Zazo - Tras n'da famiglia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zazo - Tras n'da famiglia

Tras n'da famiglia
Behind the Family
Ca famiglij
That Family
Nde machinun
In that car
Chest 'intern
This interior
Parn salun
Is like a living room
Nguoll e
They eat
And chat
E cravatt so
Their ties are
Pe signur
For gentlemen
Nun c ver
Don't see
Tenimm e vetr
We have tinted windows
Ner comm
Black as
Comm a nott
As the night
Chest è a machin
This is a car
Pa lott
For a fight
Nun c ferm
It doesn't stop
Manc O poliziott
Not even for the cops
Manc si c sta
Even if there is
O post E blocc
A roadblock
Fra si m raij
Bro, if they catch me
Nu tott
All of it
O luamm a miezz
We take it in half
Cu nu par e bott
With a couple of shots
Facimm pur
We even
E corrier
Nu par e lor
A couple of them
So rimast a per
Were left shocked
Fra nunn'è crer
Bro, don't believe
P me So carabinier
To me they're carabinieri
Ndo quartier
In the neighborhood
Chi c ver
Whoever sees
Allucc fra
Over there, bro
È tutt'appost
It's all good
Si coccrun
If they mess up
Screw up
Nuij mettimm
We'll put
T cos a post
Things right
Se ci vedi arrivare
If you see us arriving
Non ti resta che pregare
All you can do is pray
Sarà una cosa veloce
It will be quick
Fatti la croce
Make the sign of the cross
Si tras nda famiglij
If you're behind the family
Staij cu nuij
Stay with us
Chi tras nda famigli
Whoever's behind the family
N'esc chiu
Doesn't come out
Chi sgarr ca famiglij
Whoever messes with the family
N'o vir chiù
Won't see the light again
Quann tien na famiglij
When you have a family
O stai cu nuij o contr a nuij
You're either with us or against us
Ngopp e sord
With money
Simm pegg re banc
We are worse than banks
Nuij gli affari
E tenimm ndo sang
Have business in our blood
Si tien nu riebt
If you're in trouble
Nun t ramm n'eur
We won't give you a euro
E si nun ce daij
And if you don't give us
Ta vir ner
You'll see black
Si tien
If you have
Nu ristorant
A restaurant
Nun t costamm
It won't cost you
Chiù e tant
That much
Fra t serv
Bro, you need
Na protezion
Contr a chi ten
Against those who have
Brutte intenzion
Bad intentions
C piacn abbondant
We like abundant
E porzion
Ndo fazzulett
In the beans
Mitt nu milion
Put a million
Una sol
One thing
È a convinzion
Is the conviction
P nuij e sord
For us money is
So n'eiaculazion
An ejaculation
Nu par e bombolon
A couple of donuts
E po turnamm a lavor
And then we go back to work
Rind e cas
Back home
Cornic r'or
Gold frames
Ngopp e maxi
On the maxi
Duij tre cani
Two, three dogs
Mangiano infami
They eat like pigs
So mastini
They're mastiffs
Tu che fai
What are you doing
Vai via
Go away
O rimani
Or stay
Fallo Per
Do it for
I tuoi Figli
Your children
Hai fino A Domani
You have until tomorrow
Pensaci bene
Think carefully
Siamo umani
We are human
Tutti vogliamo
We all want
Una ferrari
A Ferrari
Ma non ti Invischiare
But don't get involved
Nei nostri affari
In our business
Ca Succern fatti
Things happen
Si tras nda famiglij
If you're behind the family
Staij cu nuij
Stay with us
Chi tras nda famigli
Whoever's behind the family
N'esc chiu
Doesn't come out
Chi sgarr ca famiglij
Whoever messes with the family
N'o vir chiù
Won't see the light again
Quann tien na famiglij
When you have a family
O stai cu nuij o contr a nuij
You're either with us or against us
Qui a napoli
Here in Naples
Stai attento
Be careful
Ai tuoi cari
With your loved ones
Andiamo a
We're going to
Find them
Poi siamo
Then we're
A cena
To dinner
We want to
Talk to you
No non
No, you're
Si sbaglia
Not wrong
Dalle mie Parti
In my parts
O perdi Uno
You either lose one
Dei tuoi arti
Of your limbs
O ti seppelliamo
Or we bury you
Insieme agli altri
With the others
Nessuno prenderà
No one will take
Le tue parti
Your parts
We have to
Educate you
E part e ca
This place
È nu mattatoio
Is a slaughterhouse
Fra benvenut
Bro, welcome
O purgatorio
To purgatory
Nun c stann
There are no
E test e cuoio
Leather jackets
L'unica legg
The only law
Simm nuij
Is us
Senza Process
Without process
Seconde chance
Second chances
Nun so concess
Aren't granted
Amm sgamat
We caught
Nu traditor
A traitor
O nuov affiliat
The new affiliate
Fa l'esecuzion
Carries out the execution
Si tras nda famiglij
If you're behind the family
Staij cu nuij
Stay with us
Chi tras nda famigli
Whoever's behind the family
N'esc chiu
Doesn't come out
Chi sgarr ca famiglij
Whoever messes with the family
N'o vir chiù
Won't see the light again
Quann tien na famiglij
When you have a family
O stai cu nuij o contr a nuij
You're either with us or against us

Авторы: Francesco Zazo

Zazo - Tras n'da famiglia
Tras n'da famiglia
дата релиза

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