horticulturists of the month
Estic riguent-me de qui està davant de mi
I'm laughing at whoever is in front of me
Dins d'eixe espill, matant complexos, volent-me així
Inside that mirror, killing complexes, loving myself like this
La serietat és massa seria pa no fer-li broma
Seriousness is too serious not to joke about it
La senzillesa és sinònim de ser persona
Simplicity is synonymous with being a person
Riguent fins a quedar afònics, amb Rodri i Tony
Laughing until we're speechless, with Rodri and Tony
Tornant borratxos des del Cabanyal a Beni
Coming back drunk from Cabanyal to Beni
T'estan diguent que sigues dur, que ets un home
They're telling you to be tough, that you're a man
Que amagues el dolor, que fardes de patrimoni
To hide the pain, to boast about your heritage
La naturalitat és crim, coses del dimoni
Naturalness is a crime, things of the devil
Arrel i ales, gràcies mama, poder de dones
Root and wings, thanks mom, power of women
Ei, contradiccions que el fan fort
Hey, contradictions that make him strong
L'amor la mentira, la vida la mort
Love has lies, life has death
Que no t'anul•len, no es un tunel sense eixida
Don't let them nullify you, it's not a tunnel without an exit
Manen la voluntat i el temps, no la sort
Willpower and time rule, not luck
Manen a una, els tres que sents pren d'esta merda, fuma
They command one, the three you hear take this shit, smoke
Beuen del ron, del rock i el fonk, estos cabrons qu'abrumen
Drink rum, rock and funk, these overwhelming bastards
I sempre orgull de classe, militants de base
And always proud of their class, grassroots militants
Enamorats de rapejar fins que se vos passe
In love with rapping until you get over it
I des de Sants fins a Valencia s'escolten
And from Sants to Valencia they are heard
La resistència que obri el pas i les portes
The resistance that opens the way and the doors
Oh som per a o per a mal
Oh we are for better or for worse
Imperfeccions, son reals i son nostres
Imperfections, they are real and they are ours
I des de Sants fins a Valencia s'escolten
And from Sants to Valencia they are heard
La resistència que obri el pas i les portes
The resistance that opens the way and the doors
Oh som per a o per a mal
Oh we are for better or for worse
I més humans, oh, i més reals
And more human, oh, and more real
Dos de la terreta i un del barri
Two from the land and one from the neighborhood
Plan-B al beat, shake your body
Plan-B to the beat, shake your body
Amb camisa, a Can Batlló
With a shirt, at Can Batlló
Gel i sifó en aquesta vida grisa
Ice and soda in this gray life
Esclaus del mercadeig
Slaves to marketing
Portem el cabreig fins als palaus
We take the rampage to the palaces
No hem vingut a fer les paus
We didn't come to make peace
D'estiuet sense pasta i tu al tercer postgrau
Summer without pasta and you in your third postgraduate degree
Estic perdent enters, malalt de 45 i LP
I'm losing my mind, sick of 45 and LP
Nen, estem fent avions de paper
Boy, we're making paper airplanes
Amb les nostres misèries i els vostres clitxés
With our miseries and your clichés
Calla, es música apatxe, amb el Pancho
Shut up, it's Apache music, with Pancho
El Toni i la cassalla a paxes
Toni and the cassalla in installments
València és més que ska i gralla
Valencia is more than ska and gralla
No xapen a les tres, violència es canalla
They don't close at three, violence is rascal
Obrim escletxes, i si el plan falla
We open cracks, and if the plan fails
Trenquem el setge i no volem medalla
We break the siege and we don't want a medal
Enamorat d'aquesta merda fins la tomba
In love with this shit to the grave
Si la vergonya al•liena no ho esfondre
If the shame of others doesn't sink it
I des de Sants fins a Valencia s'escolten
And from Sants to Valencia they are heard
La resistència que obri el pas i les portes
The resistance that opens the way and the doors
Ohhh som per a o per a mal
Ohhh we are for better or for worse
Imperfeccions, son reals i son nostres
Imperfections, they are real and they are ours
I des de Sants fins a Valencia s'escolten
And from Sants to Valencia they are heard
La resistència que obri el pas i les portes
The resistance that opens the way and the doors
Ohhh som per a o per a mal
Ohhh we are for better or for worse
I més humans, oh, i més reals
And more human, oh, and more real
Llegó el chico de la barba y de la voz nasal
The guy with the beard and the nasal voice arrived
El que llena tu casal y cansa al barman
The one who fills your community center and tires the bartender
Con chanclas y un bañador, con la actitud del ganador
With flip-flops and a swimsuit, with the winner's attitude
Con este olor a alcohol y la sonrisa intacta
With this smell of alcohol and the intact smile
Y defendamos la alegría y la imperfección
And let's defend joy and imperfection
La rebeldía y la belleza que tiene el error
The rebelliousness and beauty that error has
El amor por una causa
Love for a cause
Con la cabeza siempre alta
With your head held high
Entregando el alma en cada canción
Giving your soul in every song
Que yo no escribo para sonar en Radio tres, qué va
I don't write to be played on Radio Three, no way
Escribo por necesidad, pa' calmar el estrés
I write out of necessity, to calm the stress
Lejos del interés, sin pensar en qué dirán
Far from interest, without thinking about what they will say
Con toda serenidad y un punto de timidez
With all serenity and a point of shyness
Y esas críticas feroces yo no qué quieren
And those fierce criticisms, I don't know what they want
Buscan acallar nuestras voces y ven que no pueden
They seek to silence our voices and see that they can't
Están buscando que me enfade y pierda los papeles
They're looking for me to get angry and lose my temper
Pero no saben que yo me crezco cuando me hieren
But they don't know that I grow when they hurt me
Y entonces saco el compromiso y saco la rabia
And then I take out the commitment and I take out the rage
Cansado de tanto sumiso, tanta arrogancia
Tired of so much submissive, so much arrogance
Cansados de ser esclavos, ser olvidados
Tired of being slaves, being forgotten
Y enamorados de rapear hasta perder el habla
And in love with rapping until we lose our speech
I des de Sants fins a Valencia s'escolten
And from Sants to Valencia they are heard
La resistència que obri el pas i les portes
The resistance that opens the way and the doors
Ohhh som per a o per a mal
Ohhh we are for better or for worse
Imperfeccions, son reals i son nostres
Imperfections, they are real and they are ours
I des de Sants fins a Valencia s'escolten
And from Sants to Valencia they are heard
La resistència que obri el pas i les portes
The resistance that opens the way and the doors
Ohhh som per a o per a mal
Ohhh we are for better or for worse
I més humans, oh, i més reals
And more human, oh, and more real

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