ZPU - A su Bola - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ZPU - A su Bola

A su Bola
Doing Her Own Thing
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Hace su camino...
She walks her own path...
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Va su bola
She does her own thing
No la controla
No one controls her
Ni Dios,prefiere estar sola
Not even God, she prefers to be alone
Cuando la agobian con sus estudios
When they overwhelm her with studies
Sola piensa mejor y ve mas claro
Alone she thinks better and sees clearer
El horizonte le mola
The horizon excites her
Ver el monte desde su ventana
Seeing the mountain from her window
Donde piensa
Where she thinks
¿Por qué el mundo le sabe mal
Why does the world resent
Que ella sea feliz?
Her being happy?
Donde desahoga su alma sobre un beat
Where she unburdens her soul over a beat
Siente que ella va a ser grande
She feels that she will be great
Y diferente
And different
Su mente repite
Her mind repeats
"Yo seré leyenda como Will Smith"
"I will be a legend like Will Smith"
Hace su camino
She walks her own path
Y si papá la riñe ya no
And if dad scolds her, she won't
Llorara porque el dolor destiñe,
Cry anymore because pain fades,
La edad solo es un numero
Age is just a number
Y ella no se mide en datos
And she doesn't measure herself in data
Su interior alberga el don de los no natos
Her interior houses the gift of the unborn
Nada de milagros,
No miracles,
Su escuela,sigue ahí por
Her school, she's still there for
Sus amigos porque sabe que
Her friends because she knows that
El sistema va así
The system works like this
Y si el futuro trae consigo
And if the future brings with it
Pa'los duros ella tiene el fuego
For the tough ones she has the fire
Heart, red, passion, crimson
Y si no lo aprueban que mas dará
And if they don't approve, what will it matter
Se bajara a su cueva y
She'll go down to her cave and
Escribirá una rima nueva
Write a new rhyme
No habrá mas prueba
There will be no more proof
De que le va la vida en ello
That her life depends on it
Aunque el mundo no lo sepa
Even if the world doesn't know it
Ella no quepa
She won't fit
Si tierra no se borrara aunque llueva
Her land won't be erased even if it rains
Va su bola
She does her own thing
Señor profesor entienda
Mr. Teacher, understand
El mundo le ha hecho así
The world has made her this way
No pretenda que no se defienda
Don't expect her not to defend herself
La búsqueda de uno mismo
The search for oneself
No cabe en su agenda
Doesn't fit in your agenda
Su tienda mis ojos
Don't sell
No venda
To my eyes, your shop
Va su bola
She does her own thing
Señor director entienda
Mr. Principal, understand
El mundo le ha hecho así
The world has made her this way
No pretenda que no se defienda
Don't expect her not to defend herself
La búsqueda de uno mismo
The search for oneself
No cabe en su agenda
Doesn't fit in your agenda
Su tienda mis ojos
Don't sell
No venda
To my eyes, your shop
Su imaginación
Her imagination
No cabe en esa silla
Doesn't fit in that chair
El futuro no estará
The future won't be
En el color de la pastilla
In the color of the pill
Que le muestra
That you show her
Su cordura no estará
Her sanity won't be
En las figuras negras
In the black figures
Que detesta ver
That she hates to see
Porque apestan!
Because they stink!
Carteles que no enseñan
Posters that don't teach
Nada de lo que eres
Anything about who you are
Doctores protectores
Protective doctors
De sus aranceles
Of their fees
Y que hay de malo
And what's wrong
En esos túneles
With those tunnels
Viajes de chavales
Trips of youngsters
Donde la razón escapa
Where reason escapes
Hacia lugares celestiales
Towards celestial places
Su conducta rebelde no hace
Her rebellious behavior doesn't
Caso a nadie dicen
Listen to anyone, they say
Y tiene claro que no
And she's clear that she
Va a dejar que le pisen
Won't let them step on her
Que les icen sin sentido
They call her senseless
Su inocencia aunque
Her innocence even though
El psicólogo al que le
The psychologist to whom she
Enviaron pierda la paciencia
Was sent loses his patience
Luego vinieron los fármacos
Then came the drugs
Pero no hay droga que
But there's no drug that
Cierre sus parpados
Closes her eyelids
Ni sus ganas de volar
Nor her desire to fly
Entre la lluvia y los relámpagos
Between the rain and the lightning
Se rozaran nadar
They will graze swimming
Entre los peces al calor
Among the fish in the warmth
De las Galápagos
Of the Galapagos
Sentirse Dios
Feeling like God
Aunque no tenga los premios
Even if she doesn't have the prizes
Que su hermano se los quede
Let her brother keep them
No le importa si
She doesn't care if
Le quieren mas o menos
They love her more or less
Si hace que sus sueños
If she makes her dreams
Despeguen porque
Take off because
Lo que lleva dentro
What she carries inside
No se borra cuando llueve
Doesn't fade when it rains
Va su bola
She does her own thing
Señor psicólogo entienda
Mr. Psychologist, understand
El mundo le ha hecho así
The world has made her this way
No pretenda que no se defienda
Don't expect her not to defend herself
La búsqueda de uno mismo
The search for oneself
No cabe en su agenda
Doesn't fit in your agenda
Su tienda mis ojos
Don't sell
No venda
To my eyes, your shop
Va su bola
She does her own thing
Padre dictador entienda
Dictator father, understand
El mundo le ha hecho así
The world has made her this way
No pretenda que no se defienda
Don't expect her not to defend herself
La búsqueda de uno mismo
The search for oneself
No cabe en su agenda
Doesn't fit in your agenda
Su tienda mis ojos
Don't sell
No venda
To my eyes, your shop
Va su bola
She does her own thing
Tu que sabes lo que siente
You who know what she feels
Tu que entre el trabajo
You who between work
Y el hogar rompiste un puente
And home broke a bridge
Déjala tranquila apoyala
Leave her alone, support her
Y confía tu niña ya
And trust, your girl has already
Hace años que dejo
Years ago stopped
De ser una cría
Being a child
Va su bola
She does her own thing
Tu que sabes lo que el piensa
You who know what he thinks
Tu que entre viajes olvidaste
You who between trips forgot
Su defensa charlas
His defense, talks
Con desconocidos dime
With strangers, tell me
De que sirve si su
What's the use if his
Mente escapa es
Mind escapes, it's
Porque quiere ser
Because he wants to be
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Chavales con la inocencia interrumpida...
Kids with interrupted innocence...
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Chavales agobiados por sus padres...
Kids overwhelmed by their parents...
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Por la exigencia del sistema...
Because of the demands of the system...
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Por la falta de educación de los que les educan...
Because of the lack of education of those who educate them...
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
Va su bola!
She does her own thing!
¡déjale tranquilo!
Leave him alone!
Va su bola!
She does her own thing!
¡déjala tranquila!
Leave her alone!
Va su bola...
She does her own thing...
¡déjame tranquilo!
Leave me alone!

Авторы: Juan Francisco Prieto Sanchez, Ivan Cabrera Navarro

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