ZPU - Ven, Pasa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ZPU - Ven, Pasa

Ven, Pasa
Come In, Come Through
Ven, pasa que yo invito no te quedes fuera
Come in, come through, I'm inviting you, don't stay outside
Te explico mis delitos los gritos de mi nevera
Let me explain my sins, the cries of my fridge
Solo quiere que la llene y no hay manera
It just wants me to fill it up, and there's no way
Llegó la era, yo con piso en las afueras rodeao de fieras
The era has arrived, me with a flat on the outskirts, surrounded by beasts
Pasa que verás mi bar, mi casa, hasta mi establo
Come through and you'll see my bar, my house, even my stable
La tabla rasa con la que me pego, aquí el Diablo
The blank slate I hit myself with, here the Devil
Hablo con él a menudo, siempre se desfasa
I talk to him often, he always gets out of line
Le ordeno que se marche y pasa me quiere abrasar
I order him to leave, and he wants to burn me
Entablo clubes de la lucha al lado de una barra
I set up fight clubs next to a bar
Que desgarra cada clavo que quiero agarrar
That rips every nail I try to grab
Por aquí mi jugador que despilfarra mis ahorros
Here's my gambler who squanders my savings
Aquí corros de mis duelos que piden socorro
Here are the corrals of my duels that cry for help
Adivina en esta esquina yace guitarra sin cuerdas
Guess what, in this corner lies a guitar without strings
Pegada a mi pizarra sin tizas junto a unas cerdas
Stuck to my blackboard without chalk, next to some bristles
Que son acompañantes con más interés que Hacienda
That are companions with more interest than the Treasury
Que pego a mi ego de la trastienda
That I stick to my ego from the back room
Y anda por atrás perdido, lo ato con correas
And he walks around back lost, I tie him up with straps
Que ¿si no? le da la mano a mi rabia y monta peleas
Because if not, he shakes hands with my rage and starts fights
Quiere desmontarme, pulirme, que me hagan daño
He wants to dismantle me, polish me, hurt me
Le da rienda suelta al néctar del autoengaño
He gives free rein to the nectar of self-deception
Yo invito a la próxima ronda, va no te cortes
I'll invite you to the next round, come on, don't be shy
Aquí el experto en la compra de amigos, es muy cortés
Here the expert in buying friends is very polite
Sabe todo: de deportes, de salidas
He knows everything: about sports, about outings
De consortes, de subidas, de bajadas, de caídas
About spouses, about climbs, about descents, about falls
De pérdidas de memoria y no sabe pasar un mocho
About memory loss, and he doesn't know how to pass a mop
Aquí dos chicas me esperan desde el 98
Here two girls have been waiting for me since '98
Te presento a Pinocho, ten cuidao que manipula
Let me introduce you to Pinocchio, be careful, he manipulates
Sueña con no ser de corcho, ser tocho como una mula
He dreams of not being made of cork, of being solid as a mule
Trasnocho con ese borracho que ves ahí tirado
I stay up late with that drunk you see lying there
Encima de su vomitado, ha perdido cualquier oremus
On top of his vomit, he has lost any prayer
Llora lágrimas de cal que le queman la cara
He cries tears of lime that burn his face
Chilla en pesadillas, ruega que vuelva su diosa Venus
He screams in nightmares, begs for his goddess Venus to return
Ven pasa que yo invito, no te quedes fuera
Come in, come through, I'm inviting you, don't stay outside
Te explico mis delitos, las venas y la tijera
Let me explain my sins, the veins and the scissors
Mi pena elevada al infinito se auto conmisera
My sorrow raised to infinity self-pity
Ese es fiel a la mentira y tapa con visera
That one is faithful to lies and covers with a visor
Su mísera existencia entera, tras un largo etcétera
His entire miserable existence, after a long etcetera
Odia el sol de primavera, quiere que muera vive sumiso
He hates the spring sun, he wants to die, he lives submissive
Su alma soltera sola, llora una barrera
His single soul alone, cries a barrier
Que esconde un miedo atroz al compromiso
That hides a terrible fear of commitment
Presa del pánico, del sofá, del susto
A prisoner of panic, of the sofa, of fear
Tiene genes de Jimmy Hoffa, es corrupto
He has Jimmy Hoffa's genes, he's corrupt
Se mofa de los débiles, se cree un maestro
He mocks the weak, he thinks he's a master
Alberga más odio que Pesci en 'Uno de los nuestros'
He harbors more hate than Pesci in 'Goodfellas'
Quiere arrancarte la piel a tiras, me impide respirar
He wants to rip your skin off in strips, he prevents me from breathing
Se pone hasta arriba de drogas para sus giras
He gets high on drugs for his tours
Viene pegado a mi espalda, dice que me guarda
He comes stuck to my back, says he's guarding me
Mas no tarda en perdonarte la vida cuando le miras
But he's quick to spare your life when you look at him
Le despido, dice que no soy su jefe
I fire him, he says I'm not his boss
Que viene conmigo desde los trece
That he's been with me since I was thirteen
Que si él no me protege ¿quién me libra de los tigres?
