Zhou Shen - 意犹在 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zhou Shen - 意犹在

Intent Remains
北燕歸 秋去冬來
The north swallow returns, autumn departs into winter
Courageous valor still exists
西 風烈 不休 悽露一抹殘秋
The west wind rages, incessantly whipping up the last remnants of autumn with a desolate drizzle
花落 不甘隨 風走
Yellow flowers fall, unwilling to be carried away by the wind
吹盡 莫傷透 離愁
Even though the wind blows everything away, don’t let it wound your lingering sorrow and worry
Endure, as you have until now
與恨 滴血的 傷口
Love and hate inflict bleeding wounds
與落 撕裂的 顫抖
Dispersal and detachment tear us apart with fear
莫忘 霧去盼 歸帆
Don't forget the suffering; in the aftermath of the fog, watch for the returning sails
故城 裡魂歸人 破散
The desolate city is filled with the scattered souls of the departed
雄關 萬里長
Look at the long and winding passes
斜陽 草樹短
Short grass and trees in the setting sun
The light can't reach the other side of the water, where the grasslands stretch out flat and the smoke of war has cleared
歷盡 風雨 踏遍河山
Through wind and rain, I've journeyed far and wide
幾度夢醒 千迴百轉
Awakening from countless dreams, my thoughts are in turmoil
醉臥 不知 誰人 換新盞
Lying in a drunken stupor, I don't know who has refilled my cup
The sunset clouds retreat and the path ahead is treacherous
戰袍 迎風 旌旗再展
With battle attire billowing in the wind, the banners unfurl once more
幾番 風雨 壯志未減
Through trials and tribulations, my resolve remains unbroken
烽火再燃 披甲再一馬當先
As the beacon fires ignite again, I don my armor and charge into battle
I dance with my sword, asking the heavens if there is anything to fear
離弦箭 力拔五嶽 衝破九霄雲天
My arrow, loosed from the bow, has the strength of five mountains and pierces the clouds
策馬揚鞭 何懼迷途艱險
I ride with a whip, never fearing the hardships of a lost path
長歌 地廣天寬
My song echoes through the vast land and sky
黃沙漫天 不把忠魂掩
The yellow sand fills the sky, but it cannot bury my unwavering spirit
利刃追光 斬不斷 熊熊燃燒火焰
My blade pursues the light, unable to extinguish the fire that burns within
馬換新鞍 嘆天思緒萬千
I change saddles, sighing as my thoughts wander
照當空 但覺寒
I look up at the empty sky, feeling only a chill
枯木歸兮 飛燕繞樑前
The withered tree returns, and swallows circle the eaves
鐵甲不暖 秋寒 看月照屋簷
My armor cannot shield me from the autumn cold as I watch the moon illuminate the roof
滿腔 豪情 落塵庭院
My fervent passion has settled into the courtyard dust
I only await the moment when I can mount my horse and ride forth
歸去來 意猶在
The geese return, but my heart remains
歸去來 意猶在
The geese return, but my heart remains

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