Zabranjeno Pusenje - Upuc'O Sam Šerifa Buzu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zabranjeno Pusenje - Upuc'O Sam Šerifa Buzu

Upuc'O Sam Šerifa Buzu
I Shot Sheriff Buza
Upuc'o sam šerifa Buzu
I shot Sheriff Buza,
Zlog vladara moga mrtvoga grada
The evil ruler of my dead town,
Heroja i zločinca
A hero and a villain,
Preživio je, na žalost i bolje je sada
He survived, unfortunately, and he's better now.
Upuc'o sam bitangu
I shot the scoundrel,
Glavnog krivca za sveopšte stanje
The main culprit for the general state of things,
Liječe ga na Koševu
They're treating him at Koševo,
Čuva ga privatno osiguranje
He's guarded by private security, darling.
Upuc'o sam šerifa
I shot the sheriff,
I zbog privatizacije
And because of privatization,
Ispalio sam metak taj
I fired that bullet,
Prestar sam za demonstracije
I'm too old for demonstrations, sweetheart.
Ranio sam lopova
I wounded the thief,
I zbog gandže što je spalio
And because of the weed he burned,
Zbog biljaka nedužnih
Because of the innocent plants,
Oko kojih sam se dobro naradio
Around which I worked so hard, my love.
A ja, ja ja ja ja ja
And I, I I I I I
Upuc'o sam šerifa
I shot the sheriff,
On je prvi potego gan
He drew his gun first,
A ja, ja ja ja ja ja
And I, I I I I I
Samoodbrana je bila
It was self-defense,
Nisam popio tablete taj dan
I didn't take my pills that day, honey.
Doš'o sam mu glave
I got him good,
Zbog neisplaćenih dvadeset plata
Because of twenty unpaid salaries,
Neuvezanog staža
Unregistered employment,
I reume koju vučem od rata
And the rheumatism I've had since the war, my dear.
Upuc'o sam ljenčugu
I shot the lazy bum,
Što na moj račun jede i pije
Who eats and drinks at my expense,
Bilo je to tačno u podne
It was exactly at noon,
Zvuči strašno, znam, al' žao mi nije
Sounds terrible, I know, but I don't regret it, babe.
A ja, ja ja ja ja ja
And I, I I I I I
Upuc'o sam šerifa
I shot the sheriff,
On je prvi potego gan
He drew his gun first,
A ja, ja ja ja ja ja
And I, I I I I I
Samoodbrana je bila
It was self-defense,
Nisam popio tablete taj dan
I didn't take my pills that day, sweetheart.
A ja, ja ja ja ja ja
And I, I I I I I
Upuc'o sam šerifa
I shot the sheriff,
On je prvi potego gan
He drew his gun first,
A ja, ja ja ja ja ja
And I, I I I I I
Samoodbrana je bila
It was self-defense,
Nisam popio tablete taj dan
I didn't take my pills that day, my love.
Nisam popio tablete taj dan
I didn't take my pills that day, darling.

Авторы: Davor Sučić

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