ZOO feat. Fermin Muguruza & Xabi Arakama - Karrer de l'amargura (Basque Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ZOO feat. Fermin Muguruza & Xabi Arakama - Karrer de l'amargura (Basque Remix)

Karrer de l'amargura (Basque Remix)
Karrer de l'amargura (Basque Remix)
Deixa València a Juliol puta vida
You leave Valencia in July, you fucking life
Últim exàmen, primer raig de sol
The last exam, the first ray of sunshine
Porta les mans arrapaes de fer extres
You're holding your hands from doing extra work
Tot el dolor de la vinya al renyons
All the pain from harvesting the vineyard in your kidneys
Creua la pista de Silla a migdia
You cross the Silla track at noon
Sona l'herència, li cau la suor
The inheritance rings, sweat drips
Mira l'arròs, la ribera que brilla
You look at the rice, the river that shines
Tira per dins: Alacant interior
You go through: inner Alicante
Ix d'Alacant cara amunt per Mariola
You leave Alicante facing Mariola
Va i torna al poble a diari, no pot
You go back and forth to the town daily, you can't
Amb el lloguer i amb el curro ella sola
With the rent and with the job you're all alone
Cuina el sopar de sa mare, no vol
You cook your mother's dinner, you don't want to
Que ningú sàpia què cobra per hora
That no one knows how much you charge per hour
Condescendències les justes, amor
Just condescension, my love
Tot el que pel seu fill que diu hola
Everything you have for your son who says hello
Des del seu ventre, batega el seu cor
From your womb, his heart beats
Baina denbora astiro doa
But time goes by slowly
Eromena, heriotza eta festa gara
Love, death and party are here
Herromeria dator
The pilgrimage is coming
Sendaezina den min hura
That unspeakable pain
Herri bazkaria dago
The town lunch is here
Zure kalean
In your street
Carrer de l'amargura
Street of bitterness
Mira el paissatge sentat a la plaça
You look at the landscape sitting in the square
Pengen les llums i les flors dels balcons
The lights and flowers hang from the balconies
No pot anar al casal ni de caça
You can't go to the clubhouse or hunting
I les olives li donen pa poc
And the olives give you little bread
Enguany la orquesta està enfront de sa casa
This year the band is in front of your house
Música i festa, la dansa, el bastó
Music and party, the dance, the stick
A estes altures, i faça el que faça
At this point, and do whatever you do
Ja va per dins tota la processó
The whole procession goes by inside
Baina denbora astiro doa
But time goes by slowly
Eromena, heriotza eta festa gara
Love, death and party are here
Herromeria dator
The pilgrimage is coming
Sendaezina den min hura
That unspeakable pain
Herri bazkaria dago
The town lunch is here
Zure kalean
In your street
Carrer de l'amargura
Street of bitterness
Non hago
Where I go
Zein larretan urepeleko artzaia
In what fields the shepherd of the water skin
Mendi egaletan gora
Up in the flat mountains
Horoitzapen den gerora
A memory of what was
Hiesetan joan intzana
Intzana gone in the mists
Non hago
Where I go
Zein larretan urepeleko artzaia
In what fields the shepherd of the water skin
Mendi egaletan gora
Up in the flat mountains
Horoitzapen den gerora
A memory of what was
Hiesetan joan intzana
Intzana gone in the mists
Però el rellotge s'atura allà dalt
But the clock stops up there
I una altra criatura comença una aventura
And another creature starts an adventure
I el iaio sap que s'acosta el final
And the grandfather knows that the end is near
I es mesclen la locura, la mort i el carnaval
And madness, death and carnival mix
Herromeria dator
The pilgrimage is coming
Sendaezina den min hura
That unspeakable pain
Herri bazkaria dago
The town lunch is here
Zure kalean. Carrer de l'amargura
In your street. Street of bitterness
Herromeria dator
The pilgrimage is coming
Sendaezina den min hura
That unspeakable pain
Herri bazkaria dago
The town lunch is here
Zure kalean
In your street
Herromeria dator
The pilgrimage is coming
Sendaezina den min hura
That unspeakable pain
Herri bazkaria dago
The town lunch is here
Zure kalean. Carrer de l'amargura
In your street. Street of bitterness
Herromeria dator
The pilgrimage is coming
Sendaezina den min hura
That unspeakable pain
Herri bazkaria dago
The town lunch is here
Zure kalean
In your street

Авторы: Antonio Sanchez Pardines, Pascual Giner Ivars

ZOO feat. Fermin Muguruza & Xabi Arakama - Karrer de l'amargura (Basque Remix)
Karrer de l'amargura (Basque Remix)
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