Zabranjeno Pusenje - Pismo Elvisu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zabranjeno Pusenje - Pismo Elvisu

Pismo Elvisu
Letter to Elvis
O Elvise tako sam sretna
Oh Elvis, I am so happy
Imam veliki stan u centru Manhattana
I have a big apartment in the center of Manhattan
Sa Tom Waitsom svira moj muz
My husband plays with Tom Waits
Bijeli je covjek al′ ima dusu za blues
He's a white man, but he has a soul for the blues
Sjetim se nekad na sretne dane
I remember back in those happy days
Kad smo jeli baklavu kod moje nane
When we ate baklava at my grandmother's
New York je hladan, nijedan jaran
New York is cold, not a single friend
Nikoga nema da mu dodjes na Bajram
There's no one to invite you over for Bajram
Zasto sam morala pobjeci glupo
Why did I have to flee, stupid me?
Mozda sam mogla izvuci uslov
Maybe I could have gotten out on parole
Al' dzaba sloboda, lijekovi, pare
But freedom, medication, and money are useless
Kad od tebe traze da izdas drugare
When they ask you to betray your friends
Od mene niko nije tuzniji bio
No one has ever been sadder than I
Kada sam cula da je pogin′o Zijo
When I heard that Zijo was killed
Prosla su ona sretna vremena
Those happy times are gone
I ja sam danas drukcija zena
And I am a different woman today
Dal' si se i ti posvetio djeci
Have you also dedicated yourself to your children?
Obec'o si dati moje ime kcerci
You promised to name your daughter after me
Gledaj da budu posteni i zlatni
See that they are honest and kind
Ne daj da postanu zli narkomani
Don't let them become evil drug addicts
O Elvise, ja nisam sretna
Oh Elvis, I am not happy
Imalo me je pola Manhattana
I am alone in half of Manhattan
Rodjenu majku bih prodala sada
I would sell my own mother now
Kada mi treba tih pola grama
When I need those half a gram
Na kraju da ti pozelim srecu
In the end, I wish you happiness
Sarajevo vise vidjeti necu
I will never see Sarajevo again
Kad se po gradu upale rakete
When the rockets ignite over the city
Stavi ruku na srce i sjeti se mene
Put your hand on your heart and remember me

Авторы: Davor Sucic

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