Zera - Papa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zera - Papa

Oh, da wo du bist
Where you are
Hör' ich mein Herz nicht
I don't hear my heart
Meine letze Nachricht
My final message
Oh nein, mein Herz
Oh no, my heart
Es kommt ins Meer von innen
It's coming to the sea from within
Otkad si tu, ona sveća gori duže sad
Since you're here, that candle burns longer now
I k'o u snu, lepše pljušti onaj vodopad
And like in a dream, that waterfall pours more beautifully
I ovaj put nadam se da biće bolje sad
And this time, I hope it will be better now
Daj mi tu, tu molitvu
Give me that, that prayer
Otkad si tu, ona sveća gori duže sad
Since you're here, that candle burns longer now
I k'o u snu, lepše pljušti onaj vodopad
And like in a dream, that waterfall pours more beautifully
I ovaj put nadam se da biće bolje sad
And this time, I hope it will be better now
Daj mi tu, tu molitvu
Give me that, that prayer
Bilo je scheiße, a sad je mnogo lakše
It was terrible, but now it's easier
Otkad si zakucao tačku, sve je naopačke
Since you put a period where it was wrong
Otkad si rek'o: "Svet nije za mene, nema nade"
Since you said, "The world isn't for me, there's no hope
A opet srce kradеš i opet nade daješ
But then you steal my heart and then you give me hope again
Pa opеt popij taj votka Big Bang
So come on, drink that vodka Big Bang again
I onda se utopi, baby, darling, do your thing
And then drown, baby, darling, do your thing
Ma koliko mi znači to što nisi dao sve
No matter how much it means to me that you didn't give it your all
Da ostanemo gde voleli smo se pre, pre, pre, pre
To stay in a place where we loved each other before, before, before, before
Otkad si tu, ona sveća gori duže sad
Since you're here, that candle burns longer now
I k'o u snu, lepše pljušti onaj vodopad
And like in a dream, that waterfall pours more beautifully
I ovaj put nadam se da biće bolje sad
And this time, I hope it will be better now
Daj mi tu, tu molitvu
Give me that, that prayer
Otkad si tu, ona sveća gori duže sad
Since you're here, that candle burns longer now
I k'o u snu, lepše pljušti onaj vodopad
And like in a dream, that waterfall pours more beautifully
I ovaj put nadam se da biće bolje sad
And this time, I hope it will be better now
Daj mi tu, tu molitvu
Give me that, that prayer
Sav taj show gledam, svi otpočetka
I watch the whole show, everyone from the beginning
Ti samo napadaj, znam ja taj završetak
You just attack, I know that ending
Ja želim samo da sve to bude kako treba
I just want all of this to be okay
Ti želis samo endorfina, skok do neba
You just want endorphins, a jump to the sky
Oh, da wo du bist
Where you are
Hör' ich mein Herz nicht
I don't hear my heart
Meine letze Nachricht
My final message
Oh nein, mein Herz
Oh no, my heart
Es kommt ins Meer von innen
It's coming to the sea from within
Oh, da wo du bist
Where you are
Hör' ich mein Herz nicht
I don't hear my heart
Meine letze Nachricht
My final message
Oh nein, mein Herz
Oh no, my heart
Es kommt ins Meer von innen
It's coming to the sea from within
Otkad si tu, ona sveća gori duže sad
Since you're here, that candle burns longer now
I k'o u snu, lepše pljušti onaj vodopad
And like in a dream, that waterfall pours more beautifully
I ovaj put nadam se da biće bolje sad
And this time, I hope it will be better now
Daj mi tu, tu molitvu
Give me that, that prayer
Otkad si tu, ona sveća gori duže sad
Since you're here, that candle burns longer now
I k'o u snu, lepše pljušti onaj vodopad
And like in a dream, that waterfall pours more beautifully
I ovaj put nadam se da biće bolje sad
And this time, I hope it will be better now
Daj mi tu, tu molitvu
Give me that, that prayer

Авторы: Aleksandar Maldaner, Marina Pezerović

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