Zedk - صب - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zedk - صب

Pour Out
Hado mrad nafssiyan rebi yjib chifa
This is my heart's desire; Lord, bring healing
Même f supérette w dito ga3 cheatat
Even in the supermarket, you cheated, always the same
N3almek wshno nta b darb ta7fed ljidae
Let me teach you something, with one blow you'll take it seriously
Li chaf l'3odw dakari machi ta3 jidal
Whoever faced the enemy from Dakar doesn't joke in a fight
Hadro fina ch7al w 7na ma3dna 7aja
They talk about us so much, but we don't care
Rappeur li yafchel drok yro7 y'créer paga
A rapper who fails now goes and creates a page
9ouli b'la javel w mat7oulouch
I'm speaking frankly, don't be offended
Kima hak ga3 des malades
It's like everyone's gone crazy
Lwa3ra ki t7ess ro7ek valable
It's funny how you feel valuable
W nass tchoufek kherya lounha tabac
While people see you as worthless, the color of tobacco
Hatli tchof la balle
I'll make you see the bullet
Zed-k kech yrapper capable tetga3ed à table
Zed-k is a capable rapper, you'll retire to the table
Tessma3 ta3rach t7essni papa'k
When you hear my lyrics, you feel like I'm your father
Mara7ch nessma3 ghnak bach nel9a defwat li fik
I don't listen to you to find flaws in you
Nta berk chedit l7a9d nhar roufeztek fi feat
You're the one who witnessed the hatred the day I rejected your feature
7na houma li comme d'hab ma3ndkch 2amel
We're the ones who, as usual, don't have two faces
Machi ghir les soupaps tet3awed kamеl
It's not just the valves, you need a complete overhaul
Rou7 emchi (roh emchi)
Go away (go away)
Rou7 emchi (roh еmchi)
Go away (go away)
Zed-k yeb9alek 3o9da même tkoun b'chib
Zed-k will leave you with resentment, even when you're old
Khali tes fans ya3arfo lfilm
Let your fans know the truth
Nta tizana w hakmak l'vide
You're like herbal tea, your essence is empty
Nhablek rap (nhabelk rap)
I'm going crazy over your rap (crazy over your rap)
Nhablek rap w lokan tssib tkhebi wekhak ya whd zamel
I'm crazy over your rap, even if you try to hide your face, you hypocrite
Nzidlek skhana tbedel el sif njibek l chtaya tbedel zaman
I'll bring the heat to change the summer, bring the winter to change the times
Tessena nderapper bessif t9a3ed bia nferegh ezit
You wait for a summer rapper, I'll leave you squeezing oil
Hna chwakerkom la kan nsit njerik f terrain nredek tssil
We're your nightmares, if we forget, we'll remind you on the field, you'll lose
Njerik f terrain nredek tssil
We'll remind you on the field, you'll lose
Wesh ak thass?
What's wrong?
Dod ak hass chghoul un semi jayez w sabek
You think you're a hotshot, a semi-finalist and a veteran
Redak dir l'fumé ki tjouz 3la shabek
Your response is smoke when you're jealous of your friend
Rooh emchi (sab)
Go away (loser)
Rooh emchi (sab)
Go away (loser)
Tedrab rohek fi rohek matelha9ni f chi
You're hitting yourself, you'll never reach my level
Tedreb rohek fi rohek fi rohek 1000 mera w matel7a9ni f walo
You're hitting yourself, 1000 times, and you'll never reach me
Khok yrappi ga3 les styles haka w haka w haka ncalmé
Your brother raps all styles, like this and that, and I'm calm
Public ta3i bayen chghol boca w riquelme
Your audience is clear, all talk and Riquelme
Nta ka3ba b kwartek chof wejhek fel permis
You're a whore in your neighborhood, look at your face on your ID
Tban 9er3a te3 vernis
You look naked with your nail polish
Roh 9awed 9awed b3id
Go sit, sit further away
Machi ghir rap nta hgartek bel 3in w hgartek bel3ani
It's not just rap, I despise you with my eyes and my being
Mkch kamel kifeh t'attaquini b difa3
You're not even complete, how dare you attack me defensively?
Track d'devil kol kavi jay kifek
Devil's track, every verse is a slap like you
T7essha claquitat f wejhak chghol kifch
You feel the sting on your face like a slap
Ak hass rohek largit f tobogan f kiffan
You feel like you're sliding down a slide, high
Ak fahem!
You understand!
3ndi 7yat 3andk zhar machi m3ak li nelha
I have a life, you have misfortune, I won't share it with you
Machi kifek tab3ouk jit telhat
I'm not like you, I came to enlighten you
Fra7y ah!
My honor!
Hna battaillina heta hkemna l irha9
We battled until we were exhausted
Bdaha m polisario w irhab
Starting with the police and terrorism
Chkon l9ah li kan fikoum yahder
Who among you dared to speak?
Zed-k motherfucker eh houa
Zed-k motherfucker, that's me
Genre tbanli périmé 3asser rohek b flow wahed
You seem outdated, stuck with one flow
Yek siyit cloud dok 3lah te7telna wa3er
You thought you were a cloud, now why are you acting tough?
Kifeh kento bekri kima ntaya nechfalek
How were you before, like you, I'll dry you up
Khritlna fel 7ouma daret denia w klatek
You messed with us, the world turned and slapped you
Ya dra jat f jnabek w lghachi 3labalo
The misfortune came beside you and the misfortune fell upon you
Bli mrad el 9alb 3la dik maderto walo
With all my heart's desire, I did nothing to you
