Zabranjeno Pusenje - Ibro Dirka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zabranjeno Pusenje - Ibro Dirka

Ibro Dirka
Ibro Dirka
Kunem vam se rahmetom mi dedinim
I swear to you by my grandfather's soul, my dear
Iako se u tu svirku ne razumijem baš
Even though I don't understand this music much
Da niko nikad nije znao harmoniku svirat
That no one has ever known how to play the accordion
Kao mali Ibro, Ibro Dirka naš
Like little Ibro, our Ibro Dirka
Kada počme dernek i kad on zasvira
When the party starts and when he starts playing
Ne bi stigo reći ni bismila
You wouldn't have time to say "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah)
Već bi lupo glavom i lomio bi čaše
You would already be banging your head and breaking glasses
Već bi te Ibro baćio u sevdah
Ibro would already have you lost in love
Al' ubrzo za Ibru čuše ljudi sa estrade
But soon people on the music scene heard about Ibro
I počeše njuškati po našoj mahali
And they started sniffing around our neighborhood
Svaki Ibri piće plaća
Everyone was buying drinks for Ibro
Svaki deset prsta Ibrinih hvali
Everyone was praising Ibro's ten fingers
Ibro poče pričati o parama, o slavi
Ibro started talking about money, about fame
Mi ga odgovarasmo, Ibro ne budali
We tried to talk him out of it, "Ibro, don't be a fool"
Ti si nešto drugo, ti 'armonikom liječiš bol
You're something else, you heal pain with your accordion
Na estradi sve je lažno, na estradi sve je fol
Everything on the music scene is fake, everything on the music scene is nonsense
Samo da ti kažem nešto za Ibru
Just to tell you something about Ibro
Dođe Mercedes po njega i ode on, ode
A Mercedes came for him and he left, he left
Ode u 'armoničare i posta popularan
He went to the accordion players and became popular
Eno ga bolan, gledo sam sliku, s oba Halida se sliko
Oh look, I saw a picture of him, he took a picture with both Halids
Ma čuo sam, ba
But I heard, my dear
S Brenom bio (jel, života ti?) Jes, majke mi
He was with Brenna (Is this true?) Yes, by my mother
Čovječe, on je vuko curu, nosila bedž da joj se zna prednja strana
Man, he was dating a chick, she wore a badge so you could tell which side was her front
I evo sad hoda ni s onom ni s onom, sve noge do kraja
And now he's walking around with neither one, he's dead tired
Da ti kažem. Gledam ja one slike, na onome-
Let me tell you. I look at those pictures, on that-
Ozrenka, daj nam dvije pive i reci bogati muzici malo tiše
Ozrenka, give us two beers and tell the rich musicians to be a little quieter
Nije mi, boga mi, nekako zadovoljan
I'm not, by God, somehow satisfied
Znam ja, duševan čovjek, ne da on da ga se daraći
I know, he's a soulful man, he doesn't let them bother him
Da ga daraću oni, oni snimatelji
Let them bother him, those snoopers
Oguliše ga, oguliše ga onu (pođi od sebe, bil ti, bil ti dopustio?)
They ripped him off, they ripped him off (step away from me, you, would you let them?)
Ali nije ni to. Ne daju mu bolan da sevdah svira
But that's not it. They won't let him play sevdah
Misliš? (Sigurno)
You think? (Definitely)
Ovo kriza, jel'
This is a crisis, right?
Ja, bolan, raja traže veselo. Tko će slušat tuđu muku?
I, oh dear, the people are asking for something happy. Who wants to listen to someone else's pain?
Al' jednog jutra uđe Ibro u mahalu sam
But one morning Ibro came into the neighborhood alone
Isti Gary Cooper, sve je ličilo na san
Like Gary Cooper, everything seemed like a dream
Na licu mu više ne bi sjene koju tuga pravi
There were no more shadows of sadness on his face
Mahalu, sevdah, Ibro nije mogo da zaboravi
The neighborhood, sevdah, Ibro couldn't forget
Ibro nije htio para, Ibro će vazda bit fukara
Ibro didn't want money, Ibro will always be a poor man
Neki odma počeše da blate Ibrin lik
Some immediately started to badmouth Ibro
Al' samo prava raja je znala u čemu je trik
But only the real people knew what the trick was
Nije Ibro, jarane, naš fukara
Ibro is not, my friend, our poor man
Ibro ti je de facto umjetnik, shvaćaš?
Ibro is de facto an artist, do you understand?

Авторы: N.karajlić

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