Zacarías Ferreira - La Bomba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zacarías Ferreira - La Bomba

La Bomba
The Bomb
He venido a gritar tu nombre al viento
I have come to scream your name to the wind
A ver si te me escapas de aquí dentro.
To see if perhaps you'll escape me from here inside.
He venido a tratar con el olvido
I have come to try to deal with the forgetting
A tratar lo que he vivido,
To try to deal with what I have lived
Tanto tiempo junto a tí.
For so long beside you.
He venido a buscar algo que explote aquí en mi pecho
I have come to search for something that will explode here inside my chest
Bombas contra sentimientos
Bombs against my feelings
Que me arranquen lo que siento
That will tear out what I feel
De la punta a la raíz.
From tip to root.
Una bomba
A bomb
Que me explote en la garganta,
That will explode in my throat
Aver si mi voz no canta
Let's see if my voice can sing
Mas canciones a tu amor.
No more songs to your love.
Una bomba
A bomb
Que me borre la memoria,
That will erase my memory
Que no quede de esta historia
That nothing of this story will remain
Nada para recordar.
To remember.
Una bomba
A bomb
Contra sentimentalismos,
Against sentimentalisms
Contra ternura y cariño,
Against tenderness and affection
Contra todo contra tí.
Against everything, against you.
Contra tí...
Against you...
Zacarías Ferreira
Zacarías Ferreira
Para tí...
For you...
He venido ha aceptar hoy mi fracaso
I have come to accept today my failure
Y dejo algo de en cada paso.
And I leave a little of you in every step.
He venido a luchar contra mismo,
I have come to do battle with myself
A llenarme de egoísmo
To fill myself with selfishness
Para no pensar en tí.
So that I won't think about you.
He venido a buscar algo que explote aquí en mi pecho
I have come to search for something that will explode here inside my chest
Bombas contra sentimientos
Bombs against my feelings
Que me arranquen lo que siento
That will tear out what I feel
De la punta a la raíz.
From tip to root.
Una bomba
A bomb
Que me explote en la garganta,
That will explode in my throat
Aver si mi voz no canta
Let's see if my voice can sing
Mas canciones a tu amor.
No more songs to your love.
Una bomba
A bomb
Que me borre la memoria,
That will erase my memory
Que no quede de esta historia
That nothing of this story will remain
Nada para recordar.
To remember.
Una bomba
A bomb
Contra sentimentalismos,
Against sentimentalisms
Contra ternura y cariño,
Against tenderness and affection
Contra todo contra tí.
Against everything, against you.
Contra tí...
Against you...

Авторы: Jose Ramon Jaar Perez

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