Yekhi baghaloun dir 3la drari li 9aloulek
Hey donkey, ask the ones who told you
Ta3ref wsh ysralo li kima nta nhar yfi9olek
You know what they say about people like you when they wake up
Semini miracle tamen
Call me a miracle, for real
Rohna l sma bla tamen
We reached the sky for free
Machi kima li 9damek wahed fihom ma ytamen
Not like the one in front of you, none of them compare
Nta wela houma kamel mrad el dakhel dakhel
You and they, all talk is cheap
Nta fel i3rab la ma7al lak, tetkhayel, ghamel
In grammar, there's no place for you, you imagine, you're an actor
Nta sebat carre bla talent nta meghlou9 a carreaux
You're a square root without talent, you're locked in a cage
Nta legya f catalogue chgol symbole bla caro
You're a product in a catalog, a symbol without a car
Aya tchof l catalan rap ydor chghol balon
Look at Catalan rap, it spins like a ball
Moussi9a nda7sek trig chghol benejt b macaron
My music shakes you, a Benedict with a macaron
Rani wate9 nta w s7abek ga3 moul wahed
I'm sure you and your friend share the same owner
W had chi ga3 L'3assima 3lih tetafe9
And all of Algiers agrees on that
W balek delma li rak fiha marahich tkhelik tfi9 nhar tkon tnafe9
And maybe the illusion you're living in won't let you wake up when you're exposed
Ya lmounafe9
You hypocrite
Zwawech el 9ermoud welat tehbi
The children of shame are starting to hide
La faute dyali li khelit houriyet ta3bir
It's my fault for allowing freedom of speech
Li derto ana ta3bi machi copier w ta3dil
What I did was hard work, not copying and pasting
Sghar zhat b la3bi ki ntoma kento fel garita ga3din
You insignificant beings with your games, like you were stuck in the barracks
Bel jihawia ta3koum w ana ntirikom wehdi
With your regionalism, and I face you alone
Doka wela ba3di tchof el 16 ga3 meta7din
Now and later, you see the 16th united
W bach t9abel ya 7lil?
And what will you face, dear?
Flow hyatek ga3 bih
Your life flows with it
Nhar siyit tekhdem chant bent youcef el ka3bi
The day you started working on Bent Youcef El Kaabi's song
T7ab sah 3yina m had quality kho
You really want attention with this quality, bro
Meme t9tel grello kayn bezaf menhom
Even if you kill Grello, there are many more
T7at rohek 9dami tban tel3ab fel khor
You stand before me, you look like you're playing in the mud
F kol track sda3 yji ghabi yrfed sba3 w yroh
In every track, a fool comes, raises a finger, and leaves
Ntaya walo f tombola ma ymdokch
You're worthless in the lottery, you won't win
Nta li ytb3ok 3la rassek w troh tejri
You're the one who follows your head and runs away
Meme f houmtek yssm3ouni w ma yssm3oukch (ka3ba)
Even in your own house they listen to me and not to you (bitch)
Reya7 3a9el ak ga3ed fo9 hejri
An intelligent opinion, you're above my level
Hado machi ta3 rap hado ga3ro l a3raf
These are not for rap, they're for the streets
Hado 9ouli ta3men? hadou machi ta3na wmachi ta3 rap bihom kraht
These, you say they're blind? They're not our type, and they're not for rap, they make me hate it
Bihom rap mrad w ma ta3raf ta9der tclashihom ybda yjohom a3rad
They make rap sick, and you can't even classify them, they get exposed
B kemyat 3rag? roh lplace okhra w lem khrak wrak
With tons of shame? Go somewhere else and shut your mouth
Majitch tetmehbel ga3 mrad w ga3 mhabel ghir draf
I didn't come to play, it's all serious and crazy, just listen
Tsema arwah ajbed mi9lama wel awra9 w ejdeb aghradek
Listen, spirits, bring the pen and paper, and I'll draw your graves
Roh emssa7 seboura w 3awd welli roh reyah win rak talamid
Go clean the board and come back, see where you are, you're a student
Rak meghmoum chghoul chayed el boul
You're trapped, stuck like chewed gum
Fel game tbano chghol PUBG boot
In the game, they appear like a PUBG boot
L9aw ta3 biggy fer7ou chghol une coupe
They found Biggie's lighter, they celebrated like it's a trophy
Ki ndirholek "You will feeling good"
When I tell you "You will feeling good"
Hadak wesh 9edro yhawsso hadak wesh l9aw
That's what they were able to feel, that's what they found
Meme mes fans raho sem3ouk djebrelhom r9ad
Even my fans, I made them fall asleep listening to you
3lah t9ol mat3rfnich wnta chayed wer9a
Why do you say you don't know me, you crumpled paper?
W t3amer f les fautes kan 9outli nzidek gheltat
And you're full of mistakes, I should have added more
Ana ghlet bzzaf f hyati mais hna kona real
I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but here we're real
Hado li kano b star ja nhar t9eyaw
These who were acting tough, one day they'll apologize
Na3tilek rayi fia? public yehdar 3liya
Want my opinion? The public supports me
Li yekrahni ghir zamel! w hada charaf lia
Only hypocrites hate me! And that's an honor for me
Li yekrahni ghir zamel! w hada charaf lia
Only hypocrites hate me! And that's an honor for me

Авторы: Zed K

Zedk - صب
дата релиза

1 صب

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