That if he doesn't protect me, who will save me from the tigers?
Yo le digo que se aleje, que desequilibra al hombre en que es libre y
I tell him to get away, that he unbalances the man in me who is free and
Míralo por ahí colgado en esa jaula
Look at him hanging there in that cage
Casi ha perdido el habla, solo ruega que le abra y lo libere
He has almost lost his speech, he just begs me to open it and set him free
(No) no encuentro las llaves, ¿quién sabe?, me dice que me excave
(No) I can't find the keys, who knows?, he tells me to dig myself
Que es la clave pero el Dj de mi rave
That he is the key but the DJ of my rave
Sube la caña a tope, me tiene confuso
Turns the music up to the max, he has me confused
Allí mi montaña de traumas con los que me excuso
There's my mountain of traumas that I use as excuses
Van acumulando polvo en esa alcoba
They are accumulating dust in that bedroom
Pero el mayordomo es vago y nunca pilla la escoba
But the butler is lazy and never grabs the broom
Me roba las luces, te invito a conocer a Casanova
He steals my lights, I invite you to meet Casanova
Va de loba en loba, adula, seduciendo es un mago
He goes from she-wolf to she-wolf, flatters, seducing, he's a magician
Roza tu pelo caoba, no puede follar sin tragos
He brushes your mahogany hair, he can't fuck without drinks
Vuelve sollozando un lago cuando lo joroba
He comes back sobbing a lake when he gets screwed over
Ven pasa que yo invito, no te quedes fuera
Come in, come through, I'm inviting you, don't stay outside
Te explico mis delitos, lo necesito de veras
Let me explain my sins, I really need it
Escrito desde mis vísceras, morgue de mi alma máter
Written from my viscera, morgue of my alma mater
Razón intrínseca de mis defectos de carácter
Intrinsic reason for my character flaws
¿Cuántas veces por encima? vigila bien lo que cantas
How many times over the top? watch what you sing
Que debajo de una rima pueden esconderse trampas
Because under a rhyme traps can hide
O la falta de autoestima te aparece en una esquina
Or lack of self-esteem appears on a corner
E ilumina un miedo que va en volandas
And illuminates a fear that goes flying
Un mar de fantasmas me retienen yo con la manos atadas
A sea of ghosts holds me back with my hands tied
Viendo a mi papá durmiendo cientos de patadas
Watching my dad sleeping hundreds of kicks
Dadas, recibidas y con una sed ninfómana
Given, received and with a nymphomaniac thirst
Un suicida con la mente de un psicópata
A suicide with the mind of a psychopath
Sin alas, con mil caras y sin luz en la salida
Without wings, with a thousand faces and no light at the exit
Llevo una vida sin ver la huida, mira
I've been living a life without seeing the escape, look
Sueño que mi corazón despierta
I dream that my heart awakens
Pero vivo en este infierno hasta que alguien abra esa puerta
But I live in this hell until someone opens that door

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