Zeus - Mamy tu funk dla Ciebie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zeus - Mamy tu funk dla Ciebie

Mamy tu funk dla Ciebie
We give you funk
Damy tu rap... jak nie wiesz
We'll give you rap... in case you don't know
Caly ten swiat... on jest tu dla nas
This whole world... is here for us
Ty mu to daj... na full od rana
You give it to him... full blast from morning
Czasami lapie cie dol, zycie cie lamie na pol
Sometimes you get depressed, life breaks you in half
Czy sie zalamiesz? ja wiem, ze tu to jedna ze szkol
Do you break down? I know, it's one of the schools here
Czasami nie chce ci sie budzic nawet
Sometimes you don't even want to wake up
I kiedy budzik dzwoni, dostaje z buly w jape
And when the alarm clock rings, it gets punched in the face
Ja tez to mialem wiec sie nie lam nic
I had that too, so don't let anything break you
I zanim zaczniesz testament, lykniesz cyjanek
And before you start your will, swallow some cyanide
I ze sznurowadel zaczniesz robic petle
And start making a noose with your shoelaces
Posluchaj, co sie stalo, ze tu teraz jestem
Listen to what happened, that I'm here now
Mialem tak z dziesiec lat, z dziesiec kilo nadwagi
I was like ten years old, ten kilos overweight
Moze wiecej, nie przywiazujmy do szczegolow wagi
Maybe more, let's not get too hung up on the details
Nie bylem moze tak wspanialy, jak teraz
I may not have been as great as I am now
Ale mialem potencjal na super-bohatera
But I had the potential to be a superhero
Choc na WF-ach czesto stalem na bramce
Although in PE I often stood in goal
I kiepski bylby ze mnie harcerz
And I would have been a lousy scout
I chociaz na matmie, czasem, wolniej lapalem temat
And although in math, sometimes, I was a bit slow on the uptake
Dotrwalem do teraz, i teraz
I made it to now, and now
Mamy tu funk... dla ciebie
We've got funk... for you
Damy tu rap... jak nie wiesz
We'll give you rap... in case you don't know
Caly ten swiat... on jest tu dla nas
This whole world... is here for us
Ty mu to daj... na full od rana
You give it to him... full blast from morning
Po paru latach, juz w liceum, bracie
After a few years, already in high school, brother
Spedzalem wiecej czasu na wagarach niz w klasie
I spent more time playing truant than in class
Wiedzialem, ze to glupie, lecz jak glupie dziecko
I knew it was stupid, but like a stupid kid
Myslalem, ze i tak umre przed trzydziestka
I thought I'd die before I was thirty anyway
Siedzialem wiec na dupie, na krzesle
So I sat on my ass, on a chair
I roslem wszerz, jakbym mial sponsoring Nestle
And grew wider, as if I had Nestle sponsorship
Cale szczescie, ziomy, ktoregos dnia
Luckily, dude, one day
W czytniku mojej konsoli nie zawitala gra
A game did not appear in my console's reader
Nie mam pojecia do dat, sorry
I have no idea about dates, sorry
I nie pamietam jak brzmial ten pierwszy bit z Sony
And I don't remember how that first bit from Sony sounded
Pamietam, ze latalem wystrzelony, jak z procy
I remember flying around like I was shot out of a slingshot
Z niedowierzaniem przecierajac oczy
Rubbing my eyes in disbelief
I gdybys dzis mnie poprosil o opis tego dnia
And if you asked me today for a description of that day
Zebym sie cofnal do przeszlosci
For me to go back to the past
To ja powiedzialbym ci tak - o Bogu wiem niewiele
I would tell you this - about God I know very little
Lecz byl na pewno tam, jesli tylko istnieje
But he was certainly there, if he only exists
Mamy tu funk... dla ciebie
We've got funk... for you
Damy tu rap... jak nie wiesz
We'll give you rap... in case you don't know
Caly ten swiat... on jest tu dla nas
This whole world... is here for us
Ty mu to daj... na full od rana
You give it to him... full blast from morning
Przez jakis czas mialem nowy powod
For a while I had a new reason
Zeby nie chodzic do szkoly, byc zagrozonym, znowu
Not to go to school, to be in danger, again
Wiec, w oczach moich wrogow, z wtedy
So, in the eyes of my enemies, from back then
Mialem kolejny problem niestety
I had another problem unfortunately
Do tego doloz kompleksy, co-weekendowy melanz
Add to that complexes, weekend binges
Poklady agresji, ktorej wyzyc gdzie nie ma
Deposits of aggression, which I had nowhere to vent
I masz tego rapera tylko z dawnych dni
And you have this rapper only from the old days
Byli zli, czy sie dziwic im?
Were they angry, is it any wonder?
Potrzeba lat, zeby dojrzec
It takes years to mature
Zeby zrozumiec, co jest dla nas dobre
To understand what is good for us
Czasu nie cofniesz, lecz jutro i dzis
You can't turn back time, but tomorrow and today
To to, na co masz jeszcze wplyw
That's what you can still influence
Wiec mowie tobie spelniaj sny, olej zawisc i zlosc
So I tell you, fulfill your dreams, forget about envy and malice
To zawsze wraca i nam daje w kosc
It always comes back and gives us a hard time
Zrob sensownego cos, w calym zalewie gowna
Do something sensible, in all the flood of shit
Niech twoja matka bedzie z ciebie dumna
Let your mother be proud of you
Mamy tu funk... dla ciebie
We've got funk... for you

Авторы: Zeus

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