Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dok Čekaš Sabah Sa Šejtanom - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dok Čekaš Sabah Sa Šejtanom

Dok Čekaš Sabah Sa Šejtanom
Waiting for the Dawn with the Devil
Sam đavo ti je dao brzinu eskivaže
The devil himself gave you the speed of a dodge
I razoran udarac desnom
And a devastating right hook
Sam đavo te je spaso kad te Prco s burazerima
The devil himself saved you when Prco and his brothers
Čeko u mraku pred pivarom
Were waiting for you in the dark outside the pub
I onda kad te agent 071
And when agent 071
Pedagoški treho o stanični zid sivi
Gave you a pedagogical ass-whooping on the gray station wall
Uspio je da ubije Boga u tebi
He managed to kill the God within you
Al' đavo u tebi je ostao da živi
But the devil within you remains alive
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
Pomogao ti je i onu noć
He helped you that night too
Kada je rekla da s fukarom neće
When she said she wouldn't with a poor guy
Kad te umalo nije ugušila tuga
When you were almost choked by sadness
Koliko si samo popio to veče
How much did you drink that evening
Reko ti je da život teče dalje
He told you that life goes on
Reko ti je da ima još žena
He told you that there are more women
A ti si mu široko otvorio dušu
And you opened your soul wide to him
I pustio u nju šejtana
And let the devil into it
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
Cvikeraš iz općine je dolazio
The inspector from the municipality came
Nudio ti poso il' da učiš nauke
He offered you a job or some education
Al' bilo je već kasno, još samo đavolu
But it was too late, only the devil
Služe tvoje tetovirane ruke
Your tattooed hands now serve
Kafana je već poodavno pusta
The pub has been empty for a long time
A prijatelj ti je ostao još samo on
And your only friend left is him
Kucnuo si se i iskapio čaše
You clinked glasses and drained them
Dok čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
While you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
(Šta će će ti duša, Milane?)
(What good is your soul, Milane?)
Reko ti je da život teče dalje
He told you that life goes on
Reko ti je da ima još žena
He told you that there are more women
A ti si mu široko otvorio dušu
And you opened your soul wide to him
I pustio u nju šejtana
And let the devil into it
I pustio u nju šejtana
And let the devil into it
I pustio u nju šejtana
And let the devil into it
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil
I sad čekaš sabah sa šejtanom
And now you wait for the dawn with the devil

Авторы: Davor Sucic

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