Zkramble - Pluma de Buitre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zkramble - Pluma de Buitre

Pluma de Buitre
Vulture's Feather
Hay un sembradío vacío de blanquecino color
There's an empty field, a whitish color
Tengo semillas de letras y justo soy el arador
I have seeds of lyrics and I'm the ploughman, girl
Me da pudor seguir parao' en el mismo lao'
I'm ashamed to keep standing in the same spot
Todo quieto pero el reloj sigue corriendo apresurao'
Everything's still, but the clock keeps rushing by, babe
El tiempo es oro y tu jefe te valora a quilates
Time is money and your boss values you in carats
Deja tu libertad prácticamente en jaque mate
Leaves your freedom practically in checkmate
A veces en tu mente su cabeza contra el bate
Sometimes in your mind, his head against the bat
Pero actuai con sumisión te trate como te trate
But you act submissively, no matter how he treats you, darling
El cable a veces no se corta con un puro hachazo
Sometimes the cable doesn't break with a single axe blow
Si tendiste la mano, estoy aquí pa' dar abrazos
If you reached out your hand, I'm here to give hugs, sweetheart
No te limites al tiempo libre delimitao'
Don't limit yourself to the delimited free time
Procura mantener en tu interior todo equilibrao'
Try to keep everything balanced inside you, love
A veces me dan ganas de tirar to' por la ventana
Sometimes I feel like throwing everything out the window
Pero antes pienso que con eso nada se gana
But then I think that nothing is gained from that
Deja las mañas y enfócate en lo que apaña
Leave the bad habits and focus on what works, honey
El panorama se hace normal con un par de dramas
The panorama becomes normal with a couple of dramas
Te invito a ser el primer testigo de este embruje
I invite you to be the first witness of this spell
Tu cerebro estrujé, este león ruge
I squeezed your brain, this lion roars
La pista existe y me pide a gritos que dibuje
The track exists and screams for me to draw on it
Esta vida es corta y no se aprovecha si la sufres
This life is short and it's not enjoyed if you suffer it, dear
A me cunde, el esfuerzo no lo arrojo
It works for me, I don't throw away the effort
Pa' adelante aunque tenga lagañas en la orilla del ojo
Forward, even if I have sleep in the corner of my eye
Por mi ideología no concluyan que soy rojo
Don't conclude that I'm a communist because of my ideology
Ni van a sesiones y nosotros somos los flojos
Nor do they go to sessions and we are the lazy ones
Todo es la misma mierda en distintas direcciones
Everything is the same shit in different directions
Apoyan al Che o a Pinochet, igual de weones
They support Che or Pinochet, equally foolish
Soy versátil y no por tirar versos pa ti
I'm versatile and not because I'm spitting verses for you, girl
Es por narrar lo nada fácil que es vivir aquí
It's to narrate how difficult it is to live here
Pero quien cacha, se enchufa
But whoever gets it, plugs in
No se rehúsa, que los sapos se preocupen de su nenúfar
Doesn't refuse, let the toads worry about their water lily
Soy mitad niño, mitad adulto
I'm half child, half adult
Sin quitarme la manía de criticar sin insultos
Without losing my habit of criticizing without insults
Me siento y de paso observo el vaivén de las olas
I sit and watch the waves sway
Viendo el fracaso ese de tantos que se pisan la cola
Seeing the failure of so many who step on each other's tails
Si hay ausencia de color te desespera
If there's an absence of color, it despairs you
Ergo culpan al gato negro pasando bajo escaleras
Therefore, they blame the black cat passing under ladders
Converso vida verdadera, no la decoro
I speak real life, I don't decorate it
Prefiero mil versos que tantos patrones de coro
I prefer a thousand verses to so many chorus patterns
The street recorro 'cause walking is made for me
The street I roam 'cause walking is made for me
And rappin' I put 'em between the devil and the deep sea
And rappin' I put 'em between the devil and the deep sea
Me meo en todos sus falsos testimonios
I piss on all their false testimonies
Desenmascaro a quienes deseen más caros patrimonios
I unmask those who desire more expensive patrimonies
Obeso mórbido en rimas y físicamente flaco
Morbidly obese in rhymes and physically thin
Traigo rimas con bubónica aliadas con amoníaco
I bring rhymes with bubonic plague allied with ammonia
Nadie los funa si no fuera porque están funaos
No one calls them out if it weren't for the fact they're already called out
Quieren subir escalones con cordones desabrochaos
They want to climb stairs with untied shoelaces
Creen que sueltan fuego y de esto no cachan ni una
They think they're spitting fire and they don't know a thing about this
No tuvieron sentimiento si tuvieron oro en cuna
They had no feeling if they had gold in their cradle
Una, dos, tres jalo el gatillo
One, two, three, I pull the trigger
Disparo versos pa' traperos de ahora sin brillo
I shoot verses for dull rappers of today
La pará' se interesa en tatuarse y teñirse el pelo
The crowd is interested in getting tattoos and dyeing their hair
Vai a sentir en breve mis claps en el cerebelo
You're gonna feel my claps in your cerebellum soon
Por hablar de tanta calle no te pongo en un atril
By talking about so much street, I don't put you on a lectern
Porque la misma es tierra de nadie como Bir Tawil
Because it's a no man's land like Bir Tawil
Bonita y colorida, a veces sucia y vil
Beautiful and colorful, sometimes dirty and vile
Someone likes to live, meanwhile another likes to kill
Someone likes to live, meanwhile another likes to kill
No es que este volviendo es que nunca me fui
It's not that I'm coming back, it's that I never left
And I keep rapping about everything that I live
And I keep rapping about everything that I live
El sentido en esta esfera achatada no lo vi
I didn't see the meaning in this flattened sphere
Cuando cacho que el desprecio atrae y aburre lo gentil
When I realize that contempt attracts and kindness bores
Lo futil, lo inútil causa repercusión
The futile, the useless causes repercussion
Y el mutis reina si haces buena acción
And silence reigns if you do a good deed
Te quieren K.O sin poder levantarte
They want you K.O. without being able to get up
Crucifican al del barrio y al lejano llaman estandarte
They crucify the one from the neighborhood and call the distant one a banner
Siempre busco ser true, tu falsedad pal vertedero
I always try to be true, your falsehood to the dump
Quiero dejar la huella en este mundo rastrero
I want to leave my mark on this wretched world
Haciendo reflexionar mediante mi tintero
Making people reflect through my inkwell
Los pensamientos que tengo desde lo más sincero
The thoughts I have from the most sincere place
Si quisiera dinero hubiera dejado esto hace rato
If I wanted money, I would have left this a long time ago
Despreocuparme de la música y firmar unos contratos
Forget about music and sign some contracts
Mi filosofía siempre ha sido el desacato
My philosophy has always been defiance
Así que no pensí que voy a acordar con tu trato
So don't think I'm going to agree with your deal

Авторы: Jean Franco Plaza

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