Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor uoo se que lo pensabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, woo, I know you were thinking it
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor uoo no sabes cuanto te amo
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, woo, you don't know how much I love you
Se que hace un tiempo me sentia solo uoo
I know that some time ago I felt alone, woo
A falta de amor uoo, tu inocencia se volvio todo, sano este dolor
Lacking love, woo, your innocence became everything, healed this pain
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor se que lo pensabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, I know you were thinking it
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor cuando me mirabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, when you looked at me
Eres todo lo que busque y sin pensarlo me llego, te mentiria a ver si pegaba y por suerte si pego
You are everything I looked for and without thinking it came to me, I'd lie to see if it stuck and luckily it did
Mi corazon se te entrego a manos llenas a tu olor y prometio jamas formar (ningun tipo de dolor)
My heart surrendered to you, full of your scent, and promised never to form (any kind of pain)
Entonces no ya no pude escapar de tu belleza serte fiel, amarte siempre esa sera mi reconpensa
So, I could no longer escape your beauty, be faithful to you, love you always, that will be my reward
Porque tu sanaste todo ese dolor que tiempo atras tenia y sabia, presentia que un angel como tu encontraria
Because you healed all that pain that I had long ago and I knew, I sensed, that I would find an angel like you
Y hasta el dia de hoy las gracias le doy a ti a ti gracias my love
And to this day I give thanks to you, to you, thank you, my love
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor a mi vida das tu olor
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, you give your scent to my life
A tu lado me quedo, hasta que el de arriba decida soy esclavo a tus pies por todo lo que me brindas
I stay by your side, until He above decides, I am a slave to your feet for everything you give me
Si hay batalla en tus labios es posible que me rinda, quiero hacerte el amor si
If there's a battle on your lips, it's possible I'll surrender, I want to make love to you, yes
Pero de mi vida
But of my life
Se que hace un tiempo me sentia solo uoo
I know that some time ago I felt alone, woo
A falta de amor uoo tu inocencia se volvio todo uoo sano este dolor uoo
Lacking love, woo, your innocence became everything, woo, healed this pain, woo
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor uoo se que lo pensabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, woo, I know you were thinking it
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor uoo cuando me mirabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, woo, when you looked at me
Empezare a contar desde el primer dia que estiraste tu mano y senti quimica con la mia,
I'll start counting from the first day you reached out your hand and I felt chemistry with mine,
Energia vital que se corrio por todo el cuerpo y algo mas que normal por la noche me despierto pensando esa mujer
Vital energy that ran through my whole body and something more than normal, at night I wake up thinking about that woman
Lugar y cuerpo de un angel llegando el amanecer y no se como llamarte
Place and body of an angel as dawn arrives, and I don't know how to call you
Para explicarte y decirte
To explain to you and tell you
Que a besarte con tu bella noche tanto tenerte en mi mente en mis sueños te tuve
That kissing you with your beautiful night, having you so much in my mind, in my dreams I had you
Ven y sube conmigo y te mostrare lo que es amor
Come up with me and I'll show you what love is
Un buen trato de amigos y novio de un buen corazon por favor vuelve a tomar mi mano pa que sientas que tu y yo seremos mejor que el de senicienta
A good deal of friends and a boyfriend with a good heart, please come back and take my hand so you can feel that you and I will be better than Cinderella's
Di si aceptas o quieres yo sherk y tu fiona de cualquier manera tu eres linda
Say yes or if you want, me Shrek and you Fiona, either way you're beautiful
Con o sin corona, mi corazon se emociona porque quiere que te unas a mi vida, formar una familia
With or without a crown, my heart gets excited because it wants you to join my life, start a family
Y bajar la luna
And bring down the moon
Se que hace un tiempo me sentia solo uoo a falta de amor uoo tu inocencia se volvio todo uoo sano este dolor uoo
I know that some time ago I felt alone, woo, lacking love, woo, your innocence became everything, woo, healed this pain, woo
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor uoo se que lo pensabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, woo, I know you were thinking it
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor uoo cuando me mirabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, woo, when you looked at me
Tu presencia se volvio todo por ti soy capaz de dejarlo todo
Your presence became everything, for you I am capable of leaving everything
La calle tambien me apodo contigo si me acomodo, sobre todo te quiero decir
The streets also nickname me with you if I settle down, above all I want to tell you
Que me encanta sentir tu calor, terminaste con este sufrir
That I love feeling your warmth, you ended this suffering
A tu lado creeme que me siento mejor
Believe me, I feel better by your side
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor, no sabes cuanto te amo
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, you don't know how much I love you
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor, contigo yo siempre gano
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, with you I always win
Estamos juntos y asi quiero quedarme por siempre
We are together and this is how I want to stay forever
Tu me cambiaste, me vonvertiste un demente
You changed me, you turned me into a madman
Tu inocencia me encanta sentir tu presencia, tu inteligencia, respirar tu escencia
Your innocence enchants me, feeling your presence, your intelligence, breathing your essence
No me entiende la ciencia, ni esto lo quita un doctor, nadie me quita el sabor de tu boca, ni de tu calor
Science doesn't understand me, nor does a doctor take this away, no one takes away the taste of your mouth, nor your warmth from me
Ay ay ay mi amor nunca te cambiare por nada
Oh, oh, oh, my love, I will never trade you for anything
Eres lo que necesitaba con lo que tanto soñaba
You are what I needed, what I dreamed of so much
Se que hace un tiempo me sentia solo uoo a falta de amor uoo
I know that some time ago I felt alone, woo, lacking love, woo
Tu inocencia se volvio todo uoo
Your innocence became everything, woo
Sano este dolor uoo
Healed this pain, woo
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor se que lo pensabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, I know you were thinking it
Ay ay ay amor ay ay ay amor cuando me mirabas
Oh, oh, oh, love, oh, oh, oh, love, when you looked at me
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