Zenit - Arde Paris - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zenit - Arde Paris

Arde Paris
Paris is Burning
Arde París (Con Dernier Pro)
Paris is Burning (with Dernier Pro)
Composição: Indisponível
Composition: Unavailable
- Alo?
- Hello?
- Dernier, ca va quoi? C′est Zenit.
- Dernier, what's up? It's Zenit.
- Ouai Zenit, ca va ou quoi?
- Yeah Zenit, what's going on?
- J'ecoutais la radio ces news dans le quartier francais.
- I was just listening to the radio, all this news about the French neighborhood.
- Ouai, c′est un truc de fou, laisse tomber.
- Yeah, it's crazy, forget about it.
- Ca va toi?
- Are you okay?
- Bien
- Fine.
- Parce qu'ici les informations sont inquietantes.
- Because the information here is worrying.
- Ouai, ouai, ca va t'inquiete, t′inquiete ca va.
- Yeah, yeah, it'll worry you, don't worry, it'll be okay.
Ca brule des caisses dans toutes les caisses de France,
Cars are burning in every hood in France,
Et meme jusqu′en Espagne on me demande qu'est
And even as far as Spain they ask me what
Ce t′en pense de tous ces chefs qui nous menent a la plaquette.
I think about all these leaders who are leading us to ruin.
Aujourd'hui autant te dire que je regrette l′enfance.
Today, I can tell you that I miss my childhood.
Ils ont sali le drapeau et veulent nous faire porter le chapeau,
They have soiled the flag and want us to take the blame,
Depuis que ca brule sous les fenetres d'en face. Yo.
Ever since it started burning under the windows across the street. Yo.
Ca fait des piges deja qu′on disait que ca sentait
We've been saying for a while now that it smelled like
Les gaz, en restant sourd a nos appels
Gas, remaining deaf to our calls
Ils ont arriser les braises
They've stirred the embers
Mais qu'est ce qu'il nous reste si meme.
But what do we have left if even
Nos gangstars ne peuvent renouer le contacts.
Our gangsters can't reconnect.
Entre la classe politique et ma jeunesse,
Between the political class and my youth,
Entre leur ignorance et nos tonnes de SOS,
Between their ignorance and our tons of SOS,
Entre nos plaintes, nos cris, les renpends.
Between our complaints, our cries, the reprisals.
Dans la crainte du pardon, mais qui doit
In the fear of forgiveness, but who should
Demander pardon? Yo.
Ask for forgiveness? Yo.
France tu peux oser avoir honte,
France, you can dare to be ashamed,
Comme dit Egz, on n′est pas du meme monde.
As Egz says, we are not from the same world.
Letras de una música minoritaria,
Lyrics of a minority music,
Ya lo avisaban hace una década.
They warned us a decade ago.
Si de cada vandlie cada voz que se levantaba,
If every act of vandalism, every voice that rose up,
Y pidió ser escuchada, fue callada
And asked to be heard, was silenced
Y tachada de violenta.
And branded as violent.
Cuenta con los dedos de una mano cuántos han escuchado,
Count on the fingers of one hand how many have listened,
O que desde hace tantos años el barrio contar intenta.
Or what the neighborhood has been trying to tell for so many years.
Siéntate con ellos, no les lances a sus cuellos.
Sit with them, don't throw at their necks.
Atropellos de gendarmes que la barriada reviente.
The outrages of gendarmes that make the neighborhood explode.
Les quedaba una escapada, revelarse
They had one escape route, to rebel
En esa tierra prometida que desde hace tres generaciones
In that promised land that for three generations
Repitió el mensaje que contiene la sexta mirada.
Repeated the message contained in the sixth gaze.
Levantar la barricada y lavar la colada;
Raise the barricade and wash the laundry;
Trapos sucios que quemó esa llamarada de impotencia.
Dirty rags that were burned by that flame of impotence.
No han servido para nada, no han manchado
They have served no purpose, they have not stained
La fachada de una nación que cada madrugada
The facade of a nation that every dawn
Canta la misma balada, pretendiendo ser tormenta.
Sings the same ballad, pretending to be a storm.
Ils veulent enterrer ma jeunesse avec la repression.
They want to bury my youth with repression.
Quieren enterrar mi juventud con la opresión.
They want to bury my youth with oppression.
Ils veulent enterrer ma jeunesse et sa motivation.
They want to bury my youth and its motivation.
Quieren enterrar mi juventud y su motivación.
They want to bury my youth and its motivation.
France en ebulition, proche de revolution,
France in turmoil, close to revolution,
Quand les vieux en costard trouvent pas de solution,
When the old men in suits find no solution,
Et rejettent la faute sur nous autres
And they blame us others
Et accusent le rap et ses tops du desordres.
And accuse rap and its top hits of the disorder.
Mais le desordre vient de l′urgence de
But the disorder comes from the urgency of
L'epoque et l′epoque tente a manquer de
The times and the times tend to lack
Vrai ordres politiques.
Real political orders.
Ca manque d'idees et de leaders prolifiques,
There is a lack of ideas and prolific leaders,
Ca manque de crant et de nous au sein de l′hemistique.
There is a lack of courage and of us within the hemistich.
Donc on ne parle pas et si on essaient, on ne se comprend pas,
So we don't talk and if we try, we don't understand each other,
Alors on gueule et ils n'entendent pas.
So we yell and they don't listen.
France, ose avoir honte ou preferes-tu
France, dare to be ashamed or do you prefer
Que l′on fasse les comptes.
That we settle the score.
Hoy tu mente se pregunta, ¿aquí ocurrirá lo mismo?
Today your mind wonders, will the same thing happen here?
Hoy toda la gente apunta que el rap y su mecanismo
Today all the people point out that rap and its mechanism
Son culpables de bandas insociables
Are guilty of antisocial gangs
Con deseos insaciables de venganza.
With insatiable desires for revenge.
La rebelión les lanza hacia un abismo
The rebellion throws them into an abyss
Del que no podrán salir una vez provocado el seísmo.
From which they will not be able to escape once the earthquake has been provoked.
Ahora los políticos a todo sacan punta
Now politicians are making a big deal out of everything
Y desvían el asunto. MC's ponemos sobre i el punto.
And diverting the issue. MC's, we're putting the dot on the i.
La esperanza de los desheredados del país de
The hope of the disinherited of the country next door
Al lado está difunta, y yo me pregunto
Is dead, and I wonder
¿Seguirán criminalizando al mundo del Hip-Hop
Will they continue to criminalize the world of Hip-Hop
Y silenciando el verdadero problema
And silencing the real problem
Para que nadie hable del asunto?
So that no one talks about it?
Escuchen a los hijos de su patria,
Listen to the children of your homeland,
Yo lo digo así, rotundo.
I say it like this, bluntly.
Cuiden a la gente de la calle como a luz.
Take care of the people of the street as if they were light.
El inmigrante no es un delincuente por ser inmigrante,
The immigrant is not a criminal for being an immigrant,
Dirigente. Bajo asunto.
Leader. Understood.
Ils veulent enterrer ma jeunesse avec la repression.
They want to bury my youth with repression.
Quieren enterrar mi juventud con la opresión.
They want to bury my youth with oppression.
Ils veulent enterrer ma jeunesse et sa motivation.
They want to bury my youth and its motivation.
Quieren enterrar mi juventud y su motivación.
They want to bury my youth and its motivation.

Авторы: Dernier Pro

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